This is SBCL 0.9.16, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at . SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the distribution for more information. Caught 'memory fault' at the top level. Please report this. 0: (SB-DEBUG:BACKTRACE 100 #) 1: (STUMPWM::BACKTRACE-STRING) 2: ((LAMBDA (STUMPWM::C)) #) 3: (SIGNAL #) 4: (ERROR SB-KERNEL::MEMORY-FAULT-ERROR) 5: (SB-KERNEL::MEMORY-FAULT-ERROR) 6: ("foreign function: call_into_lisp") 7: ("foreign function: post_signal_tramp") 8: (XLIB:GET-WM-CLASS #) 9: (STUMPWM::XWIN-CLASS #) 10: (STUMPWM::XWIN-TO-WINDOW #) 11: (STUMPWM::PLACE-WINDOW #S> #) 12: (STUMPWM::ADD-WINDOW #S> #) 13: (STUMPWM::PROCESS-MAPPED-WINDOW #S> #) 14: ((LABELS #:G159) :PARENT # :SEND-EVENT-P NIL :WINDOW #) 15: (STUMPWM::HANDLE-EVENT :DISPLAY # :EVENT-KEY :MAP-REQUEST :EVENT-CODE 20 :SEND-EVENT-P NIL :SEQUENCE 977 :PARENT # :EVENT-WINDOW # :WINDOW #) 16: (XLIB:PROCESS-EVENT # :HANDLER # :TIMEOUT NIL :PEEK-P NIL :DISCARD-P NIL :FORCE-OUTPUT-P T) 17: (STUMPWM::STUMPWM-INTERNAL-LOOP) 18: (STUMPWM::STUMPWM-INTERNAL-LOOP) 19: (STUMPWM::STUMPWM-INTERNAL ":0") 20: (STUMPWM ":0") 21: ((LAMBDA ())) 22: ((LABELS SB-IMPL::RESTART-LISP))