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Installation problems

From: Martin Gutting
Subject: Installation problems
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 12:40:04 +0200 (CEST)

To all,

I tried to install the 2.0.1-Version of Swarm and this caused some
trouble. (I' m using a Linux-machine, gcc 2.95.1, XEmacs 19.14 .)

During configuring occured:

*************** Warning **************** The mframe software has not
been ported to i686-linux-gnulibc1. Using information from
*************** Warning ****************
The mframe software has not been ported to i686-linux-gnulibc1.
Using information from ${top_srcdir}/config/i386/mframe-generic.h

Lateron at the beginning of make:

 *** No rule to make target
`/swarm-2.0.1/libobjc/config/i386/compiler-info-generic.h', needed by
`compiler-info.h'.  Stop.

So I changed the Makefile from compiler-info-generic to
compiler-info-linux-gnu (as a similar error occurs with mframe I did the
same with mframe-generic).

After these changes make runs without errors till it needs Emacs (by the
way: in the installation guide Emacs is never mentioned). I use XEmacs
which produces the following error:
[..] Symbol's function definition is void: with-temp-buffer

(possibly the same can occur with "with-temp-file") and compiling is

To get rid of this I had to copy Makefile.common to $SWARMHOME/java and
to delete some lines in different Makefiles (..../java/c/Makefile and

Now "make" could finish compiling.
But "make check" produced errors again, whereas "make install" did its
Of course, this installation is incomplete and so I can't use the
java-features. Furthermore there are some problems with the simtools
and defobj libraries (for example: even simpleCBug (part of the
2.0.1-tutorial) can't be compiled. Here is the error message:

/[..]/lib/libsimtools.a(simtools.o): In function `_initSwarm_':
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/simtools/simtools.m:82: undefined reference to
/[..]/lib/libdefobj.a(directory.o): In function `swarm_directory_init':
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/defobj/directory.m:951: undefined reference to
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/defobj/directory.m:965: undefined reference to
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/defobj/directory.m:966: undefined reference to
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/defobj/directory.m:967: undefined reference to
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/defobj/directory.m:968: undefined reference to
/[..]/swarm-2.0.1/src/defobj/directory.m:969: undefined reference to
`ControlStateNextTime' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: ***
[bug] Error 1

I hope that someone can give me some explanations for these problems
and maybe even some solutions. Perhaps this all is caused by my Linux,
or because I only have an account on this machine and therefore can't
write anything in the usr/local-directory.


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