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HierarchicalSocialEntropy class available (and U-Diametric Cluster class

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: HierarchicalSocialEntropy class available (and U-Diametric Cluster class too)
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 11:18:12 -0500

Get it here:


If I get any feedback, I'll do revisions and then send into Swarm's
contrib ftp.

An excerpt from HierSocialEntropy.h: 

/*Copyright Paul Johnson <address@hidden> 2000, released under the
Gnu Public License.  I offer no warranty of any kind for any purpose
with this code.

Hierarchical Social Entropy is a diversity measure proposed by
Tucker Balch.  His articles on this are quite excellent and you should
read them if you want to use this class.

Here is an example of  how I call this class from a ModelSwarm level:

double ent;
ent = [HierSocialEntropy calculate: self  N: Xcoord+1  DissMatr:
fprintf(stderr, "\n \n ent is %f \n", ent);
This is a class method (like NSelect in Swarm library). You don't have
to create any objects explicitly. The arguments are a Zone object, the
number of items on which diversity is being measured, and a
dissimilarity matrix.

You must supply a full
dissimilarity matrix, with 0's on the main diagonal and "redundant"
distance measures above and below the main diagonal, as in:

0        33.4  56.5 44.5
33.4     0     31.3  41.1
56.5     31.3  0    23.1
44.5     41.1  23.1  0

When you call this method, the HierSocialEntropy class creates
an instance of the class which carries out the U-Diametric Clustering
(UDiamCluster) and inside the UDiamCluster.m file, you will see I've
used a pretty big supporting class called "AVLSet".  AVLSet is class
that uses the avl_tree library (a part of Swarm) to create an ordered
set. I did this because the Swarm docs for Ordered Set say
"If you need one of these objects, then either use a List or wait for
some other implementation."  I have implemented almost all of the
methods for protocols used by Swarm's Set, so if you have need for an
ordered set class, feel free to use this AVLSet.)

Paul Johnson

ps: Don't hate me because its beautiful :)

Paul E. Johnson                       email: address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science            http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~pauljohn
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700

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