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[Stratagus-CVS] stratagus/src/ai ccl_ai.c

From: address@hidden
Subject: [Stratagus-CVS] stratagus/src/ai ccl_ai.c
Date: 16 Dec 2003 18:24:20 +1100

CVSROOT:        /home/strat
Module name:    stratagus
Changes by:      <address@hidden>       03/12/16 18:24:19

Modified files:
        src/ai         : ccl_ai.c 

Log message:
        Tabs, Many functions still not documented

Index: stratagus/src/ai/ccl_ai.c
diff -u stratagus/src/ai/ccl_ai.c:1.90 stratagus/src/ai/ccl_ai.c:1.91
--- stratagus/src/ai/ccl_ai.c:1.90      Tue Dec 16 16:55:37 2003
+++ stratagus/src/ai/ccl_ai.c   Tue Dec 16 18:24:18 2003
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-//       _________ __                 __                               
+//       _________ __                 __
 //      /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
 //      \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
 //      /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ |
 //     /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
-//             \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/ 
+//             \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
 //  ______________________                           ______________________
 //                        T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
 //         Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
-/address@hidden ccl_ai.c       -       The AI ccl functions. */
+/address@hidden ccl_ai.c - The AI ccl functions. */
 //      (c) Copyright 2000-2002 by Lutz Sammer and Ludovic Pollet
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
 //      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 //      02111-1307, USA.
-//      $Id: ccl_ai.c,v 1.90 2003/12/16 05:55:37 jsalmon3 Exp $
+//      $Id: ccl_ai.c,v 1.91 2003/12/16 07:24:18 wizzard Exp $
---     Includes
+--  Includes
 #include <string.h>
@@ -43,15 +43,13 @@
 #include "ccl.h"
 #include "ai.h"
 #include "pathfinder.h"
 #include "ai_local.h"
 #include "ccl_helpers.h"
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
---     Forwards
+--  Forwards
 /// Handle saving/loading a reference to an AiType.
 local void IOAiTypePtr(SCM from, void* binaryform, void* para);
@@ -63,426 +61,460 @@
 local void IORessourceMask(SCM scmfrom, void* binaryform, void* para);
---     Constants
+--  Constants
 /// Description of the AiActionEvaluation structure
 static IOStructDef AiActionEvaluationStructDef = {
-    "AiActionEvaluation",
-    sizeof(AiActionEvaluation),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"`next",               NULL,           
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->Next,        NULL},
-       {"ai-script-action",    
-       {"gamecycle",           &IOInt,         
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->gamecycle,   NULL},
-       {"hotspot-x",           &IOInt,         
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->hotSpotX,    NULL},
-       {"hotspot-y",           &IOInt,         
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->hotSpotY,    NULL},
-       {"hotspot-value",       &IOInt,         
-       {"value",               &IOInt,         
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->value,       NULL},
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiActionEvaluation",
+       sizeof(AiActionEvaluation),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"`next", NULL, &((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->Next, NULL},
+               {"ai-script-action", &IOAiScriptActionPtr, 
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->aiScriptAction, NULL},
+               {"gamecycle", &IOInt, &((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->gamecycle, 
+               {"hotspot-x", &IOInt, &((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->hotSpotX, 
+               {"hotspot-y", &IOInt, &((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->hotSpotY, 
+               {"hotspot-value", &IOInt, 
&((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->hotSpotValue, NULL},
+               {"value", &IOInt, &((AiActionEvaluation*)0)->value, NULL},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 static IOStructDef AiExplorationRequestStructDef = {
-    "AiExplorationRequest",
-    sizeof(AiExplorationRequest),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"`next",               NULL,           
&((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->Next,      NULL},
-       {"gamecycle",           &IOInt,         
&((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->Mask,      NULL},
-       {"map-x",               &IOInt,         &((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->X, 
-       {"map-y",               &IOInt,         &((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->Y, 
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiExplorationRequest",
+       sizeof(AiExplorationRequest),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"`next", NULL, &((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->Next, NULL},
+               {"gamecycle", &IOInt, &((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->Mask, NULL},
+               {"map-x", &IOInt, &((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->X, NULL},
+               {"map-y", &IOInt, &((AiExplorationRequest*)0)->Y, NULL},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the AiRunningScript structure
 static IOStructDef AiRunningScriptStructDef = {
-    "AiRunningScript",
-    sizeof(AiRunningScript),
-    {
-       {"script",              &IOCcl,         &((AiRunningScript*)0)->Script, 
-       {"sleep-cycles",        &IOInt,         
&((AiRunningScript*)0)->SleepCycles,    NULL},
-       {"ident",               &IOStrBuffer,   &((AiRunningScript*)0)->ident,  
        (void*) 10},
-       {"hotspot-x",           &IOInt,         
&((AiRunningScript*)0)->HotSpotX,       NULL},
-       {"hotspot-y",           &IOInt,         
&((AiRunningScript*)0)->HotSpotY,       NULL},
-       {"hotspot-ray",         &IOInt,         
&((AiRunningScript*)0)->HotSpotRay,     NULL},
-       {"own-force",           &IOInt,         
&((AiRunningScript*)0)->ownForce,       NULL},
-       {"gauges",              &IOIntArrayPtr, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->gauges, 
        (void*) GAUGE_NB},
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiRunningScript",
+       sizeof(AiRunningScript),
+       {
+               {"script", &IOCcl, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->Script, NULL},
+               {"sleep-cycles", &IOInt, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->SleepCycles, 
+               {"ident", &IOStrBuffer, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->ident, (void*) 
+               {"hotspot-x", &IOInt, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->HotSpotX, NULL},
+               {"hotspot-y", &IOInt, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->HotSpotY, NULL},
+               {"hotspot-ray", &IOInt, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->HotSpotRay, 
+               {"own-force", &IOInt, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->ownForce, NULL},
+               {"gauges", &IOIntArrayPtr, &((AiRunningScript*)0)->gauges, 
(void*) GAUGE_NB},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the role flags
 static IOFlagDef AiRoleFlag[] = {
-    {"attack", AiForceRoleAttack}, {"defend", AiForceRoleDefend}, {0, 0}
+       {"attack", AiForceRoleAttack}, {"defend", AiForceRoleDefend}, {0, 0}
 /// Description of the populate flags
 static IOFlagDef AiPopulateFlag[] = {
-    {"dont-populate", AiForceDontPopulate}, {"from-scratch", 
-    {"from-attack", AiForcePopulateFromAttack}, {"any", AiForcePopulateAny}, 
{0, 0}
+       {"dont-populate", AiForceDontPopulate}, {"from-scratch", 
+       {"from-attack", AiForcePopulateFromAttack}, {"any", 
AiForcePopulateAny}, {0, 0}
 /// Description of the help flags
 static IOFlagDef AiHelpFlag[] = {
-    {"no-help", AiForceDontHelp}, {"force-help", AiForceHelpForce},
-    {"full-help", AiForceHelpFull}, {0, 0}
+       {"no-help", AiForceDontHelp}, {"force-help", AiForceHelpForce},
+       {"full-help", AiForceHelpFull}, {0, 0}
 /// Description of the AiUnitType structure
 static IOStructDef AiUnitTypeStructDef = {
-    "AiUnitType",
-    sizeof(AiUnitType),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"'next",               0,              &((AiUnitType*)0)->Next,        
-       {"type",                &IOUnitTypePtr, &((AiUnitType*)0)->Type,        
-       {"want",                &IOInt,         &((AiUnitType*)0)->Want,        
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiUnitType",
+       sizeof(AiUnitType),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"'next", 0, &((AiUnitType*)0)->Next, 0},
+               {"type", &IOUnitTypePtr, &((AiUnitType*)0)->Type, 0},
+               {"want", &IOInt, &((AiUnitType*)0)->Want, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the AiUnit structure
 static IOStructDef AiUnitStructDef = {
-    "AiUnit",
-    sizeof(AiUnit),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"'next",               NULL,           &((AiUnit*)0)->Next,            
-       {"unit",                &IOUnitPtr,     &((AiUnit*)0)->Unit,            
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiUnit",
+       sizeof(AiUnit),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"'next", NULL, &((AiUnit*)0)->Next, 0},
+               {"unit", &IOUnitPtr, &((AiUnit*)0)->Unit, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the AiForce structure
 static IOStructDef AiForceStructDef = {
-    "AiForce",
-    sizeof(AiForce),
-    {
-       {"completed",           &IOCharBool,    &((AiForce*)0)->Completed,      
-       {"attacking",           &IOCharBool,    &((AiForce*)0)->Attacking,      
-       {"role",                &IOCharFlag,    &((AiForce*)0)->Role,           
-       {"populate-mode",       &IOCharFlag,    &((AiForce*)0)->PopulateMode,   
-       {"units-reusable",      &IOCharBool,    &((AiForce*)0)->UnitsReusable,  
-       {"help-mode",           &IOCharFlag,    &((AiForce*)0)->HelpMode,       
-       {"unit-wants",          &IOLinkedList,  &((AiForce*)0)->UnitTypes,      
-       {"unit-presents",       &IOLinkedList,  &((AiForce*)0)->Units,          
-       {"attack-state",        &IOInt,         &((AiForce*)0)->State,          
-       {"attack-goal-x",       &IOInt,         &((AiForce*)0)->GoalX,          
-       {"attack-goal-y",       &IOInt,         &((AiForce*)0)->GoalY,          
-       {"must-transport",      &IOBool,        &((AiForce*)0)->MustTransport,  
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiForce",
+       sizeof(AiForce),
+       AI_MAX_FORCES,
+       {
+               {"completed", &IOCharBool, &((AiForce*)0)->Completed, 0},
+               {"attacking", &IOCharBool, &((AiForce*)0)->Attacking, 0},
+               {"role", &IOCharFlag, &((AiForce*)0)->Role, &AiRoleFlag},
+               {"populate-mode", &IOCharFlag, &((AiForce*)0)->PopulateMode, 
+               {"units-reusable", &IOCharBool, &((AiForce*)0)->UnitsReusable, 
+               {"help-mode", &IOCharFlag, &((AiForce*)0)->HelpMode, 
+               {"unit-wants", &IOLinkedList, &((AiForce*)0)->UnitTypes, 
+               {"unit-presents", &IOLinkedList, &((AiForce*)0)->Units, 
+               {"attack-state", &IOInt, &((AiForce*)0)->State, 0},
+               {"attack-goal-x", &IOInt, &((AiForce*)0)->GoalX, 0},
+               {"attack-goal-y", &IOInt, &((AiForce*)0)->GoalY, 0},
+               {"must-transport", &IOBool, &((AiForce*)0)->MustTransport, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the AiBuildQueue structure/linked list
 static IOStructDef AiBuildQueueStructDef = {
-    "AiBuildQueue",
-    sizeof(AiBuildQueue),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"`next",               0,              &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Next,      
-       {"want",                &IOInt,         &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Want,      
-       {"made",                &IOInt,         &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Made,      
-       {"type",                &IOUnitTypePtr, &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Type,      
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiBuildQueue",
+       sizeof(AiBuildQueue),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"`next", 0, &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Next, 0},
+               {"want", &IOInt, &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Want, 0},
+               {"made", &IOInt, &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Made, 0},
+               {"type", &IOUnitTypePtr, &((AiBuildQueue*)0)->Type, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the AiUnitTypeTable table in PlayerAi
 static IOStructDef AiUnitTypeTableStructDef = {
-    "AiUnitTypeTable",
-    sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"unittype",            &IOUnitTypePtr, &((AiUnitTypeTable*)0)->Table,  
-       {"count",               &IOInt,         &((AiUnitTypeTable*)0)->Count,  
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiUnitTypeTable",
+       sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"unittype", &IOUnitTypePtr, &((AiUnitTypeTable*)0)->Table, 0},
+               {"count", &IOInt, &((AiUnitTypeTable*)0)->Count, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the UnitTypeRequests table in PlayerAi
 static IOStructDef UnitTypeRequestsTableDef = {
-    "UnitTypeRequests",
-    sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"`ptr",                0,              
&((PlayerAi*)0)->UnitTypeRequests,      0},
-       {"`count",              0,              
&((PlayerAi*)0)->UnitTypeRequestsCount, 0},
-       {"`items",              &IOStruct,      0,                              
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "UnitTypeRequests",
+       sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"`ptr", 0, &((PlayerAi*)0)->UnitTypeRequests, 0},
+               {"`count", 0, &((PlayerAi*)0)->UnitTypeRequestsCount, 0},
+               {"`items", &IOStruct, 0, &AiUnitTypeTableStructDef},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the UpgradeToRequests table in PlayerAi
 static IOStructDef UpgradeToRequestsTableDef = {
-    "UpgradeToRequests",
-    sizeof(UnitType*),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"`ptr",                0,              
&((PlayerAi*)0)->UpgradeToRequests,     0},
-       {"`count",              0,              
-       {"`items",              &IOUnitTypePtr, 0,                              
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "UpgradeToRequests",
+       sizeof(UnitType*),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"`ptr", 0, &((PlayerAi*)0)->UpgradeToRequests, 0},
+               {"`count", 0, &((PlayerAi*)0)->UpgradeToRequestsCount, 0},
+               {"`items", &IOUnitTypePtr, 0, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the ResearchRequests table in PlayerAi
 static IOStructDef ResearchRequestsTableDef = {
-    "ResearchRequests",
-    sizeof(Upgrade*),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"`ptr",                0,              
&((PlayerAi*)0)->ResearchRequests,      0},
-       {"`count",              0,              
&((PlayerAi*)0)->ResearchRequestsCount, 0},
-       {"`items",              &IOUpgradePtr,  0,                              
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "ResearchRequests",
+       sizeof(Upgrade*),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"`ptr", 0, &((PlayerAi*)0)->ResearchRequests, 0},
+               {"`count", 0, &((PlayerAi*)0)->ResearchRequestsCount, 0},
+               {"`items", &IOUpgradePtr, 0, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the PlayerAi structure
 static IOStructDef PlayerAiStructDef = {
-    "PlayerAi",
-    sizeof(PlayerAi),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"player",              &IOPlayerPtr,   &((PlayerAi*)0)->Player,        
-       {"ai-type",             &IOAiTypePtr,   &((PlayerAi*)0)->AiType,        
-       {"scripts",             &IOStructArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Scripts,       
-       {"past-evaluations",    &IOLinkedList,  
&((PlayerAi*)0)->FirstEvaluation,       &AiActionEvaluationStructDef},
-       {"debug",               &IOBool,        &((PlayerAi*)0)->ScriptDebug,   
-       {"auto-attack",         &IOBool,        &((PlayerAi*)0)->AutoAttack,    
-       {"forces",              &IOStructArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Force,         
-       {"reserve",             &IORessourceArray,&((PlayerAi*)0)->Reserve,     
-       {"used",                &IORessourceArray,&((PlayerAi*)0)->Used,        
-       {"needed",              &IORessourceArray,&((PlayerAi*)0)->Needed,      
-       {"collect",             &IORessourceArray,&((PlayerAi*)0)->Collect,     
-       {"neededmask",          &IORessourceMask,&((PlayerAi*)0)->Reserve,      
-       {"need-supply",         &IOBool,        &((PlayerAi*)0)->NeedSupply,    
-       {"exploration-requests",&IOLinkedList,  
-       {"last-exploration",    &IOInt,         
-       {"unit-type-requests",  &IOTable,       0,                              
-       {"upgrade-to-requests", &IOTable,       0,                              
-       {"research-requests",   &IOTable,       0,                              
-       {"unit-type-builded",   &IOLinkedList,  
&((PlayerAi*)0)->UnitTypeBuilded,       &AiBuildQueueStructDef},
-       {"last-repair-building",&IOInt,         
&((PlayerAi*)0)->LastRepairBuilding,    0},
-       {"tried-repair-worker", &IOIntArray,    
&((PlayerAi*)0)->TriedRepairWorkers,    (void*)UnitMax},
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "PlayerAi",
+       sizeof(PlayerAi),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"player", &IOPlayerPtr, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Player, 0},
+               {"ai-type", &IOAiTypePtr, &((PlayerAi*)0)->AiType, 0},
+               {"scripts", &IOStructArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Scripts, 
+               {"past-evaluations", &IOLinkedList, 
&((PlayerAi*)0)->FirstEvaluation, &AiActionEvaluationStructDef},
+               {"debug", &IOBool, &((PlayerAi*)0)->ScriptDebug, 0},
+               {"auto-attack", &IOBool, &((PlayerAi*)0)->AutoAttack, 0},
+               {"forces", &IOStructArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Force, 
+               {"reserve", &IORessourceArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Reserve, 0},
+               {"used", &IORessourceArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Used, 0},
+               {"needed", &IORessourceArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Needed, 0},
+               {"collect", &IORessourceArray, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Collect, 0},
+               {"neededmask", &IORessourceMask, &((PlayerAi*)0)->Reserve, 0},
+               {"need-supply", &IOBool, &((PlayerAi*)0)->NeedSupply, 0},
+               {"exploration-requests", &IOLinkedList, 
&((PlayerAi*)0)->FirstExplorationRequest, &AiExplorationRequestStructDef},
+               {"last-exploration", &IOInt, 
&((PlayerAi*)0)->LastExplorationGameCycle, 0},
+               {"unit-type-requests", &IOTable, 0, &UnitTypeRequestsTableDef},
+               {"upgrade-to-requests", &IOTable, 0, 
+               {"research-requests", &IOTable, 0, &ResearchRequestsTableDef},
+               {"unit-type-builded", &IOLinkedList, 
&((PlayerAi*)0)->UnitTypeBuilded, &AiBuildQueueStructDef},
+               {"last-repair-building", &IOInt, 
&((PlayerAi*)0)->LastRepairBuilding, 0},
+               {"tried-repair-worker", &IOIntArray, 
&((PlayerAi*)0)->TriedRepairWorkers, (void*)UnitMax},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 /// Description of the PlayerAi structure
 static IOStructDef AiTypeStructDef = {
-    "AiType",
-    sizeof(AiType),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"name",                &IOString,      &((AiType*)0)->Name,            
-       {"race",                &IOString,      &((AiType*)0)->Race,            
-       {"class",               &IOString,      &((AiType*)0)->Class,           
-       {"script",              &IOCcl,         &((AiType*)0)->Script,          
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiType",
+       sizeof(AiType),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"name", &IOString, &((AiType*)0)->Name, 0},
+               {"race", &IOString, &((AiType*)0)->Race, 0},
+               {"class", &IOString, &((AiType*)0)->Class, 0},
+               {"script", &IOCcl, &((AiType*)0)->Script, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
 static IOStructDef AiScriptActionStructDef = {
-    "AiScriptAction",
-    sizeof(AiScriptAction),
-    -1,
-    {
-       {"action",              &IOCcl,         &((AiScriptAction*)0)->Action,  
-       {"defensive",           &IOBool,        
&((AiScriptAction*)0)->Defensive,       0},
-       {"offensive",           &IOBool,        
&((AiScriptAction*)0)->Offensive,       0},
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    }
+       "AiScriptAction",
+       sizeof(AiScriptAction),
+       -1,
+       {
+               {"action", &IOCcl, &((AiScriptAction*)0)->Action, 0},
+               {"defensive", &IOBool, &((AiScriptAction*)0)->Defensive, 0},
+               {"offensive", &IOBool, &((AiScriptAction*)0)->Offensive, 0},
+               {0, 0, 0, 0}
+       }
---     Functions
+-- Functions
-**     Handle saving/loading a reference to an AiType ( AiType* ).
