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Re: test from TTS

From: Drew Adams
Subject: Re: test from TTS
Date: 18 Jan 2001 15:34:01 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

Mark Weaver, who's been posting my elisp files for me, sent your reply
on to me; I don't have newsgroup access, myself. 

Thanks for your feedback. Apparently my postings were not sufficiently
self-explanatory; I'm sure you're not the only one to wonder what's
going on. See my comments on your individual questions, below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden 
> [mailto:address@hidden
> Behalf Of Lars Clausen
> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:21 PM
> Subject: Re: autoload+.el - extensions to GNU `autoload.el'
> Drew, you've been blasting these extensions out for a while 
> now.  Could you
> give us some idea of what the overall idea is?  Are there 
> some particular
> features you add to these packages?  Are your extensions 
> intended to be
> included in the original packages? 

earlier and which I'm also attaching to this email, should explain the
context (what I'm posting).

To add to what's said there:

1. The files are not all direct extensions of GNU Emacs. Some are
extensions of individual GNU Emacs source files (indicated by using the
same file name, with a + or - appended, before the ".el"). Others
provide new functionalities, but are not directly related to specific
GNU files. Still others (very few) are intended to replace the standard
GNU files with the same names.

2. The features added are described at the beginning of the
corresponding files.

3. I'm not sure what you mean by "the original packages". If you mean
the standard GNU distribution, then the answer is No; my code will not
be included automatically in an upcoming GNU release. I will no doubt
send a few of my files on to Gerd Moellmann at GNU to be considered for
ultimate inclusion in the standard distribution, but: a) someone (at
GNU) may have to rework a few things to make everything fit with the new
Emacs release (21), and b) it's better for individual folks out there in
Emacsland to first play with things I wrote, to determine for themselves
what's worthwhile and what's not so worthwhile.

I may soon be out of the loop (relatively inaccessible), so I'm offering
my code "as is" - people can do with it as they like. Hopefully, some of
the code will prove useful to someone, and hopefully that will be
improved by someone and perhaps integrated with the standard

If you meant, instead, "is your code intended to work as is, when loaded
into a standard, virgin Emacs session", then the answer is Yes, that's
the intention - with the caveat that some files require some other files
in order to function properly. Those dependencies should be clearly
indicated at the start of the code in each file (via requires and
loads), and they are also all outlined in the (attached) files

 - Drew

Drew Adams's Emacs Customizations

1. My customizations currently work with GNU Emacs 20.7.  Many of them
   have worked with earlier versions, as well. I have not tried any of
   them with version 21. I use them on both Windows 9x/NT and Unix.

2. I post my customizations to newsgroup gnu.emacs.sources indirectly,
   via mailing list gnu-emacs-sources. I generally post individual
   libraries (emacs lisp files), separately, so you will need to look
   in gnu.emacs.sources for other libraries on which a given library

   Most libraries require others to function. Look for `(require...)'
   and `(load...)'  calls in the source code to see which other
   libraries are needed. Alternatively, you can use the file
   DEPENDENCIES* (also posted to gnu.emacs.sources) to find out which
   libraries any given library depends on.

3. The names of my Elisp files use the following convention.  

   Files that replace standard GNU Emacs Lisp files keep their
   original names, naturally (examples: `appt.el', `delsel.el').

   Names of files that are extensions of standard files are suffixed
   by `-' or `+', depending on whether they are to be loaded just
   before or just after the corresponding standard files.  For
   example, my file `compile-.el' is to be loaded before the standard
   GNU file `compile.el'; my file `compile+.el' is to be loaded after
   `compile.el'.  The `+' case is more common than the `-' case.

4. I post these files that serve as documentation of my libraries:

  DEPENDENCIES - list of dependencies for each of my Elisp libraries
  EMACS-TO-COPY - A model ~/.emacs file that works with my libraries.
                  You can use it as a guide. It also contains info on
                  customization options and overriding settings made
                  by my Elisp libraries.

  See DEPENDENCIES* for a list of my currently available Elisp files.

Libraries that are required by a listed library are in parentheses.
Libraries that are not strictly required (no error if not found), but
are needed to take advantage of all features, are in square brackets.

