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[VM] visit specific imap-folder

From: Salome Södergran
Subject: [VM] visit specific imap-folder
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:00:10 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0


I still encounter difficulties in adjusting vm to my needs and
desires. I will open a thread of its of for each difficulty.

This one is about creating a keybinding for  visiting a certain imap-
folder. My vm-primary-inbox is a pop-folder. But I have also one imap-
account that I visit rather frequently, and I'd like to give that a
keybinding. I tried to  create a function in analogy to the one
suggested by Uday for sending mails to a trash-folder but this
produces "Wrong type argument: consp, nil". I've been looking for a
solution and got as far as emacs' cons cells. But trying to adjust the
code to the cons cells syntax just resulted in other error messages.
This, of course, is a general emacs question, not just vm, but since I
ran into the problem in the context of configuring vm, I post it here.

How do I have to change the code below to get a function that will
make vm visit the inbox of my imap-account? (Whereas "myimap" is the
shortname for the connection to my imap-account, stored in an
encrypted authinfo.pgp-file. M-x vm-visit-imap-folder myimap:inbox
works just fine.)

(defvar vm-myiamp "myimap:inbox")
(defun vm-visit-myimap ()
  (vm-visit-imap-folder vm-myimap))

Thanks in advance!

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