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Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling

From: Nate Bargmann
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 12:38:01 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

* On 2016 04 Jan 10:40 -0600, Ervin Hegedüs wrote:
> Hi Nate,

Happy New Year, Ervin.  :-)

> thanks for your test :),

You're quite welcome!

> just a short remark: I can compile it with this command:
>       gcc -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -o new-onechar new-onechar.c -lncurses 
> so, the necessary library must be the last argument in case of my
> GCC (gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04))

Of course, this is not an issue for the Tlf build system as all will be
found.  This is just to compile the file I submitted earlier (note to
the lurkers coming across this in the future).

> here are some results from my Linux Mint:
> rxvt-unicode
> ============
> a      97 0141 0x61
> A      65 0101 0x41
> ^A      1 0001 0x01    # CTRL+a
> ^[a    27 0033 0x1b    # left ALT+a
>        97 0141 0x61
> ä     195 0303 0xc3    # right ALT+a
>       164 0244 0xa4
> Escape delay time is: 25 mS
> Ordinal: 97             Name: a
> Ordinal: 65             Name: A
> Ordinal: 1              Name: ^A
> Ordinal: 225            Name: M-a
> Ordinal: 228            Name: M-d
> Mate terminal
> =============
> a      97 0141 0x61
> A      65 0101 0x41
> ^A      1 0001 0x01
> ^[a    27 0033 0x1b
>        97 0141 0x61
> ä     195 0303 0xc3
>       164 0244 0xa4
> Escape delay time is: 25 mS
> Ordinal: 97             Name: a
> Ordinal: 65             Name: A
> Ordinal: 1              Name: ^A
> Ordinal: 225            Name: M-a
> Ordinal: 228            Name: M-d
> Note, that in most cases in my work, I preffer the rxvt-unicode,
> but that not supports some special keys in Tlf - therefore I use
> Gnome terminal or Mate for Tlf. (And as I remembe, on my
> home-machine there is Lxc-terminal, or some kind of like this.)
> Now only these two "new" terminals what I have, which doesn't
> exist in your list.

Nice.  It looks like things are being handled correctly.  My goal is to
get to a point where Tlf can work on the op's terminal of choice by
unifying the key codes as much as possible.

Along with the Alt-keys, I am also interested in keys such as F1-F12,
Shift F1-Shift F12, Backspace, Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page-Up,
Page-Down, and the arrow keys.  On a US 101/104 (so-called Windows
keyboard) keyboard the keys between the main keys and the numeric pad as
well as the keys when Num Lock is off are of interest to me.

> Hope this helps to you,

Most certainly!

I think I am on my way to help making the Tlf UI more consistent.  I'm
also learning a lot about Ncurses, which has been a goal of mine for
years.  :-)

73, Nate


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