-**     The null case is handled.
+**  Handle saving/loading a reference to an AiType ( AiType* ).
+**  The null case is handled.
-**     @param  scmform         When loading, the scm data to load
-**     @param  binaryform      Pointer to the unit'ref ( AiType** )
-**     @param  para            unused
+**  @param scmform     When loading, the scm data to load
+**  @param binaryform  Pointer to the unit'ref ( AiType** )
+**  @param para        unused
 local void IOAiTypePtr(SCM from, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    char buffer[512];
-    char* str;
-    AiType* cur;
+       char buffer[512];
+       char* str;
+       AiType* cur;
-    if (IOHandleNullPtr(from, binaryform)) {
-       return;
-    }
-    if (IOLoadingMode) {
-       str = gh_scm2newstr(from, 0);
-       cur = AiTypes;
-       while (cur) {
-           snprintf(buffer, 512, "%s-%s-%s", cur->Name, cur->Race, cur->Class);
-           if (!strcmp(str, buffer)) {
-               *((AiType**)binaryform) = cur;
+       if (IOHandleNullPtr(from, binaryform)) {
-           }
-           cur = cur->Next;
-       errl("unknown aitype ", from);
-    } else {
-       cur = *((AiType**)binaryform);
+       if (IOLoadingMode) {
+               str = gh_scm2newstr(from, 0);
+               cur = AiTypes;
+               while (cur) {
+                       snprintf(buffer, 512, "%s-%s-%s", cur->Name, cur->Race, 
+                       if (!strcmp(str, buffer)) {
+                               *((AiType**)binaryform) = cur;
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       cur = cur->Next;
+               }
+               errl("unknown aitype ", from);
+       } else {
+               cur = *((AiType**)binaryform);
-       snprintf(buffer, 512, "%s-%s-%s", cur->Name, cur->Race, cur->Class);
-       CLprintf(IOOutFile, " \"%s\"", buffer);
-    }
+               snprintf(buffer, 512, "%s-%s-%s", cur->Name, cur->Race, 
+               CLprintf(IOOutFile, " \"%s\"", buffer);
+       }
-**     Handle saving/loading a reference to an AiScriptAction.
-**     The null case is handled.
+**  Handle saving/loading a reference to an AiScriptAction.
+**  The null case is handled.
-**     @param  scmform         When loading, the scm data to load
-**     @param  binaryform      Pointer to the unit'ref ( AiScriptAction** )
-**     @param  para            unused
+**  @param scmform     When loading, the scm data to load
+**  @param binaryform  Pointer to the unit'ref ( AiScriptAction** )
+**  @param para        unused
 local void IOAiScriptActionPtr(SCM scmfrom, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    int slot;
-    AiScriptAction* a;
-    if (IOHandleNullPtr(scmfrom, binaryform)) {
-       return;
-    }
-    if (IOLoadingMode) {
-       slot = gh_scm2int(scmfrom);
-       *((AiScriptAction**)binaryform) = AiScriptActions + slot;
-    } else {
-       a = *((AiScriptAction**)binaryform);
-       CLprintf(IOOutFile, " %d", a - AiScriptActions);
-    }
+       int slot;
+       AiScriptAction* a;
+       if (IOHandleNullPtr(scmfrom, binaryform)) {
+               return;
+       }
+       if (IOLoadingMode) {
+               slot = gh_scm2int(scmfrom);
+               *((AiScriptAction**)binaryform) = AiScriptActions + slot;
+       } else {
+               a = *((AiScriptAction**)binaryform);
+               CLprintf(IOOutFile, " %d", a - AiScriptActions);
+       }
-/// Handle loading an array of int for each ressource ( int[MAX_COSTS] )
+** Handle loading an array of int for each ressource ( int[MAX_COSTS] )
+**  @param scmfrom     FIXME: docu
+**  @param binaryform  FIXME: docu
+**  @param para        FIXME: docu
 local void IORessourceArray(SCM scmfrom, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    IOIntArray(scmfrom, binaryform, (void*)MaxCosts);
+       IOIntArray(scmfrom, binaryform, (void*)MaxCosts);
 /// Handle loading a mask for each ressource ( int[MAX_COSTS] )
 local void IORessourceMask(SCM scmfrom, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    int tmp[MaxCosts];
-    int mask;
-    int i;
-    if (IOLoadingMode) {
-       IOIntArray(scmfrom, tmp, (void*)MaxCosts);
+       int tmp[MaxCosts];
+       int mask;
+       int i;
+       if (IOLoadingMode) {
+               IOIntArray(scmfrom, tmp, (void*)MaxCosts);
+               mask = 0;
+               for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+                       if (tmp[i]) {
+                               mask |= (1 << i);
+                       }
+               }
-       mask = 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-           if (tmp[i]) {
-               mask |= (1 << i);
-           }
-       }
+               *(int*)binaryform = mask;
+       } else {
+               mask = *(int*)binaryform;
+               for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+                       if (mask & (1 << i)) {
+                               tmp[i] = 1;
+                       } else {
+                               tmp[i] = 0;
+                       }
+               }
-       *(int*)binaryform = mask;
-    } else {
-       mask = *(int*)binaryform;
-       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-           if (mask & (1 << i)) {
-               tmp[i] = 1;
-           } else {
-               tmp[i] = 0;
-           }
+               IOIntArray(scmfrom, tmp, (void*)MaxCosts);
-       IOIntArray(scmfrom, tmp, (void*)MaxCosts);
-    }
-**     Handle saving/loading a full PlayerAi structure.
-**     The structure is allocated on the heap, filled from ccl, then completed.
+**  Handle saving/loading a full PlayerAi structure.
+**  The structure is allocated on the heap, filled from ccl, then completed.
-**     @param  scmform         When loading, the scm data to load
-**     @param  binaryform      Pointer to the PlayerAi'ref ( PlayerAi** )
-**     @param  para            unused
+**  @param scmform     When loading, the scm data to load
+**  @param binaryform  Pointer to the PlayerAi'ref ( PlayerAi** )
+**  @param para        unused
 global void IOPlayerAiFullPtr(SCM form, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    AiActionEvaluation* aa;
-    PlayerAi** playerAi = (PlayerAi**)binaryform;
+       AiActionEvaluation* aa;
+       PlayerAi** playerAi = (PlayerAi**)binaryform;
-    IOStructPtr(form, binaryform, &PlayerAiStructDef);
-    if (IOLoadingMode && (*playerAi)) {
-       // Finalize the playerAi struct !
-       // => last evaluation, evaluation count
-       aa = (*playerAi)->FirstEvaluation;
-       while (aa) {
-           (*playerAi)->LastEvaluation = aa;
-           (*playerAi)->EvaluationCount++;
-           aa = aa->Next;
+       IOStructPtr(form, binaryform, &PlayerAiStructDef);
+       if (IOLoadingMode && (*playerAi)) {
+               // Finalize the playerAi struct !
+               // => last evaluation, evaluation count
+               aa = (*playerAi)->FirstEvaluation;
+               while (aa) {
+                       (*playerAi)->LastEvaluation = aa;
+                       (*playerAi)->EvaluationCount++;
+                       aa = aa->Next;
+               }
-    }
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param scmform     When loading, the scm data to load
+**  @param binaryform  Pointer to the PlayerAi'ref ( PlayerAi** )
+**  @param para        unused
 global void IOAiTypeFullPtr(SCM form, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    AiType** aiType = (AiType**)binaryform;
-    IOStructPtr(form, binaryform, &AiTypeStructDef);
-    if (IOLoadingMode && (*aiType)) {
-       // Append the ai_type...
-       (*aiType)->Next = AiTypes;
-       AiTypes = (*aiType);
-    }
+       AiType** aiType = (AiType**)binaryform;
+       IOStructPtr(form, binaryform, &AiTypeStructDef);
+       if (IOLoadingMode && (*aiType)) {
+               // Append the ai_type...
+               (*aiType)->Next = AiTypes;
+               AiTypes = (*aiType);
+       }
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param scmform     When loading, the scm data to load
+**  @param binaryform  Pointer to the PlayerAi'ref ( PlayerAi** )
+**  @param para        unused
 global void IOAiScriptActionFull(SCM form, void* binaryform, void* para)
-    /*AiScriptAction* asa = (AiScriptAction*)binaryform; */
-    IOStruct(form, binaryform, &AiScriptActionStructDef);
+       /*AiScriptAction* asa = (AiScriptAction*)binaryform; */
+       IOStruct(form, binaryform, &AiScriptActionStructDef);
-#define INCOMPLETE_SIOD        1
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param a  FIXME: docu
+**  @param b  FIXME: docu
+**  @return   FIXME: docu
 local SCM CclQuotient(SCM a, SCM b)
-    int va, vb;
-    va = gh_scm2int(a);
-    vb = gh_scm2int(b);
-    if (vb == 0) {
-       errl("CclQuotient division by zero", b);
-    }
-    return gh_int2scm(va / vb);
+       int va, vb;
+       va = gh_scm2int(a);
+       vb = gh_scm2int(b);
+       if (vb == 0) {
+               errl("CclQuotient division by zero", b);
+       }
+       return gh_int2scm(va / vb);
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param x  FIXME: docu
+**  @return   FIXME: docu
 local SCM CclOutput(SCM x)
-    if (gh_null_p(x)) {
-       printf(" '()");
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    }
-    if (gh_list_p(x)) {
-       printf(" (");
-       while (!gh_null_p(x)) {
-           CclOutput(gh_car(x));
-           x = gh_cdr(x);
+       if (gh_null_p(x)) {
+               printf(" '()");
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       }
+       if (gh_list_p(x)) {
+               printf(" (");
+               while (!gh_null_p(x)) {
+                       CclOutput(gh_car(x));
+                       x = gh_cdr(x);
+               }
+               printf(" )");
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
-       printf(" )");
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    }
-    printf(" ");
-    gh_display(x);
-    return x;
+       printf(" ");
+       gh_display(x);
+       return x;
@@ -491,73 +523,73 @@
-**     Setup AI helper table.
+**  Setup AI helper table.
-**     Expand the table if needed.
+**  Expand the table if needed.
-**     @param count    Pointer to number of elements in table.
-**     @param table    Pointer to table with elements.
-**     @param n        Index to insert new into table
+**  @param count  Pointer to number of elements in table.
+**  @param table  Pointer to table with elements.
+**  @param n      Index to insert new into table
 local void AiHelperSetupTable(int* count, AiUnitTypeTable*** table, int n)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    ++n;
-    if (n > (i = *count)) {
-       if (*table) {
-           *table = realloc(*table, n * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
-           memset((*table) + i, 0, (n - i) * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
-       } else {
-           *table = malloc(n * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
-           memset(*table, 0, n * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
+       ++n;
+       if (n > (i = *count)) {
+               if (*table) {
+                       *table = realloc(*table, n * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
+                       memset((*table) + i, 0, (n - i) * 
+               } else {
+                       *table = malloc(n * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
+                       memset(*table, 0, n * sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable*));
+               }
+               *count = n;
-       *count = n;
-    }
-**     Insert new unit-type element.
+**  Insert new unit-type element.
-**     @param tablep   Pointer to table with elements.
-**     @param base     Base type to insert into table.
+**  @param tablep  Pointer to table with elements.
+**  @param base    Base type to insert into table.
 local void AiHelperInsert(AiUnitTypeTable** tablep, UnitType* base)
-    int i;
-    int n;
-    AiUnitTypeTable* table;
-    //
-    //  New unit-type
-    //
-    if (!(table = *tablep)) {
-       table = *tablep = malloc(sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable));
-       table->Count = 1;
-       table->Table[0] = base;
-       return;
-    }
-    //
-    //  Look if already known.
-    //
-    n = table->Count;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       if (table->Table[i] == base) {
-           return;
+       int i;
+       int n;
+       AiUnitTypeTable* table;
+       //
+       // New unit-type
+       //
+       if (!(table = *tablep)) {
+               table = *tablep = malloc(sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable));
+               table->Count = 1;
+               table->Table[0] = base;
+               return;
+       }
+       //
+       // Look if already known.
+       //
+       n = table->Count;
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               if (table->Table[i] == base) {
+                       return;
+               }
-    }
-    //
-    //  Append new base unit-type to units.
-    //
-    table = *tablep = realloc(table, sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable) + 
sizeof(UnitType*) * n);
-    table->Count = n + 1;
-    table->Table[n] = base;
+       //
+       // Append new base unit-type to units.
+       //
+       table = *tablep = realloc(table, sizeof(AiUnitTypeTable) + 
sizeof(UnitType*) * n);
+       table->Count = n + 1;
+       table->Table[n] = base;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-**     Print AI helper table.
+**  Print AI helper table.
 local void PrintAiHelperTable(void)
@@ -565,442 +597,477 @@
-**     Define helper for AI.
+**  Define helper for AI.
-**     @param list     List of all helpers.
+**  @param list  List of all helpers.
