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www/fun humor.html

From: Joakim Olsson
Subject: www/fun humor.html
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 13:22:27 +0000

CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Joakim Olsson <jocke>   07/03/19 13:22:27

Modified files:
        fun            : humor.html 

Log message:
        Fixed invalid HTML.


Index: humor.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/fun/humor.html,v
retrieving revision 1.38
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -b -r1.38 -r1.39
--- humor.html  16 Feb 2007 13:14:46 -0000      1.38
+++ humor.html  19 Mar 2007 13:22:22 -0000      1.39
@@ -5,374 +5,345 @@
 <!-- thanks -->
 <!-- -neel -->
 <!--          -->
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
-<TITLE>Laugh along with GNU - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation 
-<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/gnu.css" />
-<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
-<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
-<H3>Laugh along with GNU</H3>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<title>Laugh along with GNU - GNU Project - Free Software
+Foundation (FSF)</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
+"text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/gnu.css">
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:address@hidden";>
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#1F00FF" alink=
+"#FF0000" vlink="#9900DD">
+<h3>Laugh along with GNU</h3>
 <!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
      to also point to the correct html page.
      If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
      a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html                     -->
-<A HREF="/graphics/gleesons.html"><IMG SRC="/graphics/gleeson_head.jpg"
-   ALT=" [colorful rounded image of the Head of a GNU]"
-   WIDTH="153" HEIGHT="128"></A>
-<a href="#translations">Translations</a> of this page:<BR>
-  <A HREF="humor.cn.html">Chinese(Simplified)</A>
-| <A HREF="humor.zh.html">Chinese(Traditional)</A>
-| <A HREF="humor.html">English</A>
-| <A HREF="humor.ja.html">Japanese</A>
-<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
-<H4>Table of contents</H4>
-  <LI><A HREF="#Introduction"
-       NAME="TOCIntroduction">Introduction</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="#CreateMoreLaughs"
-       NAME="TOCCreateMoreLaughs">Create More Laughs</A>
-  <LI>Laughs
-       <UL>
-        <LI><A HREF="#Computing"
-             NAME="TOCComputing">Computing</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#Documentation"
-             NAME="TOCDocumentation">Documentation</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#TheFourthEstate"
-             NAME="TOCTheFourthEstate">The Fourth Estate</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#Music"
-             NAME="TOCMusic">Music</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#Philosophy" NAME="TOCPhilo">Philosophy</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#Poems" NAME="TOCPoems">Poems</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#ScienceAndEngineering"
-             NAME="TOCScienceAndEngineering">Science And Engineering</A>
-        <LI><A HREF="#Software"
-             NAME="TOCSoftware">Software</A>
-        <li><a href="#Spam" name="TOCSpam">Spam</a>
+<a href="/graphics/gleesons.html"><img src=
+"/graphics/gleeson_head.jpg" alt=
+" [colorful rounded image of the Head of a GNU]" width="153"
+<p><a href="#translations">Translations</a> of this page:<br>
+[ <a href="humor.cn.html">Chinese(Simplified)</a> | <a href=
+"humor.zh.html">Chinese(Traditional)</a> | <a href=
+"humor.html">English</a> | <a href="humor.ja.html">Japanese</a>
+<p><!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. --></p>
+<h4>Table of contents</h4>
+<li><a href="#Introduction" name="TOCIntroduction" id=
+<li><a href="#CreateMoreLaughs" name="TOCCreateMoreLaughs" id=
+"TOCCreateMoreLaughs">Create More Laughs</a></li>
+<li><a href="#Computing" name="TOCComputing" id=
+<li><a href="#Documentation" name="TOCDocumentation" id=
+<li><a href="#TheFourthEstate" name="TOCTheFourthEstate" id=
+"TOCTheFourthEstate">The Fourth Estate</a></li>
+<li><a href="#Music" name="TOCMusic" id="TOCMusic">Music</a></li>
+<li><a href="#Philosophy" name="TOCPhilo" id=
+<li><a href="#Poems" name="TOCPoems" id="TOCPoems">Poems</a></li>
+<li><a href="#ScienceAndEngineering" name=
+"TOCScienceAndEngineering" id="TOCScienceAndEngineering">Science
+And Engineering</a></li>
+<li><a href="#Software" name="TOCSoftware" id=
+<li><a href="#Spam" name="TOCSpam" id="TOCSpam">Spam</a>
 <!-- Most readers like lists to be of manageable length.  So try as -->
 <!-- this Unclassified section grows, to add new sections above. -->
 <!-- That is, classify some of the unclassified jokes into new -->
-<!-- categories. -->
-        <LI><A HREF="#Unclassified"
-             NAME="TOCUnclassified">Unclassified</A>
-       </UL>
-  <LI><A HREF="#Disclaimer"
-       NAME="TOCDisclaimer">Disclaimer</A>
-       including a perfect
-       <a href="/fun/jokes/purchase.agreement.html">Disclaimer!</a>
-   <LI><A HREF="#Guidelines"
-       NAME="TOCGuidelines">Humor Submission Guidelines</A>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCIntroduction" NAME="Introduction">Introduction</A></H4>
-This is a web page designed to provide some laughs to the working hackers.
