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uniformDblRand and uniformIntRand

From: Pietro Terna
Subject: uniformDblRand and uniformIntRand
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:16:44 +0200

        Hi All,

I'm using (in Obj-C) uniformDblRand (case A) to generate random number influencing the behavior of my agents; in the same application I use (case B) uniformDblRand and uniformIntRand to generate initial weights and sequences in random order learning in a neural network.

Changing neural network parameters, the number of calls made to uniformDblRand and uniformIntRand changes. The consequence is a different sequence of random number also for case A; this is embarassing, as I'd like to experiment different neural network parameters vs. the same behavioral data.

How can I generate a completely independent uniformDblRand object, to use it for case A?

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