-**     @todo   FIXME: the first unit could be a list see ../doc/ccl/ai.html
+**  @todo  FIXME: the first unit could be a list see ../doc/ccl/ai.html
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclDefineAiHelper(SCM list)
-    SCM sub_list;
-    SCM value;
-    int what;
-    char* str;
-    UnitType* base;
-    UnitType* type;
-    Upgrade* upgrade;
-    int cost;
+       SCM sub_list;
+       SCM value;
+       int what;
+       char* str;
+       UnitType* base;
+       UnitType* type;
+       Upgrade* upgrade;
+       int cost;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    type = NULL;
-    upgrade = NULL;
-    cost = 0;
-    while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
-       sub_list = gh_car(list);
-       list = gh_cdr(list);
-       //
-       //      Type build,train,research/upgrade.
-       //
-       value = gh_car(sub_list);
-       sub_list = gh_cdr(sub_list);
-       if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("build"))) {
-           what = 0;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("train"))) {
-           what = 1;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("upgrade"))) {
-           what = 2;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("research"))) {
-           what = 3;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("unit-limit"))) {
-           what = 4;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("unit-equiv"))) {
-           what = 5;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("repair"))) {
-           what = 6;
-       } else {
-           fprintf(stderr, "unknown tag\n");
-           continue;
-       }
+       type = NULL;
+       upgrade = NULL;
+       cost = 0;
+       while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
+               sub_list = gh_car(list);
+               list = gh_cdr(list);
+               //
+               // Type build,train,research/upgrade.
+               //
+               value = gh_car(sub_list);
+               sub_list = gh_cdr(sub_list);
+               if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("build"))) {
+                       what = 0;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("train"))) {
+                       what = 1;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("upgrade"))) {
+                       what = 2;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("research"))) {
+                       what = 3;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("unit-limit"))) {
+                       what = 4;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("unit-equiv"))) {
+                       what = 5;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("repair"))) {
+                       what = 6;
+               } else {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "unknown tag\n");
+                       continue;
+               }
-       //
-       //      Get the base unit type, which could handle the action.
-       //
-       value = gh_car(sub_list);
-       sub_list = gh_cdr(sub_list);
+               //
+               // Get the base unit type, which could handle the action.
+               //
+               value = gh_car(sub_list);
+               sub_list = gh_cdr(sub_list);
+               // FIXME: support value as list!
+               str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
+               base = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
+               if (!base) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "unknown unittype %s\n", str);
+                       free(str);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ base->Name);
+               free(str);
-       // FIXME: support value as list!
-       str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
-       base = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
-       if (!base) {
-           fprintf(stderr, "unknown unittype %s\n", str);
-           free(str);
-           continue;
-       }
-       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ base->Name);
-       free(str);
-       //
-       //      Get the unit types, which could be produced
-       //
-       while (!gh_null_p(sub_list)) {
-           value = gh_car(sub_list);
-           sub_list = gh_cdr(sub_list);
-           str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
-           if (what == 3) {
-               upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(str);
-               if (!upgrade) {
-                   fprintf(stderr, "unknown upgrade %s\n", str);
-                   free(str);
-                   continue;
-               }
-               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ upgrade->Ident);
-           } else if (what == 4) {
-               if (!strcmp("food", str)) {
-                   cost = 0;
-               } else {
-                   fprintf(stderr, "unknown limit %s\n", str);
-                   free(str);
-                   continue;
-               }
-               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ str);
-           } else {
-               type = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
-               if (!type) {
-                   fprintf(stderr, "unknown unittype %s\n", str);
-                   free(str);
-                   continue;
-               }
-               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ type->Name);
-           }
-           free(str);
-           switch (what) {
-               case 0:         // build
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.BuildCount, &AiHelpers.Build,
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Build + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-               case 1:         // train
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.TrainCount, &AiHelpers.Train,
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Train + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-               case 2:         // upgrade
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UpgradeCount, 
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Upgrade + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-               case 3:         // research
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.ResearchCount, 
-                       upgrade - Upgrades);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Research + (upgrade - Upgrades), 
-                   break;
-               case 4:         // unit-limit
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UnitLimitCount, 
-                       cost);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.UnitLimit + cost, base);
-                   break;
-               case 5:         // equivalence
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.EquivCount, &AiHelpers.Equiv,
-                       base->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Equiv + base->Type, type);
-                   AiNewUnitTypeEquiv(base, type);
-                   break;
-               case 6:         // repair
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.RepairCount, 
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Repair + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-           }
+               //
+               // Get the unit types, which could be produced
+               //
+               while (!gh_null_p(sub_list)) {
+                       value = gh_car(sub_list);
+                       sub_list = gh_cdr(sub_list);
+                       str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
+                       if (what == 3) {
+                               upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(str);
+                               if (!upgrade) {
+                                       fprintf(stderr, "unknown upgrade %s\n", 
+                                       free(str);
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ upgrade->Ident);
+                       } else if (what == 4) {
+                               if (!strcmp("food", str)) {
+                                       cost = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       fprintf(stderr, "unknown limit %s\n", 
+                                       free(str);
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ str);
+                       } else {
+                               type = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
+                               if (!type) {
+                                       fprintf(stderr, "unknown unittype 
%s\n", str);
+                                       free(str);
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ type->Name);
+                       }
+                       free(str);
+                       switch (what) {
+                               case 0: // build
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.BuildCount, &AiHelpers.Build,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Build + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 1: // train
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.TrainCount, &AiHelpers.Train,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Train + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 2: // upgrade
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UpgradeCount, &AiHelpers.Upgrade,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Upgrade + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 3: // research
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.ResearchCount, &AiHelpers.Research,
+                                               upgrade - Upgrades);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Research + 
(upgrade - Upgrades), base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 4: // unit-limit
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UnitLimitCount, &AiHelpers.UnitLimit,
+                                               cost);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.UnitLimit + 
cost, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 5: // equivalence
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.EquivCount, &AiHelpers.Equiv,
+                                               base->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Equiv + 
base->Type, type);
+                                       AiNewUnitTypeEquiv(base, type);
+                                       break;
+                               case 6: // repair
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.RepairCount, &AiHelpers.Repair,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Repair + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                       }
+               }
-    }
-    return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param l  FIXME: docu
+**  @return   FIXME: docu
 local int CclDefineAiHelper(lua_State* l)
-    const char* value;
-    int what;
-    UnitType* base;
-    UnitType* type;
-    Upgrade* upgrade;
-    int cost;
-    int args;
-    int j;
-    int subargs;
-    int k;
+       const char* value;
+       int what;
+       UnitType* base;
+       UnitType* type;
+       Upgrade* upgrade;
+       int cost;
+       int args;
+       int j;
+       int subargs;
+       int k;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    type = NULL;
-    upgrade = NULL;
-    cost = 0;
-    args = lua_gettop(l);
-    for (j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
-       if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
-           lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-           lua_error(l);
-       }
-       subargs = luaL_getn(l, j + 1);
-       k = 0;
-       lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
-       value = LuaToString(l, -1);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-       ++k;
-       //
-       //      Type build,train,research/upgrade.
-       //
-       if (!strcmp(value, "build")) {
-           what = 0;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "train")) {
-           what = 1;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "upgrade")) {
-           what = 2;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "research")) {
-           what = 3;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-limit")) {
-           what = 4;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-equiv")) {
-           what = 5;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "repair")) {
-           what = 6;
-       } else {
-           lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown tag: %s", value);
-           lua_error(l);
-       }
+       type = NULL;
+       upgrade = NULL;
+       cost = 0;
+       args = lua_gettop(l);
+       for (j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
+               if (!lua_istable(l, j + 1)) {
+                       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+                       lua_error(l);
+               }
+               subargs = luaL_getn(l, j + 1);
+               k = 0;
+               lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
+               value = LuaToString(l, -1);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+               ++k;
+               //
+               // Type build,train,research/upgrade.
+               //
+               if (!strcmp(value, "build")) {
+                       what = 0;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "train")) {
+                       what = 1;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "upgrade")) {
+                       what = 2;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "research")) {
+                       what = 3;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-limit")) {
+                       what = 4;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "unit-equiv")) {
+                       what = 5;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "repair")) {
+                       what = 6;
+               } else {
+                       lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown tag: %s", value);
+                       lua_error(l);
+               }
-       //
-       //      Get the base unit type, which could handle the action.
-       //
+               //
+               // Get the base unit type, which could handle the action.
+               //
+               // FIXME: support value as list!
+               lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
+               value = LuaToString(l, -1);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+               ++k;
+               base = UnitTypeByIdent(value);
+               if (!base) {
+                       lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown unittype: %s", value);
+                       lua_error(l);
+               }
+               DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ base->Name);
-       // FIXME: support value as list!
-       lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
-       value = LuaToString(l, -1);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-       ++k;
-       base = UnitTypeByIdent(value);
-       if (!base) {
-           lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown unittype: %s", value);
-           lua_error(l);
-       }
-       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ base->Name);
-       //
-       //      Get the unit types, which could be produced
-       //
-       for (; k < subargs; ++k) {
-           lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
-           value = LuaToString(l, -1);
-           lua_pop(l, 1);
-           if (what == 3) {
-               upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(value);
-               if (!upgrade) {
-                   lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown upgrade: %s", value);
-                   lua_error(l);
-               }
-               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ upgrade->Ident);
-           } else if (what == 4) {
-               if (!strcmp("food", value)) {
-                   cost = 0;
-               } else {
-                   lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown limit: %s", value);
-                   lua_error(l);
+               //
+               // Get the unit types, which could be produced
+               //
+               for (; k < subargs; ++k) {
+                       lua_rawgeti(l, j + 1, k + 1);
+                       value = LuaToString(l, -1);
+                       lua_pop(l, 1);
+                       if (what == 3) {
+                               upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(value);
+                               if (!upgrade) {
+                                       lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown upgrade: 
%s", value);
+                                       lua_error(l);
+                               }
+                               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ upgrade->Ident);
+                       } else if (what == 4) {
+                               if (!strcmp("food", value)) {
+                                       cost = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown limit: %s", 
+                                       lua_error(l);
+                               }
+                               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ str);
+                       } else {
+                               type = UnitTypeByIdent(value);
+                               if (!type) {
+                                       lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown unittype: 
%s", value);
+                                       lua_error(l);
+                               }
+                               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ type->Name);
+                       }
+                       switch (what) {
+                               case 0: // build
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.BuildCount, &AiHelpers.Build,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Build + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 1: // train
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.TrainCount, &AiHelpers.Train,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Train + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 2: // upgrade
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UpgradeCount, &AiHelpers.Upgrade,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Upgrade + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 3: // research
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.ResearchCount, &AiHelpers.Research,
+                                               upgrade - Upgrades);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Research + 
(upgrade - Upgrades), base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 4: // unit-limit
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UnitLimitCount, &AiHelpers.UnitLimit,
+                                               cost);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.UnitLimit + 
cost, base);
+                                       break;
+                               case 5: // equivalence
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.EquivCount, &AiHelpers.Equiv,
+                                               base->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Equiv + 
base->Type, type);
+                                       AiNewUnitTypeEquiv(base, type);
+                                       break;
+                               case 6: // repair
AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.RepairCount, &AiHelpers.Repair,
+                                               type->Type);
+                                       AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Repair + 
type->Type, base);
+                                       break;
+                       }
-               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ str);
-           } else {
-               type = UnitTypeByIdent(value);
-               if (!type) {
-                   lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown unittype: %s", value);
-                   lua_error(l);
-               }
-               DebugLevel3Fn("> %s\n" _C_ type->Name);
-           }
-           switch (what) {
-               case 0:         // build
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.BuildCount, &AiHelpers.Build,
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Build + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-               case 1:         // train
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.TrainCount, &AiHelpers.Train,
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Train + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-               case 2:         // upgrade
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UpgradeCount, 
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Upgrade + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-               case 3:         // research
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.ResearchCount, 
-                       upgrade - Upgrades);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Research + (upgrade - Upgrades), 
-                   break;
-               case 4:         // unit-limit
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.UnitLimitCount, 
-                       cost);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.UnitLimit + cost, base);
-                   break;
-               case 5:         // equivalence
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.EquivCount, &AiHelpers.Equiv,
-                       base->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Equiv + base->Type, type);
-                   AiNewUnitTypeEquiv(base, type);
-                   break;
-               case 6:         // repair
-                   AiHelperSetupTable(&AiHelpers.RepairCount, 
-                       type->Type);
-                   AiHelperInsert(AiHelpers.Repair + type->Type, base);
-                   break;
-           }
-    }
-    return 0;
+       return 0;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param type        FIXME: docu
+**  @param definition  FIXME: docu
+**  @return            FIXME: docu
 local SCM CclDefineAiAction(SCM type, SCM definition)
-    AiScriptAction* aiScriptAction;
+       AiScriptAction* aiScriptAction;
-    aiScriptAction = AiScriptActions + AiScriptActionNum;
-    ++AiScriptActionNum;
+       aiScriptAction = AiScriptActions + AiScriptActionNum;
+       ++AiScriptActionNum;
-    memset(aiScriptAction, 0, sizeof(AiScriptAction));
+       memset(aiScriptAction, 0, sizeof(AiScriptAction));
-    aiScriptAction->Action = definition;
-    CclGcProtect(&aiScriptAction->Action);
+       aiScriptAction->Action = definition;
+       CclGcProtect(&aiScriptAction->Action);
-    while (!gh_null_p(type)) {
-       if (gh_eq_p(gh_car(type), gh_symbol2scm("defense"))) {
-           aiScriptAction->Defensive = 1;
-       } else if (gh_eq_p(gh_car(type), gh_symbol2scm("attack"))) {
-           aiScriptAction->Offensive = 1;
-       } else {
-           errl("Unsupported ai action type", gh_car(type));
+       while (!gh_null_p(type)) {
+               if (gh_eq_p(gh_car(type), gh_symbol2scm("defense"))) {
+                       aiScriptAction->Defensive = 1;
+               } else if (gh_eq_p(gh_car(type), gh_symbol2scm("attack"))) {
+                       aiScriptAction->Offensive = 1;
+               } else {
+                       errl("Unsupported ai action type", gh_car(type));
+               }
+               type = gh_cdr(type);
-       type = gh_cdr(type);
-    }
-    return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  FIXME: docu
+**  @param l  FIXME: docu
+**  @return   FIXME: docu
 local int CclDefineAiAction(lua_State* l)
-    AiScriptAction* aiScriptAction;
-    const char* value;
-    int args;
-    int j;
+       AiScriptAction* aiScriptAction;
+       const char* value;
+       int args;
+       int j;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 2 || !lua_istable(l, 1) || !lua_istable(l, 2)) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    aiScriptAction = AiScriptActions + AiScriptActionNum;
-    ++AiScriptActionNum;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 2 || !lua_istable(l, 1) || !lua_istable(l, 2)) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       aiScriptAction = AiScriptActions + AiScriptActionNum;
+       ++AiScriptActionNum;
-    memset(aiScriptAction, 0, sizeof(AiScriptAction));
+       memset(aiScriptAction, 0, sizeof(AiScriptAction));
-//    aiScriptAction->Action = definition;
-//    CclGcProtect(&aiScriptAction->Action);
+#if 0
+       aiScriptAction->Action = definition;
+       CclGcProtect(&aiScriptAction->Action);
-    args = luaL_getn(l, 1);
-    for (j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
-       lua_rawgeti(l, 1, j + 1);
-       value = LuaToString(l, -1);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-       if (!strcmp(value, "defense")) {
-           aiScriptAction->Defensive = 1;
-       } else if (!strcmp(value, "attack")) {
-           aiScriptAction->Offensive = 1;
-       } else {
-           lua_pushfstring(l, "Unsupported ai action type: %s", value);
-           lua_error(l);
+       args = luaL_getn(l, 1);
+       for (j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
+               lua_rawgeti(l, 1, j + 1);
+               value = LuaToString(l, -1);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+               if (!strcmp(value, "defense")) {
+                       aiScriptAction->Defensive = 1;
+               } else if (!strcmp(value, "attack")) {
+                       aiScriptAction->Offensive = 1;
+               } else {
+                       lua_pushfstring(l, "Unsupported ai action type: %s", 
+                       lua_error(l);
+               }
-    }
-    return 0;
+       return 0;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Define an AI engine.
+**  Define an AI engine.
