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Where is the maplist built-in predicate ?

From: spam . spam . spam . spam
Subject: Where is the maplist built-in predicate ?
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 18:17:15 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.8


I am using GNU Prolog 1.3.1.

I use this code :

% int(?I) : I is an integer
int(s(X)) :- int(X).

% odd(?I) : I is an odd integer
odd(s(s(X))) :- odd(X).

% intzodd(?I) : I is an odd integer or zero (z)
intzodd(X) :- X=z.
intzodd(X) :- odd(X).

% listzodd(?L) : L is a list which each element is an odd integer or zero (z)
listzodd(X) :- maplist(intzodd, X).

And I don't find the maplist built-in predicate.

| ?- listzodd([z]).
uncaught exception: error(existence_error(procedure,maplist/2),listzodd/1)

Where is the maplist built-in predicate, please?

Thank you.

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