-It contains software, documentation, music, poems, etc.
-submitted by GNU users and collected by GNU contributers over the years.
-Many of the graphics in the
-<A HREF="/graphics/graphics.html">GNU Art Gallery</A>
-also have humorous twists.
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCCreateMoreLaughs" NAME="CreateMoreLaughs">Create More 
-Here are some
-<A HREF="/server/tasks.html#fun">more laughs</A>
-that could be added here.
-Humor submissions are welcome and encouraged. Please read
-<A HREF="#Guidelines">Humor Submission Guidelines</a> for
-details about submitting content for the humor section.
-Please send us,
-<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>,
-your ideas for more laughs to be added to this page and this web site!
+<!-- categories. --></li>
+<li><a href="#Unclassified" name="TOCUnclassified" id=
+<li><a href="#Disclaimer" name="TOCDisclaimer" id=
+"TOCDisclaimer">Disclaimer</a> including a perfect <a href=
+<li><a href="#Guidelines" name="TOCGuidelines" id=
+"TOCGuidelines">Humor Submission Guidelines</a></li>
+<h4><a href="#TOCIntroduction" name="Introduction" id=
+This is a web page designed to provide some laughs to the working
+It contains software, documentation, music, poems, etc. submitted
+by GNU users and collected by GNU contributers over the years.
+<p>Many of the graphics in the <a href=
+"/graphics/graphics.html">GNU Art Gallery</a> also have humorous
+<h4><a href="#TOCCreateMoreLaughs" name="CreateMoreLaughs" id=
+"CreateMoreLaughs">Create More Laughs</a></h4>
+Here are some <a href="/server/tasks.html#fun">more laughs</a> that
+could be added here.
+<p>Humor submissions are welcome and encouraged. Please read
+<a href="#Guidelines">Humor Submission Guidelines</a> for details
+about submitting content for the humor section.</p>
+<p>Please send us, <a href=
+"mailto:address@hidden";><em>address@hidden</em></a>, your
+ideas for more laughs to be added to this page and this web site!
 <!--   When adding an entry here, please also
        announce it on /server/whatsnew.html
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCSoftware" NAME="Software">Software</A></H4>
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/gcc.html">Suggested GCC Options</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/declarations.html">Funny C/C++ Declarations</a>.
-  <LI>GPLd <A HREF="/fun/jokes/dna.html">source code</A> for humans.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/ed.html">Source code for ed :-)</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/brainfuck.html">Source code for ed in
-  BrainFuck ;-)</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/errno.2.html">Errno codes</a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/error-haiku.html">Error messages</A> in Haiku.
-  <LI><A href="/fun/jokes/happy-new-year.cfbC.html">Happy New Year in 4 
-  <LI><A href="/fun/jokes/merry-xmas.xhtml">Merry Christmas in 4 languages</a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/long-options.html">Long Options?</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/software.terms.html">Software Terms</a>.
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/pasta.code.html">Spaghetti Code</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/unix.errors.html">Unix Error Messages</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/gnu-overflow.html">GNU-Overflow?</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/helloworld.html">Hello World !</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/gnuemacs.html">GNU Emacs</a>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCDocumentation" NAME="Documentation">Documentation</A></H4>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/echo.msg.html">GNU Echo</A>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html">Ed, man! !man ed</A>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/power.users.html">Power Users Guide</A>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/know.your.sysadmin.html">Know your system
-       administrator</A>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/gnuemacs.acro.exp.html">GNU Emacs acronym 
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCMusic" NAME="Music">Music</A></H4>
+<h4><a href="#TOCSoftware" name="Software" id=
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gcc.html">Suggested GCC Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/declarations.html">Funny C/C++
+<li>GPLd <a href="/fun/jokes/dna.html">source code</a> for
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/ed.html">Source code for ed :-)</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/brainfuck.html">Source code for ed in
+BrainFuck ;-)</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/errno.2.html">Errno codes</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/error-haiku.html">Error messages</a> in
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/happy-new-year.cfbC.html">Happy New Year in
+4 languages</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/merry-xmas.xhtml">Merry Christmas in 4
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/long-options.html">Long Options?</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/software.terms.html">Software
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/pasta.code.html">Spaghetti Code</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/unix.errors.html">Unix Error
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gnu-overflow.html">GNU-Overflow?</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/helloworld.html">Hello World !</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gnuemacs.html">GNU Emacs</a></li>
+<h4><a href="#TOCDocumentation" name="Documentation" id=
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/echo.msg.html">GNU Echo</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html">Ed, man! !man ed</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/power.users.html">Power Users
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/know.your.sysadmin.html">Know your system
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gnuemacs.acro.exp.html">GNU Emacs acronym
+<h4><a href="#TOCMusic" name="Music" id="Music">Music</a></h4>
 <!-- Some of the music is under /music/ and some is under /fun/jokes/.
