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Re: question about activateIn:

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: question about activateIn:
Date: 29 May 1999 12:57:22 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.10

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> -(id <Activity>) activateIn: swarmContext

PJ> I certainly think this is more clear. 

Right, done.

PJ> Since you have overridden the
PJ> activateIn: in your ModelSwarm, then your activateIn: method will
PJ> be what gets executed if the Swarm Library tells your ModelSwarm
PJ> to activateIn:.  And if it does not return an activity, you will
PJ> get a bad result.

Sounds good.  [You *may* get a bad result.  You *may* be able to have
a conversation with a person that has a completely different
understanding of 25% of the words you use, or you may not.  Just
because you can often get away with it, doesn't mean this is an
optimal way to communicate.  Sometimes the meaning of constructs need
to be debated or clarified, and that's one reason we distribute the
source code.]

PJ> That being said, I don't know of any activateIn: commands in the
PJ> Swarm Library that would serve as examples.

It's not important to my point, but if you're curious, run 
`grep activateIn: *.m' in src/activity.

PJ> OK, I'll put some words on it, you tell me if I'm wrong.

PJ> The thing called an Activity in Swarm would perhaps be better
PJ> called an ActivityManager, because that's what it is.  It responds
PJ> to messages like run, stop, next, terminate, and so forth.  This
PJ> Activity(Manager) object is what you get back when you tell a
PJ> swarm to "getActivity."

An activity does more than that.  It's fundamental purpose in life is
to merge all the subjective points of view of agents into a single
objective time sequence.  

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