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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Long documents, show one part, vs show all parts, slow

From: Karl Hegbloom
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Long documents, show one part, vs show all parts, slow input
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 12:42:18 -0700

Partially answering my own question... sometimes typing on a page changes the previous page break location. But it seems that there's got to be a point where 2 or 3 pages back at most (?) everything is essentially static until I jump to an earlier part of the document and write something there again.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Karl Hegbloom <address@hidden> wrote:
When I have a long document with all parts showing, it's too slow to use it because it is trying to keep retypesetting the entire thing. So when I have it show only one part, it's fast enough to use.

Why not have it keep a page-break cache, or for papyrus paper type a cache of waypoints, like headings or paragraphs, gotten from typesetting only once through, for up until just before the part that's actually on the screen. Since nothing is changing anywhere off-screen as I type except for after the part that's on screen, it only needs to know the cached location just before the screen display starts in order to format the part that's on the screen now. And everything below the bottom of the screen doesn't need to be retypeset every time I enter a character either.

Of course, the newest Guile with the virtual machine and byte code compiler will also make a huge difference. I wish I had enough free time to learn how to be the one that does this work. Unfortuneatly, I will be too busy at least until next autumn... and don't count on my having enough time to learn enough about it then and to do the work. I'll help if I can. I hope that a very bright student is preparing to take on this work. It will make TeXmacs a lot better!

I'm not a TeXmacs developer and don't understand very much about it's internals at this point in time. I would like to... but am too busy using it to write legal documents right now. :-)


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