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Re: incompatible types in assignment

From: glen e. p. ropella
Subject: Re: incompatible types in assignment
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:15:32 -0700

> I create a collection of actionGroups for schedule agents
> which they move with different speed. An actionGroup in the
> collection gathers agents which they move with the same speed.
> So at each timestep I activate the actionGroup which give
> the result getCurrentTime()%agentSpeed == 0.
> Bruno

It sounds like what you want to do is create a bunch 
of schedules, each with different repeat intervals.

This might look like the following:

  id <Schedule> schedule[10];
  id <List>     agentlist[10];
  int agentSpeed[10];

  for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
    schedule[i] = [Schedule createBegin: [self getZone]];
    [schedule[i] setRepeatInterval: agentSpeed[i]];
    schedule[i] = [schedule[i] createEnd];
    [schedule[i] at: 0 createActionForEach: agentList[i] message: M(step)];


    [schedule[i] activateIn: self] // where self is a swarm

Or, perhaps you could do it this way:

  id <Schedule> schedule;
  id <List> agentList[10];
  int agentSpeed[10], sortedAgentSpeed[10], sortMap[10];
  int maxAgentSpeed;

  schedule = [Schedule createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [schedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  schedule = [schedule createEnd];

  sortedAgentSpeed = sort(agentSpeed, sortMap);
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    j = sortedAgentSpeed[i];
    while (j <= maxAgentSpeed) {
       [schedule at: j createActionForEach: agentList[sortMap[i]]
            message: M(step)];
       j += mod( sortedAgentSpeed[i],maxAgentSpeed)

which, if I'm rippingly lucky [grin], will create a single
schedule that sends the message "step" to all the agents on each
list according to their frequency.

Say, if I have 5 agent speeds, each with 10 agents:

    agentSpeed[0] = 7;
    agentSpeed[1] = 2;
    agentSpeed[2] = 10;
    agentSpeed[3] = 3;
    agentSpeed[4] = 5;

Then maxAgentSpeed = 10; sortedAgentSpeed = {2,3,5,7,10};
sortMap = {1,3,4,0,2}; And the sequences of j's will be

   i = 0; j = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10;
   i = 1; j = 3, 6, 9;
   i = 2; j = 5, 10;
   i = 3; j = 7;
   i = 4; j = 10;

Hopefully, this will create a schedule that looks like this:

   t = 0 => nothing to do
   t = 1 => nothing to do
   t = 2 => do agentList[1]
   t = 3 => do agentList[3]
   t = 4 => do agentList[1]
   t = 5 => do agentList[4]
   t = 6 => do agentList[1] & agentList[3]   
   t = 7 => do agentList[0]
   t = 8 => do agentList[1]
   t = 9 => do agentList[3]
   t = 10 => do agentList[1] & agentList[4] & agentList[2]


There could be a problem with time 0 and there could be a problem
with the sizes (using 10 and the maxAgentSpeed being equal to 10,
etc.)  But, overall, I don't think this is a bad idea.  Of course,
the first option is easier!


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