+**  @param list  FIXME: docu
+**  @return      FIXME: docu
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclDefineAi(SCM list)
-    SCM value;
-    char* str;
-    AiType* aitype;
+       SCM value;
+       char* str;
+       AiType* aitype;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    const AiType* ait;
+       const AiType* ait;
-    aitype = malloc(sizeof(AiType));
-    aitype->Next = AiTypes;
-    AiTypes = aitype;
-    //
-    //  AI Name
-    //
-    value = gh_car(list);
-    list = gh_cdr(list);
-    str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ str);
-    aitype->Name = str;
+       aitype = malloc(sizeof(AiType));
+       aitype->Next = AiTypes;
+       AiTypes = aitype;
+       //
+       // AI Name
+       //
+       value = gh_car(list);
+       list = gh_cdr(list);
+       str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ str);
+       aitype->Name = str;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    for (ait = AiTypes->Next; ait; ait = ait->Next) {
-       if (!strcmp(aitype->Name, ait->Name)) {
-           DebugLevel0Fn("Warning two or more AI's with the same name '%s'\n" 
_C_ ait->
-               Name);
+       for (ait = AiTypes->Next; ait; ait = ait->Next) {
+               if (!strcmp(aitype->Name, ait->Name)) {
+                       DebugLevel0Fn("Warning two or more AI's with the same 
name '%s'\n" _C_ ait->
+                               Name);
+               }
-    }
-    //
-    //  AI Race
-    //
-    value = gh_car(list);
-    list = gh_cdr(list);
-    str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ str);
-    if (*str != '*') {
-       aitype->Race = str;
-    } else {
-       aitype->Race = NULL;
-       free(str);
-    }
+       //
+       // AI Race
+       //
+       value = gh_car(list);
+       list = gh_cdr(list);
+       str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ str);
+       if (*str != '*') {
+               aitype->Race = str;
+       } else {
+               aitype->Race = NULL;
+               free(str);
+       }
+       //
+       // AI Class
+       //
+       value = gh_car(list);
+       list = gh_cdr(list);
+       str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ str);
+       aitype->Class = str;
-    //
-    //  AI Class
-    //
-    value = gh_car(list);
-    list = gh_cdr(list);
-    str = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ str);
-    aitype->Class = str;
-    //
-    //  AI Script
-    //
-    value = gh_car(list);
-    list = gh_cdr(list);
-    aitype->Script = value;
+       //
+       // AI Script
+       //
+       value = gh_car(list);
+       list = gh_cdr(list);
+       aitype->Script = value;
-    // Protect the scheme script against GC garbage-collect.
-    CclGcProtect(&aitype->Script);
+       // Protect the scheme script against GC garbage-collect.
+       CclGcProtect(&aitype->Script);
-    return list;
+       return list;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Define an AI engine.
+**  @param l  FIXME: docu
+**  @return   FIXME: docu
 local int CclDefineAi(lua_State* l)
-    const char* value;
-    AiType* aitype;
+       const char* value;
+       AiType* aitype;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    const AiType* ait;
+       const AiType* ait;
     if (lua_gettop(l) != 4 || !lua_isfunction(l, 4)) {
@@ -1008,609 +1075,681 @@
-    aitype = malloc(sizeof(AiType));
-    aitype->Next = AiTypes;
-    AiTypes = aitype;
-    //
-    //  AI Name
-    //
-    aitype->Name = strdup(LuaToString(l, 1));
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ aitype->Name);
+       aitype = malloc(sizeof(AiType));
+       aitype->Next = AiTypes;
+       AiTypes = aitype;
+       //
+       // AI Name
+       //
+       aitype->Name = strdup(LuaToString(l, 1));
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ aitype->Name);
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    for (ait = AiTypes->Next; ait; ait = ait->Next) {
-       if (!strcmp(aitype->Name, ait->Name)) {
-           DebugLevel0Fn("Warning two or more AI's with the same name '%s'\n" 
_C_ ait->
-               Name);
+       for (ait = AiTypes->Next; ait; ait = ait->Next) {
+               if (!strcmp(aitype->Name, ait->Name)) {
+                       DebugLevel0Fn("Warning two or more AI's with the same 
name '%s'\n" _C_ ait->
+                               Name);
+               }
-    }
-    //
-    //  AI Race
-    //
-    value = LuaToString(l, 2);
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ value);
-    if (*value != '*') {
-       aitype->Race = strdup(value);
-    } else {
-       aitype->Race = NULL;
-    }
+       //
+       // AI Race
+       //
+       value = LuaToString(l, 2);
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ value);
+       if (*value != '*') {
+               aitype->Race = strdup(value);
+       } else {
+               aitype->Race = NULL;
+       }
-    //
-    //  AI Class
-    //
-    aitype->Class = strdup(LuaToString(l, 3));
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ aitype->Class);
-    //
-    //  AI Script
-    //
-    lua_pushstring(l, "_ai_scripts_");
-    lua_gettable(l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
-    if (lua_isnil(l, -1)) {
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-       lua_pushstring(l, "_ai_scripts_");
-       lua_newtable(l);
-       lua_settable(l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+       //
+       // AI Class
+       //
+       aitype->Class = strdup(LuaToString(l, 3));
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%s\n" _C_ aitype->Class);
+       //
+       // AI Script
+       //
        lua_pushstring(l, "_ai_scripts_");
        lua_gettable(l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
-    }
-    aitype->Script = malloc(strlen(aitype->Name) +
-       (aitype->Race ? strlen(aitype->Race) : 0) +
-       strlen(aitype->Class) + 1);
-    sprintf(aitype->Script, "%s%s%s", aitype->Name,
-       (aitype->Race ? aitype->Race : ""), aitype->Class);
-    lua_pushstring(l, aitype->Script);
-    lua_pushvalue(l, 4);
-    lua_rawset(l, 5);
-    lua_pop(l, 1);
+       if (lua_isnil(l, -1)) {
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+               lua_pushstring(l, "_ai_scripts_");
+               lua_newtable(l);
+               lua_settable(l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+               lua_pushstring(l, "_ai_scripts_");
+               lua_gettable(l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+       }
+       aitype->Script = malloc(strlen(aitype->Name) +
+               (aitype->Race ? strlen(aitype->Race) : 0) +
+               strlen(aitype->Class) + 1);
+       sprintf(aitype->Script, "%s%s%s", aitype->Name,
+               (aitype->Race ? aitype->Race : ""), aitype->Class);
+       lua_pushstring(l, aitype->Script);
+       lua_pushvalue(l, 4);
+       lua_rawset(l, 5);
+       lua_pop(l, 1);
-    return 0;
+       return 0;
---     AI script functions
+--  AI script functions
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-    /// Get unit-type.
+       /// Get unit-type.
 extern UnitType* CclGetUnitType(SCM ptr);
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-    /// Get unit-type.
+       /// Get unit-type.
 extern UnitType* CclGetUnitType(lua_State* l);
-**     Append unit-type to request table.
+**  Append unit-type to request table.
-**     @param type     Unit-type to be appended.
-**     @param count    How many unit-types to build.
+**  @param type   Unit-type to be appended.
+**  @param count  How many unit-types to build.
 local void InsertUnitTypeRequests(UnitType* type, int count)
-    int n;
+       int n;
-    if (AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests) {
-       n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
-       AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests = realloc(AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests,
-           (n + 1) * sizeof(*AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests));
-    } else {
-       AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests = 
-       n = 0;
-    }
-    AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[n].Table[0] = type;
-    AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[n].Count = count;
-    AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount = n + 1;
+       if (AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests) {
+               n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
+               AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests = realloc(AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests,
+                       (n + 1) * sizeof(*AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests));
+       } else {
+               AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests = 
+               n = 0;
+       }
+       AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[n].Table[0] = type;
+       AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[n].Count = count;
+       AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount = n + 1;
-**     Find unit-type in request table.
+**  Find unit-type in request table.
-**     @param type     Unit-type to be found.
+**  @param type  Unit-type to be found.
 local AiUnitTypeTable* FindInUnitTypeRequests(const UnitType* type)
-    int i;
-    int n;
+       int i;
+       int n;
-    n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       if (AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i].Table[0] == type) {
-           return &AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i];
+       n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               if (AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i].Table[0] == type) {
+                       return &AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i];
+               }
-    }
-    return NULL;
+       return NULL;
-**     Find unit-type in upgrade-to table.
+**  Find unit-type in upgrade-to table.
-**     @param type     Unit-type to be found.
+**  @param type  Unit-type to be found.
 local int FindInUpgradeToRequests(const UnitType* type)
-    int i;
-    int n;
+       int i;
+       int n;
-    n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       if (AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[i] == type) {
-           return 1;
+       n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               if (AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[i] == type) {
+                       return 1;
+               }
-    }
-    return 0;
+       return 0;
-**     Append unit-type to request table.
+**  Append unit-type to request table.
-**     @param type     Unit-type to be appended.
+**  @param type  Unit-type to be appended.
 local void InsertUpgradeToRequests(UnitType* type)
-    int n;
+       int n;
-    if (AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests) {
-       n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
-       AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests = realloc(AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests,
-           (n + 1) * sizeof(*AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests));
-    } else {
-       AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests = 
-       n = 0;
-    }
-    AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[n] = type;
-    AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount = n + 1;
+       if (AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests) {
+               n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
+               AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests = 
+                       (n + 1) * sizeof(*AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests));
+       } else {
+               AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests = 
+               n = 0;
+       }
+       AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[n] = type;
+       AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount = n + 1;
-**     Append unit-type to request table.
+**  Append unit-type to request table.
-**     @param upgrade  Upgrade to be appended.
+**  @param upgrade  Upgrade to be appended.
 local void InsertResearchRequests(Upgrade* upgrade)
-    int n;
+       int n;
-    if (AiPlayer->ResearchRequests) {
-       n = AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount;
-       AiPlayer->ResearchRequests = realloc(AiPlayer->ResearchRequests,
-           (n + 1) * sizeof(*AiPlayer->ResearchRequests));
-    } else {
-       AiPlayer->ResearchRequests = 
-       n = 0;
-    }
-    AiPlayer->ResearchRequests[n] = upgrade;
-    AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount = n + 1;
+       if (AiPlayer->ResearchRequests) {
+               n = AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount;
+               AiPlayer->ResearchRequests = realloc(AiPlayer->ResearchRequests,
+                       (n + 1) * sizeof(*AiPlayer->ResearchRequests));
+       } else {
+               AiPlayer->ResearchRequests = 
+               n = 0;
+       }
+       AiPlayer->ResearchRequests[n] = upgrade;
+       AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount = n + 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Get the race of the current AI player.
+**  Get the race of the current AI player.
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiGetRace(void)
-    return gh_symbol2scm(AiPlayer->Player->RaceName);
+       return gh_symbol2scm(AiPlayer->Player->RaceName);
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Get the race of the current AI player.
+**  @param l  FIXME: docu
 local int CclAiGetRace(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushstring(l, AiPlayer->Player->RaceName);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushstring(l, AiPlayer->Player->RaceName);
+       return 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Get the number of cycles to sleep.
+**  Get the number of cycles to sleep.
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiGetSleepCycles(void)
-    return gh_int2scm(AiSleepCycles);
+       return gh_int2scm(AiSleepCycles);
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Get the number of cycles to sleep.
+**  @param l  Lua state
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiGetSleepCycles(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushnumber(l, AiSleepCycles);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushnumber(l, AiSleepCycles);
+       return 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Set debuging flag of AI script.
+**  Set debuging flag of AI script.
+**  @param flag  FIXME: docu
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiDebug(SCM flag)
-    if (gh_eq_p(flag, SCM_BOOL_F)) {
-       AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 0;
-    } else {
-       AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 1;
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       if (gh_eq_p(flag, SCM_BOOL_F)) {
+               AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 0;
+       } else {
+               AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 1;
+       }
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-local int CclAiDebug(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    if (!LuaToBoolean(l, 1)) {
-       AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 0;
-    } else {
-       AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 1;
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
-**     Activate AI debugging for the given player(s)
-**     Player can be
-**             a number for a specific player
-**             "self" for current human player (ai me)
-**             "none" to disable
+**  Set debugging flag of AI script
+**  @param l  Lua state
-**     @param list the list of player to activate
+**  @return   Number of return values
+local int CclAiDebug(lua_State* l)
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       if (!LuaToBoolean(l, 1)) {
+               AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 0;
+       } else {
+               AiPlayer->ScriptDebug = 1;
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
+**  Activate AI debugging for the given player(s)
+**  Player can be a number for a specific player
+**    "self" for current human player (ai me)
+**    "none" to disable
+**  @param list  The list of player to activate
+**  @return      FIXME: docu
 local SCM CclAiDebugPlayer(SCM list)
-    SCM item;
-    int playerid;
+       SCM item;
+       int playerid;
-    while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
-       item = gh_car(list);
-       list = gh_cdr(list);
-       if (gh_eq_p(item, gh_symbol2scm("none"))) {
-           for (playerid = 0; playerid < NumPlayers; ++playerid) {
-               if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || !Players[playerid].Ai) {
-                   continue;
-               }
-               ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug = 0;
-           }
-       } else {
-           if (gh_eq_p(item, gh_symbol2scm("self"))) {
-               if (!ThisPlayer) {
-                   continue;
-               }
-               playerid = ThisPlayer->Player;
-           } else {
-               playerid = gh_scm2int(item);
-           }
-           if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || !Players[playerid].Ai) {
-               continue;
-           }
-           ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug = 1;
+       while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
+               item = gh_car(list);
+               list = gh_cdr(list);
+               if (gh_eq_p(item, gh_symbol2scm("none"))) {
+                       for (playerid = 0; playerid < NumPlayers; ++playerid) {
+                               if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || 
!Players[playerid].Ai) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug 
= 0;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       if (gh_eq_p(item, gh_symbol2scm("self"))) {
+                               if (!ThisPlayer) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               playerid = ThisPlayer->Player;
+                       } else {
+                               playerid = gh_scm2int(item);
+                       }
+                       if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || 
!Players[playerid].Ai) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug = 1;
+               }
-    }
-    return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Activate AI debugging for the given player(s)
+**  Player can be a number for a specific player
+**    "self" for current human player (ai me)
+**    "none" to disable
+**  @param l  Lua State
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiDebugPlayer(lua_State* l)
-    const char* item;
-    int playerid;
-    int args;
-    int j;
-    args = lua_gettop(l);
-    for (j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
-       if (lua_isstring(l, j + 1)) {
-           item = LuaToString(l, j + 1);
-       } else {
-           item = NULL;
-       }
-       if (item && !strcmp(item, "none")) {
-           for (playerid = 0; playerid < NumPlayers; ++playerid) {
-               if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || !Players[playerid].Ai) {
-                   continue;
-               }
-               ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug = 0;
-           }
-       } else {
-           if (item && !strcmp(item, "self")) {
-               if (!ThisPlayer) {
-                   continue;
-               }
-               playerid = ThisPlayer->Player;
-           } else {
-               playerid = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
-           }
-           if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || !Players[playerid].Ai) {
-               continue;
-           }
-           ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug = 1;
+       const char* item;
+       int playerid;
+       int args;
+       int j;
+       args = lua_gettop(l);
+       for (j = 0; j < args; ++j) {
+               if (lua_isstring(l, j + 1)) {
+                       item = LuaToString(l, j + 1);
+               } else {
+                       item = NULL;
+               }
+               if (item && !strcmp(item, "none")) {
+                       for (playerid = 0; playerid < NumPlayers; ++playerid) {
+                               if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || 
!Players[playerid].Ai) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug 
= 0;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       if (item && !strcmp(item, "self")) {
+                               if (!ThisPlayer) {
+                                       continue;
+                               }
+                               playerid = ThisPlayer->Player;
+                       } else {
+                               playerid = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
+                       }
+                       if (!Players[playerid].AiEnabled || 
!Players[playerid].Ai) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       ((PlayerAi*)Players[playerid].Ai)->ScriptDebug = 1;
+               }
-    }
-    return 0;
+       return 0;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Need an unit.
+**  Need an unit.
-**     @param value    Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
+**  @param value  Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiNeed(SCM value)
-    InsertUnitTypeRequests(CclGetUnitType(value), 1);
+       InsertUnitTypeRequests(CclGetUnitType(value), 1);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Need an unit.
