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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Multiple extension languages II (Caml, Python, Lisp, e

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Multiple extension languages II (Caml, Python, Lisp, etc.)
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 14:32:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hello Joris,

Thank you for detailing your ideas on having several extension languages
to texmacs. 

I agree that it would be nice to have several extension languages. I
agree with your idea of remote objects and computations, as well as
local variable for remote computations.  However this does not solve the
distributed garbage collector issue completely: what happens when a
scheme function that uses remote variables is returned to a scheme

I have a question : in current texmacs, how is used Scheme? How is it
tied to the core of TeXmacs in C++?

Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden> writes:

> Any suggestions?

Maybe having remote objects is too complicated at first. Why not just
consider function calls with argument copying semantic? Much like Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) over a network. I admit it is overkill for simple
functions, but it is much simpler. No garbage collector issue.

If one wants to interface several languages, the C++ core could be used
as storage (e.g. OCaml<->C++ core<->Scheme).

It would also be interesting to define the spec of the sub-system to
have other languages:

 - how to tie the language interpreter to texmacs?

 - how to publish to texmacs function callable into the new language?
   If I have understood correctly, constructive first order logic is
   your solution to this issue.

 - what is the encoding format for function call and value return? 

> Someone wants to come up with a more precise proposal?

Sorry, I cannot commit to do this in the short term (despite I have
triggered this discussion). I'm currently piling up to many projects. In
the long term, I would be interested in maintaining the Axiom plugin
and interfacing OCaml with texmacs.

 David Mentré <address@hidden>

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