      That under /music/ have been there a long time, and may be
      bookmarked by some users - so we didn't move them when fun/jokes
      was set up in 10/99.
-  <LI>Read the
-       <a href="/music/free-software-song.html">lyrics,
-       score, and source code</a>
-       of the Free Software Song.
-       <BR>
-       Hear the Song
-       <A HREF="/music/free-software-song.au">sung</a>
-       by
-       <A HREF="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard Stallman</A>
-       himself.  (If you are not used to a meter of 7/8, you may
-       perceive it as inability to keep time.)
-  <LI>The <A HREF="/music/blues-song.html">Programmer's Blues</a> song!
-  <LI><A HREF="/music/gdb-song.html">The GDB Song</A>!
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/vi.song.html">Addicted to <CODE>vi</CODE></a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/welcome-to-gnu-emacs.html">GNU Emacs Song</a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/gnu-song.html">The GNU Song</A>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/musical-pickup.html">Musical pick-up!</a>
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/eternal-flame.ogg">"God wrote in Lisp code"</A>
-       (See also the <A HREF="/fun/jokes/eternal-flame.html">lyrics</A>.)
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/hackersong.html">If the Beatles were hackers
-. . .</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/nobody-owns.html">Nobody owns this song</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/wonderful-code.html">What a Wonderful Code</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/vim-songs.html">VIM Songs</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/hap-bash.html">Happiness is a bash prompt</A>
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/hackforfreedom.html">Hack for Freedom Song</A>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCPoems" NAME="Poems">Poems</A></H4>
-  <LI>The <a href="/fun/jokes/gingrinch.html">Gingrinch</a> that stole
-       congress.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/last.bug.html">The Last Bug</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/midnight.dreary.html">Midnight Dreary</a>.
-  <LI><A href="/fun/jokes/networkologist.html">A Networkologist's 
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/hakawatha.html">Hakawatha</a>.
-<h4><a href="#TOCPhilo" name="Philosophy">Philosophy</a></h4>
-<li><a href="/fun/jokes/hello_world_patent.html">The Swedish YAAS Foundation 
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCTheFourthEstate" NAME="TheFourthEstate">The Fourth 
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/freesoftware.html">Free Software Hack</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/microsoft-church.html">Microsoft and the Church</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/rectium.html">Rectium?</a>
-  <LI><A href="/fun/jokes/unix-hoax.html">Unix, a Hoax?</a>
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCComputing" NAME="Computing">Computing</A></H4>
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/programmer.txt">You know you're a programmer 
-      when...</a>
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/any-key.html">Where is any-key??</a>
-  <LI>What does Dr. Emacs think of the
-       <A HREF="/fun/jokes/doctor.manifesto.html">GNU Manifesto</A>?
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/p5.delay.html">Top 10 reasons why Intel delayed
-       announcing the P5</a>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/unreliable.net.html">Top 10 Unreliable Networks</a>.
-  <LI>The <a href="/fun/jokes/vaxorcist.html">Vaxorcist</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/virus-warning.html">Virus Warning</a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/gullibility.virus.html">The Gullibility Virus</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/deadbeef.html">Dead Beef</a>?
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/gcc_audio.html">A Swarm of Gnats?</a>
-  <li><a 
href="http://www.joke-archives.com/computers/deletedcharacters.html";>Where Do 
Deleted Characters Go?</a></li>
-  <li><a href="jokes/10-kinds-of-people.html">10 Kinds of People in the 
-  <li><a href="jokes/xmodmap.html">Physical Xmodmap, or The Dvorak Typewriter 
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/evilmalware.html">Why Linux Viruses are fairly 
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCScienceAndEngineering" NAME="ScienceAndEngineering">Science 
and Engineering</A></H4>
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/phone.features.html">Phone Features</a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/physics.html">The Physics Store!</a>
-  <LI>Some <A HREF="/fun/jokes/science.facts.html">Scientific Facts</a>.
