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Re: [STUMP] add-head crashes

From: David Bjergaard
Subject: Re: [STUMP] add-head crashes
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 22:02:45 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

I've had unexpected problems with stumpwm handling extra screens too, I
just assumed it was happening elsewhere. I'll look into this.  In the
mean time, (if you have time) you could try reverting that code to what
it was before the pull request and report your results (just to make
sure it was introduced by that pull request).



Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden> writes:

> Since the changes in f168e3b7116c106ded81343f07ebd29bc784f2a0 (I can
> only assume that's it), stump crashes when I add an extra screen. I'm
> using stump on X with no DE, and adding the screen with this script,
> bound to a keypress:
> #!/bin/sh
> xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800 --pos 1440x100 --rotate normal --output 
> DP1 --off --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal
> This used to work all right, but now crashes stumpwm. I can't copy the
> actual backtrace, since copy-unhandled-error doesn't seem to actually
> copy it in this case, but here's the top few lines. At the time of the
> crash, I had two groups, one with a single frame, and the other with two
> frames (one of the frames empty, the other with Pidgin's "Buddy List" in
> it).
> The value
>   (#S(frame 0 #S(TILE-WINDOW "Buddy List" #x1200056) 0 0 640 800)
>    #S(frame 1 nil 640 800))
> is not of type
> Backtrace for: etc
> 0: ((:METHOD GROUP-ADD-HEAD (TILE-GROUP t)) #<TILE-GROUP {etc}> #S(frame 1 
> NIL 0 0 1440 900)) [fast-method]
> 1: (ADD-HEAD #S<screen #<XLIB:SCREEN :0.0 1280x800x24 TRUE-COLOR>> #S(frame 1 
> nil 0 0 1440 900))
> 2: (SCALE-SCREEN #S<screen #<XLIB:SCREEN :0.0 1280x800x24 TRUE-COLOR>> 
> (#S(frame 0 NIL 1440 800) #S(frame 1 NIL 0 0 1440 900)))
> So, whatever's going on, stump isn't expecting two frames in the group
> being added, but I really don't know how this is meant to work. Hope
> this is useful...
> Eric
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