+**  @param l  Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiNeed(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    InsertUnitTypeRequests(CclGetUnitType(l), 1);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       InsertUnitTypeRequests(CclGetUnitType(l), 1);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Set the number of units.
+**  Set the number of units.
-**     @param value    Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
-**     @param count    Number of unit-types requested.
+**  @param value  Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
+**  @param count  Number of unit-types requested.
-**     @todo FIXME:    count==0 should remove the request.
+**  @todo         FIXME: count==0 should remove the request.
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSet(SCM value, SCM count)
-    AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
-    UnitType* type;
+       AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
+       UnitType* type;
-    type = CclGetUnitType(value);
-    if ((autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
-       autt->Count = gh_scm2int(count);
-       // FIXME: 0 should remove it.
-    } else {
-       InsertUnitTypeRequests(type, gh_scm2int(count));
-    }
+       type = CclGetUnitType(value);
+       if ((autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
+               autt->Count = gh_scm2int(count);
+               // FIXME: 0 should remove it.
+       } else {
+               InsertUnitTypeRequests(type, gh_scm2int(count));
+       }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Set the number of units.
+**  @param l  Lua state
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiSet(lua_State* l)
-    AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
-    UnitType* type;
+       AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
+       UnitType* type;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushvalue(l, 1);
-    type = CclGetUnitType(l);
-    lua_pop(l, 1);
-    if ((autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
-       autt->Count = LuaToNumber(l, 2);
-       // FIXME: 0 should remove it.
-    } else {
-       InsertUnitTypeRequests(type, LuaToNumber(l, 2));
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushvalue(l, 1);
+       type = CclGetUnitType(l);
+       lua_pop(l, 1);
+       if ((autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
+               autt->Count = LuaToNumber(l, 2);
+               // FIXME: 0 should remove it.
+       } else {
+               InsertUnitTypeRequests(type, LuaToNumber(l, 2));
+       }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Wait for an unit.
+**  Wait for an unit.
-**     @param value    Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
+**  @param value  Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
+**  @return       FIXME: docu
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiWait(SCM value)
-    const AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
-    const UnitType* type;
-    const int* unit_types_count;
-    int j;
-    int n;
+       const AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
+       const UnitType* type;
+       const int* unit_types_count;
+       int j;
+       int n;
+       type = CclGetUnitType(value);
+       unit_types_count = AiPlayer->Player->UnitTypesCount;
+       if (!(autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
+               //
+               // Look if we have this unit-type.
+               //
+               if (unit_types_count[type->Type]) {
+                       return SCM_BOOL_F;
+               }
-    type = CclGetUnitType(value);
-    unit_types_count = AiPlayer->Player->UnitTypesCount;
-    if (!(autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
-       //
-       //      Look if we have this unit-type.
-       //
-       if (unit_types_count[type->Type]) {
-           return SCM_BOOL_F;
+               //
+               // Look if we have equivalent unit-types.
+               //
+               if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && 
AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
+                       DebugLevel3Fn("Equivalence for %s\n" _C_ type->Ident);
+                       for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; 
++j) {
+                               if 
(unit_types_count[AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Table[j]->Type]) {
+                                       return SCM_BOOL_F;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               //
+               // Look if we have an upgrade-to request.
+               //
+               if (FindInUpgradeToRequests(type)) {
+                       return SCM_BOOL_T;
+               }
+               DebugLevel0Fn("Broken? waiting on %s which wasn't requested.\n" 
_C_ type->Ident);
+               return SCM_BOOL_F;
-       //      Look if we have equivalent unit-types.
+       // Add equivalent units
+       n = unit_types_count[type->Type];
        if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
-           DebugLevel3Fn("Equivalence for %s\n" _C_ type->Ident);
-           for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; ++j) {
-               if 
(unit_types_count[AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Table[j]->Type]) {
-                   return SCM_BOOL_F;
+               for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; ++j) {
+                       n += 
-           }
-       }
-       //
-       //      Look if we have an upgrade-to request.
-       //
-       if (FindInUpgradeToRequests(type)) {
-           return SCM_BOOL_T;
-       DebugLevel0Fn("Broken? waiting on %s which wasn't requested.\n" _C_ 
-       return SCM_BOOL_F;
-    }
-    //
-    //  Add equivalent units
-    //
-    n = unit_types_count[type->Type];
-    if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
-       for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; ++j) {
-           n += unit_types_count[AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Table[j]->Type];
-       }
-    }
-    // units available?
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%d,%d\n" _C_ n _C_ autt->Count);
+       // units available?
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%d,%d\n" _C_ n _C_ autt->Count);
-    if (n >= autt->Count) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_F;
-    }
+       if (n >= autt->Count) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       }
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Wait for an unit.
+**  @param l  Lua State.
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiWait(lua_State* l)
-    const AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
-    const UnitType* type;
-    const int* unit_types_count;
-    int j;
-    int n;
+       const AiUnitTypeTable* autt;
+       const UnitType* type;
+       const int* unit_types_count;
+       int j;
+       int n;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    type = CclGetUnitType(l);
-    unit_types_count = AiPlayer->Player->UnitTypesCount;
-    if (!(autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
-       //
-       //      Look if we have this unit-type.
-       //
-       if (unit_types_count[type->Type]) {
-           lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-           return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       type = CclGetUnitType(l);
+       unit_types_count = AiPlayer->Player->UnitTypesCount;
+       if (!(autt = FindInUnitTypeRequests(type))) {
+               //
+               // Look if we have this unit-type.
+               //
+               if (unit_types_count[type->Type]) {
+                       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+                       return 1;
+               }
-       //
-       //      Look if we have equivalent unit-types.
-       //
-       if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
-           DebugLevel3Fn("Equivalence for %s\n" _C_ type->Ident);
-           for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; ++j) {
-               if 
(unit_types_count[AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Table[j]->Type]) {
-                   lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-                   return 1;
+               //
+               // Look if we have equivalent unit-types.
+               //
+               if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && 
AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
+                       DebugLevel3Fn("Equivalence for %s\n" _C_ type->Ident);
+                       for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; 
++j) {
+                               if 
(unit_types_count[AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Table[j]->Type]) {
+                                       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+                                       return 1;
+                               }
+                       }
-           }
+               //
+               // Look if we have an upgrade-to request.
+               //
+               if (FindInUpgradeToRequests(type)) {
+                       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+                       return 1;
+               }
+               DebugLevel0Fn("Broken? waiting on %s which wasn't requested.\n" 
_C_ type->Ident);
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+               return 1;
-       //      Look if we have an upgrade-to request.
+       // Add equivalent units
-       if (FindInUpgradeToRequests(type)) {
-           lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-           return 1;
+       n = unit_types_count[type->Type];
+       if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
+               for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; ++j) {
+                       n += 
+               }
-       DebugLevel0Fn("Broken? waiting on %s which wasn't requested.\n" _C_ 
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-       return 1;
-    }
-    //
-    //  Add equivalent units
-    //
-    n = unit_types_count[type->Type];
-    if (type->Type < AiHelpers.EquivCount && AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]) {
-       for (j = 0; j < AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Count; ++j) {
-           n += unit_types_count[AiHelpers.Equiv[type->Type]->Table[j]->Type];
+       // units available?
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%d,%d\n" _C_ n _C_ autt->Count);
+       if (n >= autt->Count) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+               return 1;
-    }
-    // units available?
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%d,%d\n" _C_ n _C_ autt->Count);
-    if (n >= autt->Count) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
        return 1;
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-    return 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Give the number of the script specific force.
+**  Give the number of the script specific force.
+**  @return  FIXME: docu
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiOwnForce(void)
-    return gh_int2scm(AiScript->ownForce);
+       return gh_int2scm(AiScript->ownForce);
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Give the number of the script specific force.
+**  @param l  Lua State
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiOwnForce(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushnumber(l, AiScript->ownForce);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushnumber(l, AiScript->ownForce);
+       return 1;
+#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-**     Free a force ( requirements and current units )
+**  Free a force ( requirements and current units )
-**     @param s_force  Force to free.
+**  @param s_force  Force to free.
+**  @return         FIXME: docu
-#if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiClearForce(SCM s_force)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(s_force);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", s_force);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(s_force);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", s_force);
+       }
-    AiEraseForce(force);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       AiEraseForce(force);
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
+**  Free a force ( requirements and current units )
+**  @param l  Lua State.
+**  @return   Number of return values
 local int CclAiClearForce(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    AiEraseForce(force);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       AiEraseForce(force);
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
@@ -1618,816 +1757,819 @@
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiGetForce(SCM list)
-    int force;
-    SCM rslt;
-    AiUnitType* aiut;
-    force = gh_scm2int(list);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", list);
-    }
-    rslt = SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
-    aiut = AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes;
-    while (aiut) {
-       rslt =
-           cons(gh_symbol2scm(aiut->Type->Ident), cons(gh_int2scm(aiut->Want), 
-       aiut = aiut->Next;
-    }
-    CclOutput(rslt);
-    return rslt;
+       int force;
+       SCM rslt;
+       AiUnitType* aiut;
+       force = gh_scm2int(list);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", list);
+       }
+       rslt = SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+       aiut = AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes;
+       while (aiut) {
+               rslt =
+                       cons(gh_symbol2scm(aiut->Type->Ident), 
cons(gh_int2scm(aiut->Want), rslt));
+               aiut = aiut->Next;
+       }
+       CclOutput(rslt);
+       return rslt;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiGetForce(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
-    AiUnitType* aiut;
-    int i;
+       int force;
+       AiUnitType* aiut;
+       int i;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_newtable(l);
-    i = 0;
-    aiut = AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes;
-    while (aiut) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, aiut->Type->Ident);
-       lua_rawseti(l, -1, i + 1);
-       ++i;
-       lua_pushnumber(l, aiut->Want);
-       lua_rawseti(l, -1, i + 1);
-       ++i;
-       aiut = aiut->Next;
-    }
-//    CclOutput(rslt);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_newtable(l);
+       i = 0;
+       aiut = AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes;
+       while (aiut) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, aiut->Type->Ident);
+               lua_rawseti(l, -1, i + 1);
+               ++i;
+               lua_pushnumber(l, aiut->Want);
+               lua_rawseti(l, -1, i + 1);
+               ++i;
+               aiut = aiut->Next;
+       }
+#if 0
+       CclOutput(rslt);
+       return 1;
-**     Return true if a force has no unit, fase otherwise.
+**  Return true if a force has no unit, fase otherwise.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForceEmpty(SCM list)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(list);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", list);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(list);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", list);
+       }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Units) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_F;
-    } else {
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    }
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Units) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       } else {
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       }
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForceEmpty(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Units) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-       return 1;
-    } else {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-       return 1;
-    }
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Units) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+               return 1;
+       } else {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+               return 1;
+       }
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiAdHocForce(SCM requirement, SCM scm_unittypes)
-    int want[3];
-    int* unittypes;
-    int unittypecount;
-    UnitType* unittype;
-    char* str;
-    int i;
-    int rslt;
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-       want[i] = gh_scm2int(gh_car(requirement));
-       requirement = gh_cdr(requirement);
-    }
+       int want[3];
+       int* unittypes;
+       int unittypecount;
+       UnitType* unittype;
+       char* str;
+       int i;
+       int rslt;
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+               want[i] = gh_scm2int(gh_car(requirement));
+               requirement = gh_cdr(requirement);
+       }
+       unittypecount = gh_length(scm_unittypes);
+       if (unittypecount) {
+               unittypes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * unittypecount);
+               for (i = 0; i < unittypecount; ++i) {
+                       str = gh_scm2newstr(gh_car(scm_unittypes), NULL);
+                       scm_unittypes = gh_cdr(scm_unittypes);
+                       unittype = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
+                       if (!unittype) {
+                               fprintf(stderr, "unknown unittype %s\n", str);
+                               free(str);
+                               --i;
+                               --unittypecount;
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       free(str);
-    unittypecount = gh_length(scm_unittypes);
-    if (unittypecount) {
-       unittypes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * unittypecount);
-       for (i = 0; i < unittypecount; ++i) {
-           str = gh_scm2newstr(gh_car(scm_unittypes), NULL);
-           scm_unittypes = gh_cdr(scm_unittypes);
-           unittype = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
-           if (!unittype) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "unknown unittype %s\n", str);
-               free(str);
-               --i;
-               --unittypecount;
-               continue;
-           }
-           free(str);
-           unittypes[i] = unittype->Type;
+                       unittypes[i] = unittype->Type;
+               }
+       } else {
+               unittypes = 0;
+       }
+       rslt = AiCreateSpecificForce(want, unittypes, unittypecount);
+       if (unittypes) {
+               free(unittypes);
-    } else {
-       unittypes = 0;
-    }
-    rslt = AiCreateSpecificForce(want, unittypes, unittypecount);
-    if (unittypes) {
-       free(unittypes);
-    }
-    if (rslt != -1) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    } else {
-       return SCM_BOOL_F;
-    }
+       if (rslt != -1) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       } else {
+               return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       }
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiAdHocForce(lua_State* l)
-    int want[3];
-    int* unittypes;
-    int unittypecount;
-    UnitType* unittype;
-    const char* str;
-    int i;
-    int rslt;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 2 || !lua_istable(l, 1) || luaL_getn(l, 1) != 3) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-       lua_rawgeti(l, 1, i + 1);
-       want[i] = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-    }
-    unittypecount = luaL_getn(l, 2);
-    if (unittypecount) {
-       unittypes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * unittypecount);
+       int want[3];
+       int* unittypes;
+       int unittypecount;
+       UnitType* unittype;
+       const char* str;
+       int i;
+       int rslt;
-       for (i = 0; i < unittypecount; ++i) {
-           lua_rawgeti(l, 2, i + 1);
-           str = LuaToString(l, -1);
-           lua_pop(l, 1);
-           unittype = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
-           if (!unittype) {
-               lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown unittype: %s", str);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 2 || !lua_istable(l, 1) || luaL_getn(l, 1) != 3) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-           }
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+               lua_rawgeti(l, 1, i + 1);
+               want[i] = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+       }
+       unittypecount = luaL_getn(l, 2);
+       if (unittypecount) {
+               unittypes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * unittypecount);
+               for (i = 0; i < unittypecount; ++i) {
+                       lua_rawgeti(l, 2, i + 1);
+                       str = LuaToString(l, -1);
+                       lua_pop(l, 1);
+                       unittype = UnitTypeByIdent(str);
+                       if (!unittype) {
+                               lua_pushfstring(l, "unknown unittype: %s", str);
+                               lua_error(l);
+                       }
-           unittypes[i] = unittype->Type;
+                       unittypes[i] = unittype->Type;
+               }
+       } else {
+               unittypes = 0;
+       }
+       rslt = AiCreateSpecificForce(want, unittypes, unittypecount);
+       if (unittypes) {
+               free(unittypes);
-    } else {
-       unittypes = 0;
-    }
-    rslt = AiCreateSpecificForce(want, unittypes, unittypecount);
-    if (unittypes) {
-       free(unittypes);
-    }
-    if (rslt != -1) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-       return 1;
-    } else {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-       return 1;
-    }
+       if (rslt != -1) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+               return 1;
+       } else {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+               return 1;
+       }
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForceActive(SCM list)
-    int force;
-    AiUnit* unit;
+       int force;
+       AiUnit* unit;
-    force = gh_scm2int(list);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", list);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(list);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", list);
+       }
-    unit = AiPlayer->Force[force].Units;
-    while (unit) {
-       if (!UnitIdle(unit->Unit)) {
-           return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       unit = AiPlayer->Force[force].Units;
+       while (unit) {
+               if (!UnitIdle(unit->Unit)) {
+                       return SCM_BOOL_T;
+               }
+               unit = unit->Next;
-       unit = unit->Next;
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForceActive(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
-    AiUnit* unit;
+       int force;
+       AiUnit* unit;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    unit = AiPlayer->Force[force].Units;
-    while (unit) {
-       if (!UnitIdle(unit->Unit)) {
-           lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-           return 1;
+       unit = AiPlayer->Force[force].Units;
+       while (unit) {
+               if (!UnitIdle(unit->Unit)) {
+                       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+                       return 1;
+               }
+               unit = unit->Next;
-       unit = unit->Next;
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Define a force, a groups of units.