[CONTRIB] means the library is neither a GNU library nor one provided
by me; my libraries that require it should indicate where to get it.

The companion file, `DEPENDENCIES-EXPANDED', is the same list, with
each entry expanded. To take advantage of all features of a given
library, you will need to load all of the libraries listed under that
library entry.

appt.el    -     replacement for GNU `appt.el'
 (def-face-const) [calendar+ frame-cmds icomplete+ misc-fns strings]

apropos+.el    -     extensions to GNU `apropos.el'
 () []

autoload+.el    -     extensions to GNU `autoload.el'
 () []

bookmark.el    -     extensions to GNU `bookmark.el'
 () []

buff-menu+.el    -     extensions to GNU `buff-menu.el'
 (def-face-const) [def-face-const misc-cmds misc-fns]

cal-opts.el    -     sets various calendar, diary etc. options
 () [appt calendar+]

calendar+.el    -     extensions to GNU `calendar.el'
 () [elect-mbuf misc-fns shrink-fit-all]

compile-.el    -     extensions to GNU `compile.el'
 () [shrink-fit]

compile+.el    -     extensions to GNU `compile.el'
 (compile-) [highlight misc-fns thingatpt+]

cursors.el    -     bar cursor in insert mode, block in overwrite mode
 () []

cus-edit+.el    -     extensions to GNU `cus-edit.el'
 () []

def-face-const.el    -     macro for defining faces & their variables
 () []

delsel.el    -     replacement for GNU `delsel.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds strings]

diff+.el    -     extensions to GNU `diff.el'
 (def-face-const) [icomplete+ shrink-fit-all]

dired+.el    -     extensions to GNU `dired.el'
 (def-face-const) [misc-fns mkhtml]

elect-mbuf.el    -     minibuffer completion and default input cycling
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds strings]

faces+.el    -     extensions to GNU `faces.el'
 () [thingatpt+]

files+.el    -     extensions to GNU `files.el'
 () []

find-dired-.el    -     extensions to GNU `find-dired.el'
 () []

find-dired+.el    -     extensions to GNU `find-dired.el'
 (find-dired-) [dired+ thingatpt+]

frame+.el    -     extensions to GNU `frame.el'
 () [shrink-fit]

frame-cmds.el    -     frame & window commands (interactive functions)
 (frame-fns strings) [icomplete+]

frame-fns.el    -     non-interactive frame and window functions
 () []

header2.el    -     creation and update of file headers
 () [strings]

help+.el    -     extensions to GNU `help.el'
 () [frame-cmds frame-fns help-macro+ info+ thingatpt+]

help-macro+.el    -     extensions to GNU `help-macro.el'
 () []

highlight.el    -     simple highlighting commands
 () [faces+ frame-fns strings]

icomplete+.el    -     extensions to GNU `icomplete.el'
 (def-face-const) []

imenu+.el    -     extensions to GNU `imenu.el'
 () []

info+.el    -     extensions to GNU `info.el'
 (def-face-const) [setup-info shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

isearch+.el    -     extensions to GNU `isearch.el'
 () []

line-num.el    -     display line numbers in left-margin of buffer
 () [shrink-fit]

macros+.el    -     extensions to GNU `macros.el'
 () [elect-mbuf thingatpt+]

menu-bar+.el    -     extensions to GNU `menu-bar.el'
 () [apropos+ compile+ diff+ dlgopen [CONTRIB] help+ highlight info+
     macros+ misc-cmds replace+ unaccent vc+]

misc-cmds.el    -     miscellaneous commands (interactive functions)
 () [frame-fns]

misc-fns.el    -     miscellaneous non-interactive functions
 (def-face-const) []

mkhtml.el    -     create HTML with links (extensions to `htmlize.el')
 (htmlize [CONTRIB]) [info+]

mouse+.el    -     extensions to GNU `mouse.el'
 () []

novice+.el    -     extensions to GNU `novice.el'
 () [elect-mbuf thingatpt+]

options+.el    -     extensions to GNU `options.el'
 () []

outline+.el    -     extensions to GNU `outline.el'
 () []

pp+.el    -     extensions to GNU `pp.el'
 () []

