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Re: [STUMP] Problems loading swank

From: Joram Schrijver
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Problems loading swank
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 20:20:59 +0100


First of all, StumpWM doesn't have a startup log. Output is normally printed to
*standard-output* (or *error-output*), so anything that gets printed should show
up in the terminal where X was started.

I would start debugging this as follows:

1. Adjust your .stumpwmrc to start Swank automatically, without using the
   command. Just `(swank:create-server)` should be enough. Also disable the
   command definition. (add `#+nil` before it)
2. Connect to the swank server from Emacs and switch to the stumpwm-user
3. Try defining the command from the REPL. Perhaps you'll get a useful warning.
4. Try running the command from the REPL. Do any warnings show up there?

In this case I tried your command and for me it works perfectly, so I don't know
what the problem is. What CL implementation do you use? What version of StumpWM
is this?

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, at 03:29 AM, ben lamothe wrote:
Hi. I have the following code in my ~/.stumpwmrc to define a command that loads swank and binds it to a key combo:
(ql:quickload :swank)

(let ((server-running nil))
  (defcommand swank () ()
              (if server-running
                    (swank:stop-server 4005)
                     "stopping swank")
                    (setf server-running nil))
                    (swank:create-server :port 4005
                                         :style swank:*communication-style*
                                         :dont-close t)
                    (echo-string (current-screen)
                                 "starting swank. M-x slime-connect RET RET, then (in-package stumpwm)..")
                    (setf server-running t)))))

(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-s") "swank")
That code used to work, but I've updated stumpwm a few times since I used that `swank` command last, and now this code doesn't work anymore.
I tried debugging the issue, but I can't find any stumpwm startup log files to get any information about what could be wrong. I tried starting stump with `startx -- :1`, but I got no information from that.
I have two questions. First, does anyone know where the stumpwm startup log is? And second, does anyone know what is broken about this code to start swank?
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