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Compiling Swarm code, need some hints

From: Jan Erik Moström
Subject: Compiling Swarm code, need some hints
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 09:25:53 +0200


I'm trying to install Swarm 1.4.1 under LinuxPPC rel 5.

Most of the stuff seems to compile just fine but I'm having problem with the
strdup function. For example I get an error when I try to compile the following
statement in the method createItem in LinkItem

line1 = strdup([[globalTkInterp eval: "%s create line %d %d %d %d -arrow last",
                    [canvas getWidgetName], fx, fy, mx, my] result]);

The error message says that I'm trying to pass to many (6) parameters to strdup.

I have to admit that I'm not an expert in Objective C (I downloaded the PDF book
1 hour ago 8-) but as far as I can see the statement should return one item, not

So I'm obviously missing something here and my compiler also seems to be missing
something. Could someone please tell me what?

Jan Erik Moström                                      Dept. of Computing 
mailto:address@hidden                                          University of 

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