-**     If force already exists, list is interpreted as a minimum...
+**  Define a force, a groups of units.
+**  If force already exists, list is interpreted as a minimum...
-**     @param list     Pairs of unit-types and counts.
+**  @param list  Pairs of unit-types and counts.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForce(SCM list)
-    AiUnitType** prev;
-    AiUnitType* aiut;
-    UnitType* type;
-    int count;
-    int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(gh_car(list));
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", gh_car(list));
-    }
-    list = gh_cdr(list);
-    while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
-       type = CclGetUnitType(gh_car(list));
-       list = gh_cdr(list);
-       count = gh_scm2int(gh_car(list));
-       list = gh_cdr(list);
-       if (!type) {                    // bulletproof
-           continue;
-       }
-       if (!count) {                   // Don't care
-           continue;
+       AiUnitType** prev;
+       AiUnitType* aiut;
+       UnitType* type;
+       int count;
+       int force;
+       force = gh_scm2int(gh_car(list));
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", gh_car(list));
+       list = gh_cdr(list);
-       // Use the equivalent unittype.
-       type = UnitTypes[UnitTypeEquivs[type->Type]];
+       while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
+               type = CclGetUnitType(gh_car(list));
+               list = gh_cdr(list);
+               count = gh_scm2int(gh_car(list));
+               list = gh_cdr(list);
-       //
-       //      Look if already in force.
-       //
-       for (prev = &AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes; (aiut = *prev);
-               prev = &aiut->Next) {
-           if (UnitTypeEquivs[aiut->Type->Type] == type->Type) {       // found
-               if (aiut->Want < count) {
-                   aiut->Want = count;
+               if (!type) { // bulletproof
+                       continue;
+               if (!count) { // Don't care
+                       continue;
+               }
+               // Use the equivalent unittype.
+               type = UnitTypes[UnitTypeEquivs[type->Type]];
-               if (!aiut->Want) {
-                   *prev = aiut->Next;
-                   free(aiut);
+               //
+               // Look if already in force.
+               //
+               for (prev = &AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes; (aiut = *prev);
+                               prev = &aiut->Next) {
+                       if (UnitTypeEquivs[aiut->Type->Type] == type->Type) { 
// found
+                               if (aiut->Want < count) {
+                                       aiut->Want = count;
+                               }
+                               if (!aiut->Want) {
+                                       *prev = aiut->Next;
+                                       free(aiut);
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       }
-               break;
-           }
-       }
-       //
-       //      New type append it.
-       //
-       if (!aiut) {
-           *prev = aiut = malloc(sizeof(*aiut));
-           aiut->Next = NULL;
-           aiut->Want = count;
-           aiut->Type = type;
+               //
+               // New type append it.
+               //
+               if (!aiut) {
+                       *prev = aiut = malloc(sizeof(*aiut));
+                       aiut->Next = NULL;
+                       aiut->Want = count;
+                       aiut->Type = type;
+               }
-    }
-    AiAssignFreeUnitsToForce();
+       AiAssignFreeUnitsToForce();
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForce(lua_State* l)
-    AiUnitType** prev;
-    AiUnitType* aiut;
-    UnitType* type;
-    int count;
-    int force;
-    int args;
-    int j;
-    args = lua_gettop(l);
-    j = 0;
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
-    ++j;
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    for (; j < args; ++j) {
-       lua_pushvalue(l, j + 1);
-       type = CclGetUnitType(l);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
+       AiUnitType** prev;
+       AiUnitType* aiut;
+       UnitType* type;
+       int count;
+       int force;
+       int args;
+       int j;
+       args = lua_gettop(l);
+       j = 0;
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
-       count = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
-       if (!type) {                    // bulletproof
-           continue;
-       }
-       if (!count) {                   // Don't care
-           continue;
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
-       // Use the equivalent unittype.
-       type = UnitTypes[UnitTypeEquivs[type->Type]];
+       for (; j < args; ++j) {
+               lua_pushvalue(l, j + 1);
+               type = CclGetUnitType(l);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+               ++j;
+               count = LuaToNumber(l, j + 1);
-       //
-       //      Look if already in force.
-       //
-       for (prev = &AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes; (aiut = *prev);
-               prev = &aiut->Next) {
-           if (UnitTypeEquivs[aiut->Type->Type] == type->Type) {       // found
-               if (aiut->Want < count) {
-                   aiut->Want = count;
+               if (!type) { // bulletproof
+                       continue;
+               if (!count) { // Don't care
+                       continue;
+               }
+               // Use the equivalent unittype.
+               type = UnitTypes[UnitTypeEquivs[type->Type]];
-               if (!aiut->Want) {
-                   *prev = aiut->Next;
-                   free(aiut);
+               //
+               // Look if already in force.
+               //
+               for (prev = &AiPlayer->Force[force].UnitTypes; (aiut = *prev);
+                               prev = &aiut->Next) {
+                       if (UnitTypeEquivs[aiut->Type->Type] == type->Type) { 
// found
+                               if (aiut->Want < count) {
+                                       aiut->Want = count;
+                               }
+                               if (!aiut->Want) {
+                                       *prev = aiut->Next;
+                                       free(aiut);
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       }
-               break;
-           }
-       }
-       //
-       //      New type append it.
-       //
-       if (!aiut) {
-           *prev = aiut = malloc(sizeof(*aiut));
-           aiut->Next = NULL;
-           aiut->Want = count;
-           aiut->Type = type;
+               //
+               // New type append it.
+               //
+               if (!aiut) {
+                       *prev = aiut = malloc(sizeof(*aiut));
+                       aiut->Next = NULL;
+                       aiut->Want = count;
+                       aiut->Type = type;
+               }
-    }
-    AiAssignFreeUnitsToForce();
+       AiAssignFreeUnitsToForce();
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForceTransfer(SCM sourceForce, SCM destForce)
-    int src;
-    int dst;
+       int src;
+       int dst;
-    src = gh_scm2int(sourceForce);
-    dst = gh_scm2int(destForce);
-    AiForceTransfert(src, dst);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       src = gh_scm2int(sourceForce);
+       dst = gh_scm2int(destForce);
+       AiForceTransfert(src, dst);
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForceTransfer(lua_State* l)
-    int src;
-    int dst;
+       int src;
+       int dst;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    src = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    dst = LuaToNumber(l, 2);
-    AiForceTransfert(src, dst);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       src = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       dst = LuaToNumber(l, 2);
+       AiForceTransfert(src, dst);
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Wrapper of AiForceComplete.
-**     Complete a force with existing units.
+**  Wrapper of AiForceComplete.
+**  Complete a force with existing units.
-**     @param destForce        the force to complete
+**  @param destForce  the force to complete
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForceComplete(SCM destForce)
-    int dst;
+       int dst;
-    dst = gh_scm2int(destForce);
-    AiForceComplete(dst);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       dst = gh_scm2int(destForce);
+       AiForceComplete(dst);
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForceComplete(lua_State* l)
-    int dst;
+       int dst;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    dst = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    AiForceComplete(dst);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       dst = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       AiForceComplete(dst);
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Define the role of a force.
+**  Define the role of a force.
-**     @param value    Force number.
-**     @param flag     Which role of the force.
+**  @param value  Force number.
+**  @param flag   Which role of the force.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForceRole(SCM value, SCM flag)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
-    if (gh_eq_p(flag, gh_symbol2scm("attack"))) {
-       AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleAttack;
-    } else if (gh_eq_p(flag, gh_symbol2scm("defend"))) {
-       AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleDefend;
-    } else {
-       errl("Unknown force role", flag);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
+       if (gh_eq_p(flag, gh_symbol2scm("attack"))) {
+               AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleAttack;
+       } else if (gh_eq_p(flag, gh_symbol2scm("defend"))) {
+               AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleDefend;
+       } else {
+               errl("Unknown force role", flag);
+       }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForceRole(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
-    const char* flag;
+       int force;
+       const char* flag;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    flag = LuaToString(l, 2);
-    if (!strcmp(flag, "attack")) {
-       AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleAttack;
-    } else if (!strcmp(flag, "defend")) {
-       AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleDefend;
-    } else {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Unknown force role", flag);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       flag = LuaToString(l, 2);
+       if (!strcmp(flag, "attack")) {
+               AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleAttack;
+       } else if (!strcmp(flag, "defend")) {
+               AiPlayer->Force[force].Role = AiForceRoleDefend;
+       } else {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Unknown force role", flag);
+       }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Return wether a force is defending or not.
+**  Return wether a force is defending or not.
-**     @param  value   the force
-**     @return         true if the force is defending, false otherwise
+**  @param value  the force
+**  @return       true if the force is defending, false otherwise
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiIsForceDefending(SCM value)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Role == AiForceRoleDefend) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Role == AiForceRoleDefend) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       }
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiIsForceDefending(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Role == AiForceRoleDefend) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Role == AiForceRoleDefend) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
        return 1;
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
-**     Check if the hotspot can be reached.
-**     The parameter describe which element we are travelling in.
+**  Check if the hotspot can be reached.
+**  The parameter describe which element we are travelling in.
-**     @param way      air, ground or sea
-**     @return         true if the hotspot is reachable
+**  @param way  air, ground or sea
+**  @return     true if the hotspot is reachable
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiCanReachHotSpot(SCM way)
-    ZoneSet targets = {0};
-    ZoneSet sources = {0};
-    ZoneSet transportable = {0};
-    int i;
-    Unit* unit;
-    int transporterplace;
-    UnitType* transporter;
-    AiUnit* aiunit;
-    if ((AiScript->HotSpotX == -1) || (AiScript->HotSpotY == -1) ||
-           (AiScript->HotSpotRay <= 0)) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    }
+       ZoneSet targets = {0};
+       ZoneSet sources = {0};
+       ZoneSet transportable = {0};
+       int i;
+       Unit* unit;
+       int transporterplace;
+       UnitType* transporter;
+       AiUnit* aiunit;
+       if ((AiScript->HotSpotX == -1) || (AiScript->HotSpotY == -1) ||
+                       (AiScript->HotSpotRay <= 0)) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       }
+       ZoneSetClear(&sources);
+       transporter = 0;
+       transporterplace = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < AiPlayer->Player->TotalNumUnits; ++i) {
+               unit = AiPlayer->Player->Units[i];
-    ZoneSetClear(&sources);
-    transporter = 0;
-    transporterplace = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < AiPlayer->Player->TotalNumUnits; ++i) {
-       unit = AiPlayer->Player->Units[i];
-       if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionDie) {
-           continue;
-       }
+               if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionDie) {
+                       continue;
+               }
-       if (unit->Removed) {
-           continue;
-       }
+               if (unit->Removed) {
+                       continue;
+               }
-       if ((unit->X == -1) || (unit->Y == -1)) {
-           continue;
-       }
+               if ((unit->X == -1) || (unit->Y == -1)) {
+                       continue;
+               }
-       if (unit->Type->UnitType == UnitTypeNaval && unit->Type->Transporter) {
-           ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources, unit);
-           if ((!transporter) || (transporter->MaxOnBoard < 
unit->Type->MaxOnBoard)) {
-               transporter = unit->Type;
-           }
-           transporterplace += unit->Type->MaxOnBoard;
+               if (unit->Type->UnitType == UnitTypeNaval && 
unit->Type->Transporter) {
+                       ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources, unit);
+                       if ((!transporter) || (transporter->MaxOnBoard < 
unit->Type->MaxOnBoard)) {
+                               transporter = unit->Type;
+                       }
+                       transporterplace += unit->Type->MaxOnBoard;
+               }
-    }
-    ZoneSetClear(&transportable);
-    // Add land connected to transporter
-    ZoneSetAddConnected(&transportable, &sources);
-    // Add water as well
-    ZoneSetAddSet(&transportable, &sources);
-    aiunit = AiPlayer->Force[AiScript->ownForce].Units;
-    while (aiunit) {
-       switch(aiunit->Unit->Type->UnitType) {
-           case UnitTypeFly:
-               break;
-           case UnitTypeNaval:
-               if (!PlaceReachable(aiunit->Unit, AiScript->HotSpotX, 
-                       1, 1, 0, aiunit->Unit->Type->_AttackRange)) {
-                   return SCM_BOOL_F;
-               }
-               break;
-           case UnitTypeLand:
-               ZoneSetClear(&sources);
-               ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources,aiunit->Unit);
-               ZoneSetClear(&targets);
-               ZoneSetAddGoalZones(&targets, aiunit->Unit, AiScript->HotSpotX 
- 4, AiScript->HotSpotY - 4,
-                   9, 9, 0, 0);
-               if (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, &sources) &&
-                       (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, &transportable) ||
-                           !ZoneSetHasIntersect(&sources, &transportable))) {
-                    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       ZoneSetClear(&transportable);
+       // Add land connected to transporter
+       ZoneSetAddConnected(&transportable, &sources);
+       // Add water as well
+       ZoneSetAddSet(&transportable, &sources);
+       aiunit = AiPlayer->Force[AiScript->ownForce].Units;
+       while (aiunit) {
+               switch(aiunit->Unit->Type->UnitType) {
+                       case UnitTypeFly:
+                                       break;
+                       case UnitTypeNaval:
+                               if (!PlaceReachable(aiunit->Unit, 
AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY,
+                                               1, 1, 0, 
aiunit->Unit->Type->_AttackRange)) {
+                                       return SCM_BOOL_F;
+                                       }
+                               break;
+                       case UnitTypeLand:
+                                       ZoneSetClear(&sources);
+                               ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources,aiunit->Unit);
+                               ZoneSetClear(&targets);
+                               ZoneSetAddGoalZones(&targets, aiunit->Unit, 
AiScript->HotSpotX - 4, AiScript->HotSpotY - 4,
+                                       9, 9, 0, 0);
+                               if (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, &sources) &&
+                                               (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, 
&transportable) ||
!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&sources, &transportable))) {
+                                        return SCM_BOOL_F;
+                               }
+                               break;
-               break;
+               aiunit = aiunit->Next;
-       aiunit = aiunit->Next;
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiCanReachHotSpot(lua_State* l)
-    ZoneSet targets = {0};
-    ZoneSet sources = {0};
-    ZoneSet transportable = {0};
-    int i;
-    Unit* unit;
-    int transporterplace;
-    UnitType* transporter;
-    AiUnit* aiunit;
+       ZoneSet targets = {0};
+       ZoneSet sources = {0};
+       ZoneSet transportable = {0};
+       int i;
+       Unit* unit;
+       int transporterplace;
+       UnitType* transporter;
+       AiUnit* aiunit;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    if ((AiScript->HotSpotX == -1) || (AiScript->HotSpotY == -1) ||
-           (AiScript->HotSpotRay <= 0)) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-       return 1;
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       if ((AiScript->HotSpotX == -1) || (AiScript->HotSpotY == -1) ||
+                       (AiScript->HotSpotRay <= 0)) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+               return 1;
+       }
-    ZoneSetClear(&sources);
-    transporter = 0;
-    transporterplace = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < AiPlayer->Player->TotalNumUnits; ++i) {
-       unit = AiPlayer->Player->Units[i];
+       ZoneSetClear(&sources);
+       transporter = 0;
+       transporterplace = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < AiPlayer->Player->TotalNumUnits; ++i) {
+               unit = AiPlayer->Player->Units[i];
-       if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionDie) {
-           continue;
-       }
+               if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionDie) {
+                       continue;
+               }
-       if (unit->Removed) {
-           continue;
-       }
+               if (unit->Removed) {
+                       continue;
+               }
-       if ((unit->X == -1) || (unit->Y == -1)) {
-           continue;
-       }
+               if ((unit->X == -1) || (unit->Y == -1)) {
+                       continue;
+               }
-       if (unit->Type->UnitType == UnitTypeNaval && unit->Type->Transporter) {
-           ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources, unit);
-           if ((!transporter) || (transporter->MaxOnBoard < 
unit->Type->MaxOnBoard)) {
-               transporter = unit->Type;
-           }
-           transporterplace += unit->Type->MaxOnBoard;
+               if (unit->Type->UnitType == UnitTypeNaval && 
unit->Type->Transporter) {
+                       ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources, unit);
+                       if ((!transporter) || (transporter->MaxOnBoard < 
unit->Type->MaxOnBoard)) {
+                               transporter = unit->Type;
+                       }
+                       transporterplace += unit->Type->MaxOnBoard;
+               }
-    }
-    ZoneSetClear(&transportable);
-    // Add land connected to transporter
-    ZoneSetAddConnected(&transportable, &sources);
-    // Add water as well
-    ZoneSetAddSet(&transportable, &sources);
-    aiunit = AiPlayer->Force[AiScript->ownForce].Units;
-    while (aiunit) {
-       switch(aiunit->Unit->Type->UnitType) {
-           case UnitTypeFly:
-               break;
-           case UnitTypeNaval:
-               if (!PlaceReachable(aiunit->Unit, AiScript->HotSpotX, 
-                       1, 1, 0, aiunit->Unit->Type->_AttackRange)) {
-                   lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-                   return 1;
-               }
-               break;
-           case UnitTypeLand:
-               ZoneSetClear(&sources);
-               ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources,aiunit->Unit);
-               ZoneSetClear(&targets);
-               ZoneSetAddGoalZones(&targets, aiunit->Unit, AiScript->HotSpotX 
- 4,
-                   AiScript->HotSpotY - 4, 9, 9, 0, 0);
-               if (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, &sources) &&
-                       (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, &transportable) ||
-                           !ZoneSetHasIntersect(&sources, &transportable))) {
-                   lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-                   return 1;
+       ZoneSetClear(&transportable);
+       // Add land connected to transporter
+       ZoneSetAddConnected(&transportable, &sources);
+       // Add water as well
+       ZoneSetAddSet(&transportable, &sources);
+       aiunit = AiPlayer->Force[AiScript->ownForce].Units;
+       while (aiunit) {
+               switch(aiunit->Unit->Type->UnitType) {
+                       case UnitTypeFly:
+                                       break;
+                       case UnitTypeNaval:
+                               if (!PlaceReachable(aiunit->Unit, 
AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY,
+                                               1, 1, 0, 
aiunit->Unit->Type->_AttackRange)) {
+                                       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+                                       return 1;
+                                       }
+                               break;
+                       case UnitTypeLand:
+                                       ZoneSetClear(&sources);
+                               ZoneSetAddUnitZones(&sources,aiunit->Unit);
+                               ZoneSetClear(&targets);
+                               ZoneSetAddGoalZones(&targets, aiunit->Unit, 
AiScript->HotSpotX - 4,
+                                       AiScript->HotSpotY - 4, 9, 9, 0, 0);
+                               if (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, &sources) &&
+                                               (!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&targets, 
&transportable) ||
!ZoneSetHasIntersect(&sources, &transportable))) {
+                                       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+                                       return 1;
+                               }
+                               break;
-               break;
+               aiunit = aiunit->Next;
-       aiunit = aiunit->Next;
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+       return 1;
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Check if a force ready.
