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Cannot get tramp launched / and also : telnet+ftp

From: Stéphane Senesi
Subject: Cannot get tramp launched / and also : telnet+ftp
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 09:20:58 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080213)


I recently discovered TRAMP through, and it should fit my needs perfectly. However :

When trying to use it, all find-file actions with a tramp-like syntax end in an efs action, and so try to use ftp.
This occurs in the following context
   - tramp-default-method is set to "telnet"
   - no "~/.netrc" file
   - tramp version 2.0.55
   - Xemacs 21.4.21
and I see no way to launch it (rather than efs) explicitly by a user command

I probably missed some basic setting, but I cannot figure which one, and was not able to find it neither in the above qutoed doc, nor in the tramp-devel mail list archive

Additionnaly, I would like to combine, for the same host, the telnet method (for grep, eshell ...) and the ftp method (for file transfer), but it seems that there is no provision for that in Tramp ?

Thanks if you can help

Stéphane Sénési
Ingénieur - équipe UDC
Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques
Groupe de Météorologie à Grande Echelle et Climat

42 Av Coriolis
F-31057 Toulouse Cedex 1

+ (Fax :....9610)

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