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Re: GridData patch effort; Protocol of arguments in obj-c

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: GridData patch effort; Protocol of arguments in obj-c
Date: 08 Aug 2001 00:22:41 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "PJ" == pauljohn  <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> I don't understand what _I_Using is? 

It comes from the PHASE(Using) tag in the implementation.  It's a delimiter
that the phase splitting stuff uses. 

PJ> This, and other experience with protocols in Objective-C, leaves
PJ> me feeling a bit frustrated.  It seems to me the compiler ought to
PJ> be nice enough to assume that a class is subclassed from Object.

PJ> When I declare a protocol, it does not have the minimal sort of
PJ> promise I intend to make, like "I have these methods for you (and
PJ> maybe some others)," instead, it amounts to a statement "I have
PJ> these methods and you, mister compiler, should act as if I have no
PJ> others."

Yes, when you are talking about a protocol you are just talking about
a set of methods.  Inheritance is possible, but it will have to come
from other protocols.  It is possible to pass in a class-typed object
for something that expects a protocol, provided that the class
implements the protocol.

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