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Re: [Tlf-devel] Enter and log

From: Ed
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Enter and log
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2015 08:23:15 -0500
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On 11/08/2015 07:31 AM, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
Hello all,

sorry for answering late, I was away two days.

Ed, you are right. Pressing ENTER in log mode with an empty call sign
field should start the auto cq message.

Let me try to clarify how it works:

- auto_cq works in ANY mode (contest, qso, dxped)
- you have to be in LOG otherwise the S&P message will be send
- there should be 'no' NOAUTOCQ in the logcfg.dat or rules file (that
   inhibits auto_cq)
- and finally there has to be a message defined for it (F12)

Ed, please check especially the last two point. It could lead to your

If it does not work, please send me your logcfg.dat and arrlss rule
file. Then I have to dig into it.

Ervin, the relevant code is not in logit.c. auto_cq() is called from
callinput for pressing F12 and for pressing ENTER.

I hope that helped,

73, de Tom DL1JBE

I had NOAUTOCQ in my logcfg.dat. Commented it out and it works as Tom pointed out.



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