-<h4><a href="#TOCSpam" name="Spam">Spam</a></h4>
-  <li><a href="/fun/spam/darkprofits.html">Darkprofits</a></li>
-  <li><a href="/fun/spam/sheep.html">Inflatable Sheep</a></li>
-  <li><a href="/fun/spam/warpgenerator.html">Dimensional Warp Generator 
+<li>Read the <a href="/music/free-software-song.html">lyrics,
+score, and source code</a> of the Free Software Song.<br>
+Hear the Song <a href="/music/free-software-song.au">sung</a> by
+<a href="http://www.stallman.org/";>Richard Stallman</a> himself.
+(If you are not used to a meter of 7/8, you may perceive it as
+inability to keep time.)</li>
+<li>The <a href="/music/blues-song.html">Programmer's Blues</a>
+<li><a href="/music/gdb-song.html">The GDB Song</a>!</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/vi.song.html">Addicted to
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/welcome-to-gnu-emacs.html">GNU Emacs
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gnu-song.html">The GNU Song</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/musical-pickup.html">Musical
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/eternal-flame.ogg">"God wrote in Lisp
+code"</a> (See also the <a href=
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/hackersong.html">If the Beatles were
+hackers . . .</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/nobody-owns.html">Nobody owns this
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/wonderful-code.html">What a Wonderful
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/vim-songs.html">VIM Songs</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/hap-bash.html">Happiness is a bash
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/hackforfreedom.html">Hack for Freedom
+<h4><a href="#TOCPoems" name="Poems" id="Poems">Poems</a></h4>
+<li>The <a href="/fun/jokes/gingrinch.html">Gingrinch</a> that
+stole congress.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/last.bug.html">The Last Bug</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/midnight.dreary.html">Midnight
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/networkologist.html">A Networkologist's
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/hakawatha.html">Hakawatha</a>.</li>
+<h4><a href="#TOCPhilo" name="Philosophy" id=
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/hello_world_patent.html">The Swedish YAAS
+Foundation Patent</a></li>
+<h4><a href="#TOCTheFourthEstate" name="TheFourthEstate" id=
+"TheFourthEstate">The Fourth Estate</a></h4>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/freesoftware.html">Free Software
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/microsoft-church.html">Microsoft and the
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/rectium.html">Rectium?</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/unix-hoax.html">Unix, a Hoax?</a></li>
+<h4><a href="#TOCComputing" name="Computing" id=
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/programmer.txt">You know you're a
+programmer when...</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/any-key.html">Where is any-key??</a></li>
+<li>What does Dr. Emacs think of the <a href=
+"/fun/jokes/doctor.manifesto.html">GNU Manifesto</a>?</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/p5.delay.html">Top 10 reasons why Intel
+delayed announcing the P5</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/unreliable.net.html">Top 10 Unreliable
+<li>The <a href="/fun/jokes/vaxorcist.html">Vaxorcist</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/virus-warning.html">Virus Warning</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gullibility.virus.html">The Gullibility
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/deadbeef.html">Dead Beef</a>?</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gcc_audio.html">A Swarm of Gnats?</a></li>
+<li><a href=
+Do Deleted Characters Go?</a></li>
+<li><a href="jokes/10-kinds-of-people.html">10 Kinds of People in
+the World</a></li>
+<li><a href="jokes/xmodmap.html">Physical Xmodmap, or The Dvorak
+Typewriter Hack</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/evilmalware.html">Why Linux Viruses are
+fairly uncommon</a></li>
+<h4><a href="#TOCScienceAndEngineering" name=
+"ScienceAndEngineering" id="ScienceAndEngineering">Science and
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/phone.features.html">Phone
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/physics.html">The Physics Store!</a></li>
+<li>Some <a href="/fun/jokes/science.facts.html">Scientific
+<h4><a href="#TOCSpam" name="Spam" id="Spam">Spam</a></h4>
+<li><a href="/fun/spam/darkprofits.html">Darkprofits</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/spam/sheep.html">Inflatable Sheep</a></li>
+<li><a href="/fun/spam/warpgenerator.html">Dimensional Warp
+Generator Needed</a></li>
 <!-- Most readers like lists to be of manageable length.  So try as -->
 <!-- this Unclassified section grows, to add new sections above. -->
 <!-- That is, classify some of the unclassified jokes into new -->
 <!-- categories. -->
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCUnclassified" NAME="Unclassified">Unclassified</A></H4>
+<h4><a href="#TOCUnclassified" name="Unclassified" id=
 <!-- Most readers like lists to be of manageable length.  So try as -->
 <!-- this Unclassified section grows, to add new sections above. -->
 <!-- That is, classify some of the unclassified jokes into new -->
 <!-- categories. -->
 <!-- It would also be nice to see alphabetical order be maintained -->
-  <LI>A luser's <A HREF="/fun/jokes/luser-vs-rms.html">interaction</a> with
-       <A HREF="http://www.stallman.org/";>rms</A>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/anagrams.html">Anagrams</a> for some common words.
