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Re: Compiling on Solaris 8

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Compiling on Solaris 8
Date: 15 Mar 2002 09:55:27 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "GH" == gert  <address@hidden> writes:

GH> My question was for a more general list of needed software, like
GH> the one on ftp:/pub/swarm/src/needed, but more up to date for the
GH> snapshot versions.

I don't track the history of versions that work and don't.  I just
grab the latest of whatever I don't have installed and build it.  If
it doesn't work, then I adapt Swarm so it does, or report a bug in the
relevant package.  The `needed' directory is only valid as of 2.1.1,
and I would not suggest using those packages now.  A common problem
people have is using intertwined & cross-generational versions of
packages such as Tcl, Tk, and BLT, e.g. they have an old BLT installed
and then attempt to upgrade Tcl/Tk or vice versa.

GH> I was planning to use Suns j2sdk1.4.0 instead of j2sdk1.3.0, do
GH> you know of any problems with that?

1.4.0 works, or at least it did as of one of the recent release candidates.

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