rebind-mbuf-maps.el    -     rebind minibuffer completion maps
 () []

replace+.el    -     extensions to GNU `replace.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds frame-fns highlight shrink-fit strings

ring+.el    -     extensions to GNU `ring.el'
 () []

setnu+.el    -    extensions to GNU `setnu.el'
 () []

setup-frames.el    -     define a custom default frame configuration
 () [files+ frame-cmds]

setup-info.el    -     custom definitions to load before `info.el'
 (def-face-const) []

setup-keys.el    -     custom key bindings
 () [buff-menu+ diff+ files+ frame-cmds help+ highlight misc-cmds pp+
     replace+ shrink-fit simple+ unaccent]

setup.el    -     custom startup configuration (assignments etc.)
 () [misc-fns paren shrink-fit strings]

show-wspace.el    -     whitespace highlighting
 (def-face-const) []

shrink-fit.el    -     shrink-wrap frames to fit their selected window
 (misc-fns strings) [frame-cmds]

shrink-fit-all.el    -     auto-shrink all frames to fit window
 (strings shrink-fit) []

simple+.el    -     extensions to GNU `simple.el'
 () [elect-mbuf icomplete+ strings]

sort+.el    -     extensions to GNU `sort.el'
 () []

start-opt.el    -     miscellaneous customizations
 (def-face-const) [faces+ frame-cmds header2 misc-cmds misc-fns
                   setup-keys shrink-fit-all wimpy-del]

start.el    -     main startup file - loads/autoloads most everything
 (apropos+ autoload+ bookmark+ buff-menu+ cal-opts calendar+ compile+
  cursors cus-edit+ delsel diff+ dired+ dlgopen [CONTRIB]
  elect-mbuf faces+ files+ find-dired+ frame+ frame-cmds frame-fns
  header2 help+ highlight icomplete+ imenu+ info+ isearch+ line-num
  macros+ make-regexp [CONTRIB] menu-bar+ misc-cmds misc-fns mkhtml
  mouse+ novice+ options+ pp+ printing [CONTRIB] replace+ ring+ setup
  setup-frames setup-info setup-keys show-wspace shrink-fit-all
  simple+ sort+ strings thingatpt+ timer+ unaccent vc+ vc-hooks+
  wimpy-del window+)

strings.el    -     miscellaneous string functions
 () [thingatpt+]

thingatpt+.el    -     extensions to GNU `thingatpt.el'
 () []

timer+.el    -     extensions to GNU `timer.el'
 () [elect-mbuf thingatpt+]

unaccent.el    -     functions dealing with accented characters
 () [strings]

vc-.el    -     extensions to GNU `vc.el'
 () []

vc+.el    -     extensions to GNU `vc.el'
 (dired+ vc-) [frame-cmds ring+ shrink-fit]

vc-hooks+.el    -     extensions to GNU `vc-hooks.el'
 () [vc+]

wimpy-del.el    -     confirmation for large region deletion
 () [frame-fns strings]

window+.el    -     extensions to GNU `window.el'
 () []


Libraries that are required by a listed library are in parentheses.
Libraries that are not strictly required (no error if not found), but
are needed to take advantage of all features, are in square brackets.

[CONTRIB] means the library is neither a GNU library nor one provided
by me; my libraries that require it should indicate where to get it.

The companion file, `DEPENDENCIES', is the same list, but with just
the libraries used by each given library, directly. To take advantage
of all features of a given library, you will need to load all of the
libraries listed under that library entry.

appt.el    -     replacement for GNU `appt.el'
 (def-face-const) [calendar+ elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns
                   icomplete+ misc-fns shrink-fit shrink-fit-all
                   strings thingatpt+]

apropos+.el    -     extensions to GNU `apropos.el'
 () []

autoload+.el    -     extensions to GNU `autoload.el'
 () []

bookmark.el    -     extensions to GNU `bookmark.el'
 () []

buff-menu+.el    -     extensions to GNU `buff-menu.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-fns misc-cmds misc-fns]

cal-opts.el    -     sets various calendar, diary etc. options
 () [appt calendar+ def-face-const elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns
     icomplete+ misc-fns shrink-fit shrink-fit-all strings thingatpt+]

