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Re: Objective C hierarchy

From: Brad Leydorf
Subject: Re: Objective C hierarchy
Date: Sun, 18 May 1997 23:53:39 -0400

Benoit Desrosiers wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a place where I could find the hierarchy of class
> available in swarm (or in objective-C at least).
> thanks.
> Benoit

Heres one I got on this mailing list a couple of weeks ago.



ListIndex_mlinks                                  -
  |-GroupIndex_c                                  ActionGroup.h
  |-OrderedSetIndex_c                             OrderedSet.h
List_mlinks                                       -
  |-OrderedSet_c                                  OrderedSet.h
    |-ActionGroup_c                               ActionGroup.h
      |-ConcurrentGroup_c                         ActionGroup.h
Module_super_                                     Program.h
NodeItem                                          NodeItem.h
  |-OvalNodeItem                                  OvalNodeItem.h
  |-RectangleNodeItem                             RectangleNodeItem.h
Object                                            -
  |-Class_s                                       DefClass.h
  | |-CreatedClass_s                              DefClass.h
  |    -BehaviorPhase_s                           DefClass.h
  |-Object_s                                      DefObject.h
  | |-ActionType_c                                CompoundAction.h
  | |-Activity_c                                  XActivity.h
  | | |-ForEachActivity_c                         ActionGroup.h
  | | |-GroupActivity_c                           ActionGroup.h
  | | |-ScheduleActivity_c                        Schedule.h
  | |   |-SwarmActivity_c                         Schedule.h
  | |-CAction                                     Action.h
  | | |-ActionCall_0                              Action.h
  | | | |-ActionCall_1                            Action.h
  | | |   |-ActionCall_2                          Action.h
  | | |     |-ActionCall_3                        Action.h
  | | |-ActionConcurrent_c                        Schedule.h
  | | |-ActionMerge_c                             Schedule.h
  | | |-ActionTo_0                                Action.h
  | |   |-ActionForEach_0                         Action.h
  | |   |-ActionTo_1                              Action.h
  | |     |-ActionForEach_1                       Action.h
  | |     |-ActionTo_2                            Action.h
  | |       |-ActionForEach_2                     Action.h
  | |       |-ActionTo_3                          Action.h
  | |         |-ActionForEach_3                   Action.h
  | |-CreateBy_c                                  Customize.h
  | | |-Create_byboth                             Customize.h
  | | |-Create_bycopy                             Customize.h
  | | |-Create_bysend                             Customize.h
  | |-Customize_s                                 Customize_s
  | | |-CreateDrop_s                              Create.h
  | |   |-CSwarmProcess                           SwarmProcess.h
  | |   | |-Swarm                                 Swarm.h
  | |   |   |-GUISwarm                            GUISwarm.h
  | |   |-Collection_any                          Collection.h
  | |   | |-Array_c                               Array.h
  | |   | |-CompoundAction_c                      CompoundAction.h
  | |   | |-List_any                              List.h
  | |   | | |-TARGET                              List_GEN.h
  | |   | |-Map_c                                 Map.h
  | |   |   |-Schedule_c                          Schedule.h
  | |   |   | |-ConcurrentSchedule_c              Schedule.h
  | |   |   |   |-ActivationOrder_c               Schedule.h
  | |   |   |-Set_c                               Set.h
  | |   |-ComponentZone_c                         Zone.h
  | |   |-CreateDrop                              Create.h
  | |   | |-ActionChanged_c                       Schedule.h
  | |   | |-BLTVector                             BLTGraph.h
  | |   | |-GraphElement                          BLTGraph.h
  | |   | |-ProbeLibrary                          ProbeLibrary.h
  | |   | |-SwarmObject                           SwarmObject.h
  | |   | | |-ActivityControl                     ActivityControl.h
  | |   | | |-CanvasItem                          CanvasItem.h
  | |   | | | |-Circle                            Circle.h
  | |   | | | |-Line                              Line.h
  | |   | | | |-Rectangle                         Rectangle.h
  | |   | | | |-TextItem                          TextItem.h
  | |   | | |-CompleteProbeDisplay                CompleteProbeDisplay.h
  | |   | | |-CompositeItem                       CompositeItem.h
  | |   | | | |-LinkItem                          LinkItem.h
  | |   | | | |-NodeItem                          NodeItem.h
  | |   | | |-ControlPanel                        ControlPanel.h
  | |   | | |-Discrete2d                          Discrete2d.h
  | |   | | | |-DblBuffer2d                       DblBuffer2d.h
  | |   | | |   |-Ca2d                            Ca2d.h
  | |   | | |     |-ConwayLife2d                  ConwayLife2d.h
  | |   | | |     |-Diffuse2d                     Diffuse2d.h
  | |   | | | |-Grid2d                            Grid2d.h
  | |   | | |-EZGraph                             EZGraph.h
