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Re: adding another probe display

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: adding another probe display
Date: 15 Dec 1998 09:38:47 -0800

>>>>> "AO" == Akiko Ogawa <- RS/GIS lab <address@hidden>> writes:

AO> But After compiling, it turned out that only the most recent one,
AO> "probeMap2" was created and the first "probeMap" was ignored.

When CREATE_PROBE_DISPLAY(templateModelSwarm) is used in
TemplateObserverSwarm to create the probe display, it does a look up
of that augmented in the probe library using the object's class
(TemplateModelSwarm) as a key. 

The setProbeMap: in +createBegin: in TemplateModelSwarm augments the
probeMap associated with the TemplateModelSwarm Swarm subclass.  By
default, there is just one probeMap associated with a particular
subclass; when you create and set two probe maps sequentially, it is
the last one that is associated with the class.  If you want two
views to the same object, your Swarm/SwarmObject subclass must provide
its own getProbeMap and return different probe maps depending on some
object-specific state.

As for #2, the easiest thing would be to see where it died:

$ gdb template core
(gdb) bt

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