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Re: [Swftools-common] using of flatten

From: Богдан Лесейко
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] using of flatten
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 22:21:27 +0200

Greate thanks, you helped me very much.
Greate project and greate creators, not very often it can be seen such support. Again thanks

2011/12/15 Matthias Kramm <address@hidden>
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 04:15:29AM -0800, ?????? ??????? <address@hidden> wrote:
> let's change questions:
> 1) how stable is flatten parameter

It's stable. At Scribd, we run it on about 50,000 documents every day,
so far without problems.

> 2) are there any  negative brood hen of using flatten

In some situations, you might see increased file size, due to the fact
that strokes are converted to filled polygons (so with --flatten, the
outlines of lines or curves will be stored, as opposed to just the endpoints
and control points)

> 3) how bad is it using with other parameters(poly2bitmap etc)

Combining poly2bitmap and flatten doesn't make much sense, since both
remove clip shapes.
Here are the key differences:

1.) poly2bitmap removes clip shapes and combines bitmaps and polygons
   into bitmaps. The output will only contain text and bitmaps.
2.) flatten removes clip shapes, but leaves polygons alone. The output
   will contain text, polygons, bitmaps, gradients, etc.

> 3) What is the maximum number of clip layers it can remove

It will remove all clip layers, regardless of number.


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