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RE: LispAppArchiver

From: Stacy Oerder
Subject: RE: LispAppArchiver
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:14:06 +0200


I've run your example as is on my computer, it compiles fine but
experiences a runtime error when it is trying to load the file
parameters, which is exactly what happens with my examples. It rpints
out the error message associated with the loading of the file, namely
"Can't find the modelSwarm parameters". I have also run it on a machine
running windows NT, both machines have the Swarm-2.1.1 versions loaded
on them and they experience the same error, could it be related to the
import files and their location on my machine? At this moment in time
I'm trying to  get your example to run on my machine, hopefully this
will highlight my error but if you have any further suggestions please
let me know.

Stacy Oerder

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus G. Daniels [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: 26 April 2002 05:23
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: LispAppArchiver

>>>>> "SO" == Stacy Oerder <address@hidden> writes:

SO> Herewith is my code in the main.m file and the bug.scm file and my
SO> makefile, hope that makes things clearer.

It looks ok, but there must be something funny about the [unincluded]
ModelSwarm.  Here's a complete test case that compiles and works for
me with both 2.1.1 and the current snapshot.

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