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RE: Problems installing Swarm 2.2

From: B . Amelung
Subject: RE: Problems installing Swarm 2.2
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 23:47:16 +0200

Paul Johnson writes:

>But you need to do these things.
>1. remove swarm-2.1 with the windows uninstall program.
I am afraid I did not do this properly, see later (I don't think I know what
you mean by the windows uninstall program)

>2. Install the new cygwin toolkit, make sure it runs. Open a cygwin 
>terminal, type mount, make sure it looks proper, verify that / is 
>pointing to the directory where you install cygwin. It defaults to 

I installed cygwin from the internet. Installation and setup run without
errors. Then I try to run cygwin.bat that tries to change directory to
c:\cygwin\bin\ and run bash --login -i. However, there is no \bin directory
under cygwin. The only directories are: 'etc', 'lib', 'sbin', 'usr', 'var'. 
I found out that cygwin recreated the old Swarm-2.1.1 directory and put the
bin-files in a \bin directory; I don't know why, I specified c:\cygwin. I
also removed all references to Swarm-2.1.1 from the autoexec.bat. When I run
'mount' in the Swarm-2.1.1/bin directory, it says:

C:\Swarm-2.1.1\bin on /usr/bin type user (binmode)
C:\Swarm-2.1.1\bin on /bin type user (textmode)
C:\Swarm-2.1.1 on /Swarm-2.1.1 type user (textmode)
C:\cygwin\\lib on /usr/lib type user (binmode)
C:\cygwin on / type user (binmode)
C:\TEMP on /tmp type user (textmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type user (binmode,noumount)
d: on /cygdrive/d type user (binmode,noumount)

I hope someone knows how to solve this before I attempt to install the Swarm
pretest things.

Bas Amelung

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