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unable to deliver mail

From: postmaster
Subject: unable to deliver mail
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 97 09:16:19 +1100

This message was returned to you for the following reasons:

    Cannot parse recipient: Wengui address@hidden

The original message follows.
--- Begin Message --- Subject: Displaying before running revisited Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 21:50:41 +1100
A few months ago there was a discussion on how to display the state of 
the world at time 0. Sven showed how to break down and activate 
schedules to achieve this. I'm trying to make a "movie" of my sim and 
need to capture the screen at t=0, but am having trouble getting this to 
work :-(. 
The sim displays t=0 then immediately updates the screen for t=1 before 
stopping. My observerswarm activateIn and buildActions methods are as 

-activateIn: (id) swarmContext {
  // put self (observer swarm) on the schedule of the GUI swarm
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];

  [startDisplaySchedule activateIn: self ];   // <-- update the display

  [startHaltingSchedule activateIn: self ];   // <-- halt & wait for 

  // start the activity for the model swarm
  [modelSwarm activateIn: self];

  // start the display schedule
  [displaySchedule activateIn: self ];
  [tkEventSchedule activateIn: self ];
  return [self getSwarmActivity];

-buildActions {

  [super buildActions];
  [modelSwarm buildActions];

  displayActions = [ActionGroup create: [self getZone]];
  [displayActions createActionTo: worldRaster message: M(erase)];
  [displayActions createActionTo: [modelSwarm getWorld] message: 
                                  M(drawSelfOn:):(id) worldRaster];
  [displayActions createActionTo: worldRaster message: M(drawSelf)];
  [displayActions createActionTo: self message: M(doStats)];
  [displayActions createActionTo: probeDisplayManager message: 

  displaySchedule = [Schedule createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [displaySchedule setRepeatInterval: displayFrequency];
  displaySchedule = [displaySchedule createEnd];
  [displaySchedule at: displayFrequency-1 createAction: displayActions];

  startDisplaySchedule = [Schedule create: [self getZone]];
  [startDisplaySchedule at: 0
              createAction: displayActions ];

  tkEventSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [tkEventSchedule  setRepeatInterval: displayFrequency];
  tkEventSchedule = [tkEventSchedule createEnd];
  [tkEventSchedule at: displayFrequency-1 
       createActionTo: controlPanel 
              message: M(doTkEvents)];

  startHaltingSchedule = [Schedule create: [self getZone]];
  [startHaltingSchedule at: 0
            createActionTo: controlPanel 
                   message: M(setStateStopped)];

  return self;

Can anyone explain to me why this doesn't work? I thought I was
following Sven's recipe, but I must be missing something fundamental.

Thanks in advance,
Phil Knight

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--- End Message ---

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