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Re: [Swarm-Support] swarm rpm-installation

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] swarm rpm-installation
Date: 24 Aug 2003 17:08:43 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

>>>>> "JW" == Joachim Wack  writes:

JW> Hi, I changed my system from windows xp to (suse-8.1)linux, cause
JW> of many problems with windows and swarm. Proud to be now a member
JW> of the family:-) But now I've got problems with linux *grrr* :-( :

Firstly, you shouldn't try and mix-and-match RPMs compiled for one
distribution (Red Hat) on another distribution (SuSE).  In general,
you can't expect that to work.  Of course, it may work, but that is
more often a matter of luck, than design.  Different distributions
have slightly different conventions and names for dependencies are
often different.  Remember RPM is just a package *format*, but it's
the packager's and distribution's job to make sure that the packages
will all work together, not the job of the RPM format itself.

JW> I'm trying to install/compile swarm with any rpm of Paul Johnson,
JW> but I have always the same problem:
JW> linux confirm the compilation/installation of swarm, but I can't
JW> find it on my PC. If I want to uninstall with "rpm -e swarm" the
JW> error occurs that swarm is not installed.
JW> an example for my installations attempts:
JW> linux:/usr # rpm -ivh swarm- swarm
JW> ################################################## linux:/usr #
JW> rpm -q --dump swarm package swarm is not installed
JW> what's the fault I'm making?

Your best strategy in this case is to get the src.rpm and
rebuild/recompile that for SuSe.  We are always interested to hear of
new package maintainers for Swarm (we need one for each distribution).
We have a maintainer for Red Hat, somebody has volunteered a while ago
(early in the year) for Debian, but we haven't heard from him since.

You should also search the mailing list archives for more details on
various peoples experiences with SuSE (though some advice may be out
of date).  You can do this via Google via using the "site" syntax:

 site:swarm.org keyword1 keyword2


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