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Re: [Thotbook-dev] RFC: global architecture issues, proposed milestones

From: Yann Dirson
Subject: Re: [Thotbook-dev] RFC: global architecture issues, proposed milestones
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 16:56:06 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

Hm, not many comments for now...  I hope that means everybody approves

Here is my idea to start working.

If we can get ThotEditor up and running with the latest Thotlib, the
shortest path seems "sticking with Thot languages for now".  This has
the advantage that we can just play with a very small subset of
DocBook to start with.

So here is the initial plan:

1. get ThotEditor working (benj works on this)

 -> new thoteditor module in CVS
 -> work on build process
 -> change what needs updating

2. write a minimal S structure schema, and P presentation
stylesheet, and stick with it for some time

3. write a T transformer for SGML and XML export

4. release 0.1

5. extend S, P, and T descriptions for "simplified docbook"

6. release 0.2

7. SGML/XML importer

8. release 0.3

Yann Dirson <address@hidden>       
Free-Software Engineer                                Ingénieur Logiciel-Libre
Free-Software time manager             Responsable du temps Informatique-Libre

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