+**  Check if a force ready.
-**     @param value    Force number.
-**     @return         #t if ready, #f otherwise.
+**  @param value  Force number.
+**  @return       #t if ready, #f otherwise.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiCheckForce(SCM value)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_T;
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       }
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiCheckForce(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-    }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+       }
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
        return 1;
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
-** Evaluate the ressources needed to complete a force.
+**  Evaluate the ressources needed to complete a force.
-** @param s_force the force
+**  @param s_force the force
-** @return -1 if it is not possible ( upgrade missing )
+**  @return -1 if it is not possible ( upgrade missing )
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiEvaluateForceCost(SCM s_force)
-    return gh_int2scm(AiEvaluateForceCost(gh_scm2int(s_force), 0));
+       return gh_int2scm(AiEvaluateForceCost(gh_scm2int(s_force), 0));
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiEvaluateForceCost(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushnumber(l, AiEvaluateForceCost(LuaToNumber(l, 1), 0));
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushnumber(l, AiEvaluateForceCost(LuaToNumber(l, 1), 0));
+       return 1;
@@ -2435,1115 +2577,1125 @@
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiIdle(void)
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiIdle(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+       return 1;
-**     Wait for a force ready.
+**  Wait for a force ready.
-**     @param value    Force number.
+**  @param value  Force number.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiWaitForce(SCM value)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
-       return SCM_BOOL_F;
-    }
-    DebugLevel3Fn("Wait force %d\n" _C_ force);
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
+               return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       }
+       DebugLevel3Fn("Wait force %d\n" _C_ force);
 #if 0
-    // Debuging
-    AiCleanForces();
-    DebugCheck(AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed);
+       // Debuging
+       AiCleanForces();
+       DebugCheck(AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed);
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiWaitForce(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
-       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-       return 1;
-    }
-    DebugLevel3Fn("Wait force %d\n" _C_ force);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       if (AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed) {
+               lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       DebugLevel3Fn("Wait force %d\n" _C_ force);
 #if 0
-    // Debuging
-    AiCleanForces();
-    DebugCheck(AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed);
+       // Debuging
+       AiCleanForces();
+       DebugCheck(AiPlayer->Force[force].Completed);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+       return 1;
-**     Attack with force, on the current script hotspot.
+**  Attack with force, on the current script hotspot.
-**     @param value    Force number.
+**  @param value  Force number.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiHotSpotAttackWithForce(SCM value)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
-    AiAttackWithForceAt(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
+       AiAttackWithForceAt(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiHotSpotAttackWithForce(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    AiAttackWithForceAt(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
+       AiAttackWithForceAt(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
+**  FIXME: docu
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiGroupForce(SCM value)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
-    AiGroupForceNear(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
+       AiGroupForceNear(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiGroupForce(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    AiGroupForceNear(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
+       AiGroupForceNear(force, AiScript->HotSpotX, AiScript->HotSpotY);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiForceHome(SCM value)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    force = gh_scm2int(value);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       errl("Force out of range", value);
-    }
+       force = gh_scm2int(value);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               errl("Force out of range", value);
+       }
-    AiSendForceHome(force);
+       AiSendForceHome(force);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiForceHome(lua_State* l)
-    int force;
+       int force;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       force = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       if (force < 0 || force >= AI_MAX_FORCES) {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Force out of range: %d", force);
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    AiSendForceHome(force);
+       AiSendForceHome(force);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Wait for a force (like CclAiWaitForce), limited in time.
+**  Wait for a force (like CclAiWaitForce), limited in time.
-**     @param s_force  Force number.
-**     @param s_wait   Maximum number of cycles to delay.
+**  @param s_force  Force number.
+**  @param s_wait   Maximum number of cycles to delay.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiTimedWaitForce(SCM s_force, SCM s_wait)
-    SCM result;
+       SCM result;
-    // return true after n call or when force is ready
-    if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
-       if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
-           AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-           return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       // return true after n call or when force is ready
+       if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
+               if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
+                       AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+                       return SCM_BOOL_F;
+               }
+       } else {
+               AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + gh_scm2int(s_wait);
-    } else {
-       AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + gh_scm2int(s_wait);
-    }
-    result = CclAiWaitForce(s_force);
-    if (result == SCM_BOOL_F) {
-       AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-    }
-    return result;
+       result = CclAiWaitForce(s_force);
+       if (result == SCM_BOOL_F) {
+               AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+       }
+       return result;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiTimedWaitForce(lua_State* l)
-//    SCM result;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    // return true after n call or when force is ready
-    if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
-       if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
-           AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-           lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-           return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 2) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
-    } else {
-       AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + LuaToNumber(l, 2);
-    }
-//    result = CclAiWaitForce(s_force);
-//    if (result == SCM_BOOL_F) {
-//     AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-//    }
-    return 1;
+       // return true after n call or when force is ready
+       if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
+               if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
+                       AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+                       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       } else {
+               AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + LuaToNumber(l, 2);
+       }
+#if 0
+       result = CclAiWaitForce(s_force);
+       if (result == SCM_BOOL_F) {
+               AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+       }
+       return 1;
-**     Sleep n cycles.
+**  Sleep n cycles.
-**     @param value    Number of cycles to delay.
+**  @param value  Number of cycles to delay.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSleep(SCM value)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%lu %d\n" _C_ GameCycle _C_ AiPlayer->SleepCycles);
-    if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
-       if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
-           AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-           return SCM_BOOL_F;
-       }
-    } else {
-       i = gh_scm2int(value);
-       AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + i;
-    }
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%lu %d\n" _C_ GameCycle _C_ AiPlayer->SleepCycles);
+       if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
+               if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
+                       AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+                       return SCM_BOOL_F;
+               }
+       } else {
+               i = gh_scm2int(value);
+               AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + i;
+       }
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiSleep(lua_State* l)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    DebugLevel3Fn("%lu %d\n" _C_ GameCycle _C_ AiPlayer->SleepCycles);
-    if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
-       if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
-           AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-           lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-           return 1;
-       }
-    } else {
-       i = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-       AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + i;
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       DebugLevel3Fn("%lu %d\n" _C_ GameCycle _C_ AiPlayer->SleepCycles);
+       if (AiScript->SleepCycles) {
+               if (AiScript->SleepCycles < GameCycle) {
+                       AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+                       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       } else {
+               i = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+               AiScript->SleepCycles = GameCycle + i;
+       }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
+       return 1;
-**     Research an upgrade.
+**  Research an upgrade.
-**     @param value    Upgrade as string/symbol/object.
+**  @param value  Upgrade as string/symbol/object.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiResearch(SCM value)
-    const char* str;
-    Upgrade* upgrade;
+       const char* str;
+       Upgrade* upgrade;
-    // Be kind allow also strings or symbols
-    if ((str = try_get_c_string(value))) {
-       upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(str);
-    } else {
-       errl("Upgrade needed", value);
-       return SCM_BOOL_F;
-    }
+       // Be kind allow also strings or symbols
+       if ((str = try_get_c_string(value))) {
+               upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(str);
+       } else {
+               errl("Upgrade needed", value);
+               return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       }
-    InsertResearchRequests(upgrade);
+       InsertResearchRequests(upgrade);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiResearch(lua_State* l)
-    const char* str;
-    Upgrade* upgrade;
+       const char* str;
+       Upgrade* upgrade;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    if ((str = LuaToString(l, 1))) {
-       upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(str);
-    } else {
-       lua_pushfstring(l, "Upgrade needed");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       if ((str = LuaToString(l, 1))) {
+               upgrade = UpgradeByIdent(str);
+       } else {
+               lua_pushfstring(l, "Upgrade needed");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
-    InsertResearchRequests(upgrade);
+       InsertResearchRequests(upgrade);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Upgrade an unit to an new unit-type.
+**  Upgrade an unit to an new unit-type.
-**     @param value    Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
+**  @param value  Unit-type as string/symbol/object.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiUpgradeTo(SCM value)
-    UnitType* type;
+       UnitType* type;
-    type = CclGetUnitType(value);
-    InsertUpgradeToRequests(type);
+       type = CclGetUnitType(value);
+       InsertUpgradeToRequests(type);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiUpgradeTo(lua_State* l)
-    UnitType* type;
+       UnitType* type;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    type = CclGetUnitType(l);
-    InsertUpgradeToRequests(type);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       type = CclGetUnitType(l);
+       InsertUpgradeToRequests(type);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSetHotSpotRay(SCM value)
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiSetHotSpotRay(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiComputeGauges(void)
-    AiComputeCurrentScriptGauges();
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       AiComputeCurrentScriptGauges();
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiComputeGauges(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    AiComputeCurrentScriptGauges();
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       AiComputeCurrentScriptGauges();
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiDebugGauges(void)
-    AiDebugGauges();
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       AiDebugGauges();
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiDebugGauges(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    AiDebugGauges();
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       AiDebugGauges();
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiGetGauge(SCM value)
-    int gauge;
+       int gauge;
-    if (gh_exact_p(value)) {
-       gauge = gh_scm2int(value);
-    } else {
-       gauge = AiFindGaugeId(value);
-       if (gauge == -1) {
-           errl("invalid gauge name", value);
+       if (gh_exact_p(value)) {
+               gauge = gh_scm2int(value);
+       } else {
+               gauge = AiFindGaugeId(value);
+               if (gauge == -1) {
+                       errl("invalid gauge name", value);
+               }
-    }
-    return gh_int2scm(AiGetGaugeValue(gauge));
+       return gh_int2scm(AiGetGaugeValue(gauge));
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiGetGauge(lua_State* l)
-    int gauge;
+       int gauge;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    if (lua_isnumber(l, 1)) {
-       gauge = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
-    } else {
-       gauge = AiFindGaugeId(l);
-       if (gauge == -1) {
-           lua_pushfstring(l, "invalid gauge name: %s", LuaToString(l, 1));
-           lua_error(l);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushnumber(l, AiGetGaugeValue(gauge));
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_isnumber(l, 1)) {
+               gauge = LuaToNumber(l, 1);
+       } else {
+               gauge = AiFindGaugeId(l);
+               if (gauge == -1) {
+                       lua_pushfstring(l, "invalid gauge name: %s", 
LuaToString(l, 1));
+                       lua_error(l);
+               }
+       }
+       lua_pushnumber(l, AiGetGaugeValue(gauge));
+       return 1;
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiGetUnitTypeForce(SCM value)
-    UnitType* unitType;
+       UnitType* unitType;
-    unitType = CclGetUnitType(value);
+       unitType = CclGetUnitType(value);
-    return gh_int2scm(AiUnittypeForce(unitType));
+       return gh_int2scm(AiUnittypeForce(unitType));
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiGetUnitTypeForce(lua_State* l)
-    UnitType* unitType;
+       UnitType* unitType;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    unitType = CclGetUnitType(l);
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       unitType = CclGetUnitType(l);
-    lua_pushnumber(l, AiUnittypeForce(unitType));
-    return 1;
+       lua_pushnumber(l, AiUnittypeForce(unitType));
+       return 1;
-**     Simple restart the AI.
+**  Simple restart the AI.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiRestart(void)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[0].Script, 
-    AiPlayer->Scripts[0].SleepCycles = 0;
-    snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[0].ident, 10, "Main AI");
-    for (i = 1; i < AI_MAX_RUNNING_SCRIPTS; ++i) {
-       CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[i].Script, NIL);
-       AiPlayer->Scripts[i].SleepCycles = 0;
-       snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[i].ident, 10, "Empty");
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[0].Script, 
+       AiPlayer->Scripts[0].SleepCycles = 0;
+       snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[0].ident, 10, "Main AI");
+       for (i = 1; i < AI_MAX_RUNNING_SCRIPTS; ++i) {
+               CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[i].Script, NIL);
+               AiPlayer->Scripts[i].SleepCycles = 0;
+               snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[i].ident, 10, "Empty");
+       }
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-**     Start an AI script at the given id.
+**  Start an AI script at the given id.
-**      @param script          The Id of the script to run ( main, defend, ... 
-**     @param list             The script execution
-**     @param hotSpotX         position of the hotspot (X)
-**     @param hotSpotY         position of the hotspot (Y)
-**     @param hotSpotRay       ray of the hotspot
+**  @param script      The Id of the script to run ( main, defend, ... )
+**  @param list        The script execution
+**  @param hotSpotX    position of the hotspot (X)
+**  @param hotSpotY    position of the hotspot (Y)
+**  @param hotSpotRay  ray of the hotspot
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 global void AiRunScript(int script, SCM list, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY, int 
-    CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[script].Script, list);
-    AiPlayer->Scripts[script].SleepCycles = 0;
-    snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[script].ident, 10, "AiRunScript");
-    AiPlayer->Scripts[script].HotSpotX = hotSpotX;
-    AiPlayer->Scripts[script].HotSpotY = hotSpotY;
-    AiPlayer->Scripts[script].HotSpotRay = hotSpotRay;
-    // FIXME : Compute gauges here ?
+       CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[script].Script, list);
+       AiPlayer->Scripts[script].SleepCycles = 0;
+       snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[script].ident, 10, "AiRunScript");
+       AiPlayer->Scripts[script].HotSpotX = hotSpotX;
+       AiPlayer->Scripts[script].HotSpotY = hotSpotY;
+       AiPlayer->Scripts[script].HotSpotRay = hotSpotRay;
+       // FIXME : Compute gauges here ?