calendar+.el    -     extensions to GNU `calendar.el'
 () [def-face-const elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+
     misc-fns shrink-fit shrink-fit-all strings thingatpt+]

compile-.el    -     extensions to GNU `compile.el'
 () [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ misc-fns
     shrink-fit strings thingatpt+] 

compile+.el    -     extensions to GNU `compile.el'
 (compile-) [def-face-const faces+ frame-cmds frame-fns highlight
             icomplete+ misc-fns shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

cursors.el    -     bar cursor in insert mode, block in overwrite mode
 () []

cus-edit+.el    -     extensions to GNU `cus-edit.el'
 () []

def-face-const.el    -     macro for defining faces & their variables
 () []

delsel.el    -     replacement for GNU `delsel.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings thingatpt+]

diff+.el    -     extensions to GNU `diff.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ misc-fns shrink-fit
                   shrink-fit-all strings thingatpt+]

dired+.el    -     extensions to GNU `dired.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds frame-fns htmlize [CONTRIB] icomplete+
                   info+ misc-fns mkhtml setup-info shrink-fit strings

elect-mbuf.el    -     minibuffer completion and default input cycling
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings thingatpt+]

faces+.el    -     extensions to GNU `faces.el'
 () [thingatpt+]

files+.el    -     extensions to GNU `files.el'
 () []

find-dired-.el    -     extensions to GNU `find-dired.el'
 () []

find-dired+.el    -     extensions to GNU `find-dired.el'
 (find-dired-) [def-face-const dired+ frame-cmds frame-fns htmlize
                [CONTRIB] icomplete+ info+ misc-fns mkhtml setup-info
                shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

frame+.el    -     extensions to GNU `frame.el'
 () [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ misc-fns
     shrink-fit strings thingatpt+] 

frame-cmds.el    -     frame & window commands (interactive functions)
 (frame-fns strings) [def-face-const icomplete+ thingatpt+]

frame-fns.el    -     non-interactive frame and window functions
 () []

header2.el    -     creation and update of file headers
 () [strings thingatpt+]

help+.el    -     extensions to GNU `help.el'
 () [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns help-macro+ icomplete+ info+
     misc-fns setup-info shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

help-macro+.el    -     extensions to GNU `help-macro.el'
 () []

highlight.el    -     simple highlighting commands
 () [faces+ frame-fns strings thingatpt+]

icomplete+.el    -     extensions to GNU `icomplete.el'
 (def-face-const) []

imenu+.el    -     extensions to GNU `imenu.el'
 () []

info+.el    -     extensions to GNU `info.el'
 (def-face-const) [frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ misc-fns setup-info
                   shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

isearch+.el    -     extensions to GNU `isearch.el'
 () []

line-num.el    -     display line numbers in left-margin of buffer
 () [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ misc-fns
     shrink-fit strings thingatpt+] 

macros+.el    -     extensions to GNU `macros.el'
 () [def-face-const elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings

menu-bar+.el    -     extensions to GNU `menu-bar.el'
 () [apropos+ compile- compile+ def-face-const diff+ dired+ dlgopen
     [CONTRIB] elect-mbuf faces+ frame-cmds frame-fns help+
     help-macro+ highlight htmlize [CONTRIB] icomplete+ info+ macros+
     misc-cmds misc-fns mkhtml replace+ ring+ setup-info shrink-fit
     shrink-fit-all strings thingatpt+ unaccent vc- vc+]

misc-cmds.el    -     miscellaneous commands (interactive functions)
 () [frame-fns]

misc-fns.el    -     miscellaneous non-interactive functions
 (def-face-const) []

mkhtml.el    -     create HTML with links (extensions to `htmlize.el')
 (htmlize [CONTRIB]) [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+
                      info+ misc-fns setup-info shrink-fit strings

mouse+.el    -     extensions to GNU `mouse.el'
 () []

novice+.el    -     extensions to GNU `novice.el'
 () [def-face-const elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings

options+.el    -     extensions to GNU `options.el'
 () []

outline+.el    -     extensions to GNU `outline.el'
 () []