  | |   | | |-EZSequence                          EZGraph.h
  | |   | | | |-EZAverageSequence                 EZGraph.h
  | |   | | |-InFile                              InFile.h
  | |   | | |-Int2dFiler                          Int2dFiler.h
  | |   | | |-NSelect                             NSelect.h
  | |   | | |-Object2dDisplay                     Object2dDisplay.h
  | |   | | |-ObjectLoader                        ObjectLoader.h
  | |   | | |-ObjectSaver                         ObjectSaver.h
  | |   | | |-OutFile                             OutFile.h
  | |   | | |-ProbabilityDistribution             Distribution.h
  | |   | | | |-ExponentialDistribution          
  | |   | | | |-GammaDistribution                 GammaDistribution.h
  | |   | | | |-LogNormalDistribution            
  | |   | | | |-NormalDistribution                NormalDistribution.h
  | |   | | | |-RandomBitDistribution            
  | |   | | | |-UniformDouble                     UniformDouble.h
  | |   | | | |-UniformInteger                    UniformInteger.h
  | |   | | | |-UniformUnsigned                   UniformUnsigned.h
  | |   | | |-Probe                               Probe.h
  | |   | | | |-MessageProbe                      MessageProbe.h
  | |   | | |   |-ActiveGraph                     ActiveGraph.h
  | |   | | |   |-ActiveOutFile                   ActiveOutFile.h
  | |   | | |   |-Averager                        Averager.h
  | |   | | |   |-EZBin                           EZBin.h
  | |   | | |     |-EZDistribution                EZDistribution.h
  | |   | | |   |-Entropy                         Entropy.h
  | |   | | | |-VarProbe                          VarProbe.h
  | |   | | |-ProbeDisplay                        ProbeDisplay.h
  | |   | | |-ProbeDisplayManager                 ProbeDisplayManager.h
  | |   | | |-ProbeMap                            ProbeMap.h
  | |   | | | |-CompleteProbeMap                  CompleteProbeMap.h
  | |   | | | |-CompleteVarMap                    CompleteVarMap.h
  | |   | | | |-EmptyProbeMap                     EmptyProbeMap.h
  | |   | | |-QSort                               QSort.h
  | |   | | |-RandomNumberGenerator              
  | |   | | | |-ACG                               ACGgen.h
  | |   | | | |-LCG1                              LCG1gen.h
  | |   | | | |-LCG2                              LCG2gen.h
  | |   | | | |-LCG3                              LCG3gen.h
  | |   | | | |-PMMLCG1                           PMMLCG1gen.h
  | |   | | | |-PMMLCG2                           PMMLCG2gen.h
  | |   | | | |-PMMLCG3                           PMMLCG3gen.h
  | |   | | | |-SCG                               SCGgen.h
  | |   | | | |-SWB1                              SWB1gen.h
  | |   | | | |-SWB2                              SWB2gen.h
  | |   | | | |-SWB3                              SWB3gen.h
  | |   | | |-SimpleProbeDisplay                  SimpleProbeDisplay.h
  | |   | | |-UName                               UName.h
  | |   | | |-Value2dDisplay                      Value2dDisplay.h
  | |   | |-Widget                                Widget.h
  | |   |   |-BLTGraph                            BLTGraph.h
  | |   |   |-Button                              Button.h
  | |   |   |-ButtonPanel                         ButtonPanel.h
  | |   |   |-Canvas                              Canvas.h
  | |   |   |-Form                                Form.h
  | |   |   |-Frame                               Frame.h
  | |   |   | |-ClassDisplayWidget                ClassDisplayWidget.h
  | |   |   | |-MessageProbeWidget                MessageProbeWidget.h
  | |   |   |-Histo                               Histo.h
  | |   |   |-InputWidget                         InputWidget.h
  | |   |   | |-CheckButton                       CheckButton.h
  | |   |   | |-Entry                             Entry.h
  | |   |   |-Label                               Label.h
  | |   |   |-Raster                              Raster.h
  | |   |   | |-ZoomRaster                        ZoomRaster.h
  | |   |   |-VarProbeWidget                      VarProbeWidget.h
  | |   |   |-XColormap                           XColormap.h
  | |   |   |-XPixmap                             XPixmap.h
  | |   |-OutputStream_c                          OutputStream.h
  | |   |-String_c                                String.h
  | |   |-Symbol_c                                Symbol.h
  | |     |-EventType_c                           Symbol.h
  | |       |-Warning_c                           Symbol.h
  | |         |-Error_c                           Symbol.h
  | |         |-Zone_c                            Zone.h
  | |-ForEachIndex_c                              ActionGroup.h
  | |-Index_any                                   Collection.h
  | | |-ArrayIndex_c                              Array.h
  | | |-ListIndex_any                             List.h
  | | | |-TINDEX                                  List_GEN.h
  | | |-MapIndex_c                                Map.h
  | |   |-ScheduleIndex_c                         Schedule.h
  | |   |-SetIndex_c                              OrderedSet.h
  | |-Type_c                                      Program.h
  |-ProgramModule_c                               Program.h
Tk                                                --
  |-TkExtra                                       TkExtra.h

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