-  <LI>A war against <A HREF="/fun/jokes/bug.war.html">Bugs</A>!.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/clinton.tree.html">If Clinton was a tree ...</a>
-  <LI>Funny <a href="/fun/jokes/courtroom.quips.html">Court Statements</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/foreign-signs.html">Foreign Signs</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/fsf-in-german.html">FSF in German</a>.
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/gnu.jive.html">GNU Jive</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/gospel.html">Gospel</A>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/lawyers.html">Lawyer</a> jokes.
-  <li><a href="/fun/jokes/look-and-feel.html">Look and Feel</a>.
-  <LI><A href="/fun/jokes/panama.html">Panama</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/quayle.html">Quayle</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/quotations.html">Quotations</a>.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/shit-happens.html">"Shit Happens!"</a>
-       as expressed by the religions of the world.
-  <LI><A HREF="/fun/jokes/more-shit.html">More Shit</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/religions.html">Shit Happens Contd</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/smileys.html">Smileys :-)</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/spilling-checker.html">Spilling Checker</a>.
-  <LI><A href="/fun/jokes/santa_comes_to_town.html">Santa Claus
-       comes to town</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/top-10-election-2000-bumper-stickers">Top 10 
Election 2000 Bumper Stickers</A>.
-  <LI>The <a href="/fun/jokes/wolf-logo.html">Wolf Logo</a>.
-  <LI><a href="/fun/jokes/filks.html">Some Filks</a>.
+<li>A luser's <a href=
+"/fun/jokes/luser-vs-rms.html">interaction</a> with <a href=
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/anagrams.html">Anagrams</a> for some common
+<li>A war against <a href="/fun/jokes/bug.war.html">Bugs</a>!.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/clinton.tree.html">If Clinton was a tree
+<li>Funny <a href="/fun/jokes/courtroom.quips.html">Court
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/foreign-signs.html">Foreign Signs</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/fsf-in-german.html">FSF in German</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gnu.jive.html">GNU Jive</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/gospel.html">Gospel</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/lawyers.html">Lawyer</a> jokes.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/look-and-feel.html">Look and Feel</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/panama.html">Panama</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/quayle.html">Quayle</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/quotations.html">Quotations</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/shit-happens.html">"Shit Happens!"</a> as
+expressed by the religions of the world.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/more-shit.html">More Shit</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/religions.html">Shit Happens
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/smileys.html">Smileys :-)</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/spilling-checker.html">Spilling
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/santa_comes_to_town.html">Santa Claus comes
+to town</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/top-10-election-2000-bumper-stickers">Top
+10 Election 2000 Bumper Stickers</a>.</li>
+<li>The <a href="/fun/jokes/wolf-logo.html">Wolf Logo</a>.</li>
+<li><a href="/fun/jokes/filks.html">Some Filks</a>.</li>
 <!-- Most readers like lists to be of manageable length.  So try as -->
 <!-- this Unclassified section grows, to add new sections above. -->
 <!-- That is, classify some of the unclassified jokes into new -->
 <!-- categories. -->
-<H4><A HREF="#TOCDisclaimer" NAME="Disclaimer">Disclaimer</A></H4>
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+if all of these are true:</p>
+<li>It should be funny.</li>
+<li>It has no copyright problems.</li>
+<li>It is not libelous.</li>
+<li>It won't offend most ordinary hackers more than is reasonable
+in humor.</li>
+The humor does not have to be computer-related.
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-<!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2007/02/16 13:14:46 $ $Author: ramprasadb $
-<!-- timestamp end -->
+permitted worldwide without royalty in any medium provided this
+notice is preserved.</p>
+<p>Updated: <!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2007/03/19 13:22:22 $ $Author: jocke $
+<!-- timestamp end --></p>

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