pp+.el    -     extensions to GNU `pp.el'
 () []

rebind-mbuf-maps.el    -     rebind minibuffer completion maps
 () []

replace+.el    -     extensions to GNU `replace.el'
 (def-face-const) [faces+ frame-cmds frame-fns highlight icomplete+
                   misc-fns shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

ring+.el    -     extensions to GNU `ring.el'
 () []

setnu+.el    -    extensions to GNU `setnu.el'
 () []

setup-frames.el    -     define a custom default frame configuration
 () [def-face-const files+ frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings

setup-info.el    -     custom definitions to load before `info.el'
 (def-face-const) []

setup-keys.el    -     custom key bindings
 () [buff-menu+ def-face-const diff+ elect-mbuf faces+ files+
     frame-cmds frame-fns help+ help-macro+ highlight icomplete+ info+
     misc-cmds misc-fns pp+ replace+ setup-info shrink-fit
     shrink-fit-all simple+ strings thingatpt+ unaccent]

setup.el    -     custom startup configuration (assignments etc.)
 () [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ misc-fns
     shrink-fit strings thingatpt+] 

show-wspace.el    -     whitespace highlighting
 (def-face-const) []

shrink-fit.el    -     shrink-wrap frames to fit their selected window
 (def-face-const misc-fns strings) [frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+

shrink-fit-all.el    -     auto-shrink all frames to fit window
 (strings shrink-fit) [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+
                       misc-fns thingatpt+]

simple+.el    -     extensions to GNU `simple.el'
 () [def-face-const elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings

sort+.el    -     extensions to GNU `sort.el'
 () []

start-opt.el    -     miscellaneous customizations
 (def-face-const) [buff-menu+ diff+ elect-mbuf faces+ files+
                   frame-cmds frame-fns header2 help+ help-macro+
                   highlight icomplete+ info+ misc-cmds misc-fns pp+
                   replace+ setup-info setup-keys shrink-fit
                   shrink-fit-all simple+ strings thingatpt+ unaccent

start.el    -     main startup file - loads/autoloads most everything
 (apropos+ autoload+ bookmark+ buff-menu+ cal-opts calendar+ compile-
  compile+ cursors cus-edit+ def-face-const delsel diff+ dired+
  dlgopen [CONTRIB] elect-mbuf faces+ files+ find-dired- find-dired+
  frame+ frame-cmds frame-fns header2 help+ help-macro+ highlight
  htmlize [CONTRIB] icomplete+ imenu+ info+ isearch+ line-num macros+
  make-regexp [CONTRIB] menu-bar+ misc-cmds misc-fns mkhtml mouse+
  novice+ options+ pp+ printing [CONTRIB] replace+ ring+ setup
  setup-frames setup-info setup-keys show-wspace shrink-fit
  shrink-fit-all simple+ sort+ strings thingatpt+ timer+ unaccent vc-
  vc+ vc-hooks+ wimpy-del window+) [appt]

strings.el    -     miscellaneous string functions
 () [thingatpt+]

thingatpt+.el    -     extensions to GNU `thingatpt.el'
 () []

timer+.el    -     extensions to GNU `timer.el'
 () [def-face-const elect-mbuf frame-cmds frame-fns icomplete+ strings

unaccent.el    -     functions dealing with accented characters
 () [strings thingatpt+]

vc-.el    -     extensions to GNU `vc.el'
 () []

vc+.el    -     extensions to GNU `vc.el'
 (dired+ vc-) [def-face-const frame-cmds frame-fns htmlize [CONTRIB]
               icomplete+ info+ misc-fns mkhtml ring+ setup-info
               shrink-fit strings thingatpt+]

vc-hooks+.el    -     extensions to GNU `vc-hooks.el'
 () [def-face-const dired+ frame-cmds frame-fns htmlize [CONTRIB]
     icomplete+ info+ misc-fns mkhtml ring+ setup-info shrink-fit
     strings thingatpt+ vc- vc+]

wimpy-del.el    -     confirmation for large region deletion
 () [frame-fns strings thingatpt+]

window+.el    -     extensions to GNU `window.el'
 () []

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