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-**     Change the current script
+**  Change the current script
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSwitchTo(SCM value)
-    CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiScript->Script, value);
-    AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiScript->Script, value);
+       AiScript->SleepCycles = 0;
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-**     Execute new main script
+**  Execute new main script
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiScript(SCM value)
-    CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[0].Script, value);
-    AiPlayer->Scripts[0].SleepCycles = 0;
-    snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[0].ident, 10, "MainScript");
-    return SCM_BOOL_T;
+       CclGcProtectedAssign(&AiPlayer->Scripts[0].Script, value);
+       AiPlayer->Scripts[0].SleepCycles = 0;
+       snprintf(AiPlayer->Scripts[0].ident, 10, "MainScript");
+       return SCM_BOOL_T;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-**     Return the player of the running AI.
+**  Return the player of the running AI.
-**     @return         Player number of the AI.
+**  @return  Player number of the AI.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiPlayer(void)
-    return gh_int2scm(AiPlayer->Player->Player);
+       return gh_int2scm(AiPlayer->Player->Player);
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiPlayer(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_pushnumber(l, AiPlayer->Player->Player);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_pushnumber(l, AiPlayer->Player->Player);
+       return 1;
-**     Set AI player resource reserve.
+**  Set AI player resource reserve.
-**     @param vec      Resources vector
-**     @return         Old resource vector
+**  @param vec  Resources vector
+**  @return     Old resource vector
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSetReserve(SCM vec)
-    int i;
-    SCM old;
+       int i;
+       SCM old;
-    old = cons_array(gh_int2scm(MaxCosts), 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       aset1(old, gh_int2scm(i), gh_int2scm(AiPlayer->Reserve[i]));
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       AiPlayer->Reserve[i] = gh_scm2int(gh_vector_ref(vec, gh_int2scm(i)));
-    }
-    return old;
+       old = cons_array(gh_int2scm(MaxCosts), 0);
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               aset1(old, gh_int2scm(i), gh_int2scm(AiPlayer->Reserve[i]));
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               AiPlayer->Reserve[i] = gh_scm2int(gh_vector_ref(vec, 
+       }
+       return old;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiSetReserve(lua_State* l)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1 || !lua_istable(l, 1)) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_newtable(l);
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       lua_pushnumber(l, AiPlayer->Reserve[i]);
-       lua_rawseti(l, -2, i + 1);
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       lua_rawgeti(l, 1, i + 1);
-       AiPlayer->Reserve[i] = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-    }
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1 || !lua_istable(l, 1)) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_newtable(l);
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               lua_pushnumber(l, AiPlayer->Reserve[i]);
+               lua_rawseti(l, -2, i + 1);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               lua_rawgeti(l, 1, i + 1);
+               AiPlayer->Reserve[i] = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+       }
+       return 1;
-**     Set AI player resource collect percent.
+**  Set AI player resource collect percent.
-**     @param vec      Resources vector
-**     @return         Old resource vector
+**  @param vec  Resources vector
+**  @return     Old resource vector
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSetCollect(SCM vec)
-    int i;
-    SCM old;
+       int i;
+       SCM old;
-    old = cons_array(gh_int2scm(MaxCosts), 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       aset1(old, gh_int2scm(i), gh_int2scm(AiPlayer->Collect[i]));
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       AiPlayer->Collect[i] = gh_scm2int(gh_vector_ref(vec, gh_int2scm(i)));
-    }
-    return old;
+       old = cons_array(gh_int2scm(MaxCosts), 0);
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               aset1(old, gh_int2scm(i), gh_int2scm(AiPlayer->Collect[i]));
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               AiPlayer->Collect[i] = gh_scm2int(gh_vector_ref(vec, 
+       }
+       return old;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiSetCollect(lua_State* l)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1 || !lua_istable(l, 1)) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    lua_newtable(l);
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       lua_pushnumber(l, AiPlayer->Collect[i]);
-       lua_rawseti(l, -1, i + 1);
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       lua_rawgeti(l, 1, i + 1);
-       AiPlayer->Collect[i] = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
-       lua_pop(l, 1);
-    }
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1 || !lua_istable(l, 1)) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       lua_newtable(l);
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               lua_pushnumber(l, AiPlayer->Collect[i]);
+               lua_rawseti(l, -1, i + 1);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               lua_rawgeti(l, 1, i + 1);
+               AiPlayer->Collect[i] = LuaToNumber(l, -1);
+               lua_pop(l, 1);
+       }
+       return 1;
-**     Set the autoattack flag of the current AiPlayer
+**  Set the autoattack flag of the current AiPlayer
+**  @param val  new value of the autoattack flag
-**     @param val      new value of the autoattack flag
-**     @return         SCM_BOOL_F
+**  @return     SCM_BOOL_F
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiSetAutoAttack(SCM val)
-    AiPlayer->AutoAttack = gh_scm2bool(val);
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       AiPlayer->AutoAttack = gh_scm2bool(val);
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiSetAutoAttack(lua_State* l)
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    AiPlayer->AutoAttack = LuaToBoolean(l, 1);
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 1) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       AiPlayer->AutoAttack = LuaToBoolean(l, 1);
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Dump some AI debug informations.
+**  Dump some AI debug informations.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclAiDump(void)
-    int i;
-    int n;
-    const AiUnitType* aut;
-    const AiBuildQueue* queue;
-    //
-    //  Script
-    //
-    printf("------\n");
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       printf("%s(%4d) ", DefaultResourceNames[i], 
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("%d:", AiPlayer->Player->Player);
-    for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_RUNNING_SCRIPTS; ++i) {
-       gh_display(gh_car(AiPlayer->Scripts[i].Script));
-    }
-    gh_newline();
+       int i;
+       int n;
+       const AiUnitType* aut;
+       const AiBuildQueue* queue;
-    //
-    //  Requests
-    //
-    n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
-    printf("UnitTypeRequests(%d):\n", n);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i].Table[0]->Ident);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
-    printf("UpgradeToRequests(%d):\n", n);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[i]->Ident);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    n = AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount;
-    printf("ResearchRequests(%d):\n", n);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       printf("%s ", AiPlayer->ResearchRequests[i]->Ident);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
+       //
+       // Script
+       //
+       printf("------\n");
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               printf("%s(%4d) ", DefaultResourceNames[i], 
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+       printf("%d:", AiPlayer->Player->Player);
+       for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_RUNNING_SCRIPTS; ++i) {
+               gh_display(gh_car(AiPlayer->Scripts[i].Script));
+       }
+       gh_newline();
-    //
-    //  Building queue
-    //
-    printf("Building queue:\n");
-    for (queue = AiPlayer->UnitTypeBuilded; queue; queue = queue->Next) {
-       printf("%s(%d/%d) ", queue->Type->Ident, queue->Made, queue->Want);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
+       //
+       // Requests
+       //
+       n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
+       printf("UnitTypeRequests(%d):\n", n);
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i].Table[0]->Ident);
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+       n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
+       printf("UpgradeToRequests(%d):\n", n);
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[i]->Ident);
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+       n = AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount;
+       printf("ResearchRequests(%d):\n", n);
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               printf("%s ", AiPlayer->ResearchRequests[i]->Ident);
+       }
+       printf("\n");
-    //
-    //  PrintForce
-    //
-    for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_FORCES; ++i) {
-       printf("Force(%d%s%s):\n", i,
-           AiPlayer->Force[i].Completed ? ",complete" : ",recruit",
-           AiPlayer->Force[i].Attacking ? ",attack" : "");
-       for (aut = AiPlayer->Force[i].UnitTypes; aut; aut = aut->Next) {
-           printf("%s(%d) ", aut->Type->Ident, aut->Want);
+       //
+       // Building queue
+       //
+       printf("Building queue:\n");
+       for (queue = AiPlayer->UnitTypeBuilded; queue; queue = queue->Next) {
+               printf("%s(%d/%d) ", queue->Type->Ident, queue->Made, 
-    }
-    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+       //
+       // PrintForce
+       //
+       for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_FORCES; ++i) {
+               printf("Force(%d%s%s):\n", i,
+                       AiPlayer->Force[i].Completed ? ",complete" : ",recruit",
+                       AiPlayer->Force[i].Attacking ? ",attack" : "");
+               for (aut = AiPlayer->Force[i].UnitTypes; aut; aut = aut->Next) {
+                       printf("%s(%d) ", aut->Type->Ident, aut->Want);
+               }
+               printf("\n");
+       }
+       return SCM_BOOL_F;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclAiDump(lua_State* l)
-    int i;
-    int n;
-    const AiUnitType* aut;
-    const AiBuildQueue* queue;
-    if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
-       lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
-       lua_error(l);
-    }
-    //
-    //  Script
-    //
-    printf("------\n");
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       printf("%s(%4d) ", DefaultResourceNames[i], 
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("%d:", AiPlayer->Player->Player);
-    for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_RUNNING_SCRIPTS; ++i) {
-//     gh_display(gh_car(AiPlayer->Scripts[i].Script));
-    }
-//    gh_newline();
-    //
-    //  Requests
-    //
-    n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
-    printf("UnitTypeRequests(%d):\n", n);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i].Table[0]->Ident);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
-    printf("UpgradeToRequests(%d):\n", n);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[i]->Ident);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    n = AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount;
-    printf("ResearchRequests(%d):\n", n);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-       printf("%s ", AiPlayer->ResearchRequests[i]->Ident);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
+       int i;
+       int n;
+       const AiUnitType* aut;
+       const AiBuildQueue* queue;
-    //
-    //  Building queue
-    //
-    printf("Building queue:\n");
-    for (queue = AiPlayer->UnitTypeBuilded; queue; queue = queue->Next) {
-       printf("%s(%d/%d) ", queue->Type->Ident, queue->Made, queue->Want);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
+       if (lua_gettop(l) != 0) {
+               lua_pushstring(l, "incorrect argument");
+               lua_error(l);
+       }
+       //
+       // Script
+       //
+       printf("------\n");
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               printf("%s(%4d) ", DefaultResourceNames[i], 
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+       printf("%d:", AiPlayer->Player->Player);
+       for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_RUNNING_SCRIPTS; ++i) {
+#if 0
+               gh_display(gh_car(AiPlayer->Scripts[i].Script));
+       }
+       gh_newline();
+       }
+       //
+       // Requests
+       //
+       n = AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequestsCount;
+       printf("UnitTypeRequests(%d):\n", n);
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UnitTypeRequests[i].Table[0]->Ident);
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+       n = AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequestsCount;
+       printf("UpgradeToRequests(%d):\n", n);
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               printf("%s ", AiPlayer->UpgradeToRequests[i]->Ident);
+       }
+       printf("\n");
+       n = AiPlayer->ResearchRequestsCount;
+       printf("ResearchRequests(%d):\n", n);
+       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+               printf("%s ", AiPlayer->ResearchRequests[i]->Ident);
+       }
+       printf("\n");
-    //
-    //  PrintForce
-    //
-    for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_FORCES; ++i) {
-       printf("Force(%d%s%s):\n", i,
-           AiPlayer->Force[i].Completed ? ",complete" : ",recruit",
-           AiPlayer->Force[i].Attacking ? ",attack" : "");
-       for (aut = AiPlayer->Force[i].UnitTypes; aut; aut = aut->Next) {
-           printf("%s(%d) ", aut->Type->Ident, aut->Want);
+       //
+       // Building queue
+       //
+       printf("Building queue:\n");
+       for (queue = AiPlayer->UnitTypeBuilded; queue; queue = queue->Next) {
+               printf("%s(%d/%d) ", queue->Type->Ident, queue->Made, 
-    }
-    lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
-    return 1;
+       //
+       // PrintForce
+       //
+       for (i = 0; i < AI_MAX_FORCES; ++i) {
+               printf("Force(%d%s%s):\n", i,
+                       AiPlayer->Force[i].Completed ? ",complete" : ",recruit",
+                       AiPlayer->Force[i].Attacking ? ",attack" : "");
+               for (aut = AiPlayer->Force[i].UnitTypes; aut; aut = aut->Next) {
+                       printf("%s(%d) ", aut->Type->Ident, aut->Want);
+               }
+               printf("\n");
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
+       return 1;
-**     Define AI mapping from original number to internal symbol
+**  Define AI mapping from original number to internal symbol
-**     @param list     List of all names.
+**  @param list  List of all names.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclDefineAiWcNames(SCM list)
-    int i;
-    char** cp;
+       int i;
+       char** cp;
-    if ((cp = AiTypeWcNames)) {                // Free all old names
-       while (*cp) {
-           free(*cp++);
+       if ((cp = AiTypeWcNames)) { // Free all old names
+               while (*cp) {
+                       free(*cp++);
+               }
+               free(AiTypeWcNames);
-       free(AiTypeWcNames);
-    }
-    //
-    //  Get new table.
-    //
-    i = gh_length(list);
-    AiTypeWcNames = cp = malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char*));
-    while (i--) {
-       *cp++ = gh_scm2newstr(gh_car(list), NULL);
-       list = gh_cdr(list);
-    }
-    *cp = NULL;
+       //
+       // Get new table.
+       //
+       i = gh_length(list);
+       AiTypeWcNames = cp = malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char*));
+       while (i--) {
+               *cp++ = gh_scm2newstr(gh_car(list), NULL);
+               list = gh_cdr(list);
+       }
+       *cp = NULL;
-    return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
 local int CclDefineAiWcNames(lua_State* l)
-    int i;
-    int j;
-    char** cp;
-    if ((cp = AiTypeWcNames)) {        // Free all old names
-       while (*cp) {
-           free(*cp++);
+       int i;
+       int j;
+       char** cp;
+       if ((cp = AiTypeWcNames)) { // Free all old names
+               while (*cp) {
+                       free(*cp++);
+               }
+               free(AiTypeWcNames);
-       free(AiTypeWcNames);
-    }
-    //
-    // Get new table.
-    //
-    i = lua_gettop(l);
-    AiTypeWcNames = cp = malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char*));
-    if (!cp) {
-       fprintf(stderr, "out of memory.\n");
-       ExitFatal(-1);
-    }
+       //
+       // Get new table.
+       //
+       i = lua_gettop(l);
+       AiTypeWcNames = cp = malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char*));
+       if (!cp) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "out of memory.\n");
+               ExitFatal(-1);
+       }
-    for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
-       *cp++ = strdup(LuaToString(l, j + 1));
-    }
-    *cp = NULL;
+       for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+               *cp++ = strdup(LuaToString(l, j + 1));
+       }
+       *cp = NULL;
-    return 0;
+       return 0;
-**     Get the default resource number
+**  Get the default resource number
-**     @param type     The name of the resource to lookup
+**  @param type  The name of the resource to lookup
-**     @return         The number of the resource in DEFAULT_NAMES
+**  @return      The number of the resource in DEFAULT_NAMES
 local int DefaultResourceNumber(const char* type)
-    int i;
+       int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
-       if (!strcmp(DefaultResourceNames[i], type)) {
-           return i;
+       for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
+               if (!strcmp(DefaultResourceNames[i], type)) {
+                       return i;
+               }
-    }
-    // Resource not found, should never happen
-    DebugCheck(1);
-    return -1;
+       // Resource not found, should never happen
+       DebugCheck(1);
+       return -1;
-**     Define an AI player.
+**  Define an AI player.
-**     Format of the list is :
-**     (       <player_id>
-**             <value> <list>
-**             [ <value> <list> [ ... ] ]
-**     )
+**  Format of the list is :
+**    ( <player_id>
+**      <value> <list>
+**      [ <value> <list> [ ... ] ]
+**    )
-**     <value> can be :
-**             ai-type => the name of the ai
-**             script  => ???
-**             script-debug => ???
+**  <value> can be :
+**    ai-type => the name of the ai
+**    script  => ???
+**    script-debug => ???
-**     @param list     List of the AI Player.
+**  @param list  List of the AI Player.
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
 local SCM CclDefineAiPlayer(SCM list)
-    //SCM value;
-    //SCM sublist;
-    int i;
-    //char* str;
-    PlayerAi *ai;
+#if 0
+       SCM value;
+       SCM sublist;
+       char* str;
+       int i;
+       PlayerAi *ai;
-    IOLoadingMode = 1;
+       IOLoadingMode = 1;
-    IOPlayerAiFullPtr(gh_car(list), &ai, 0);
+       IOPlayerAiFullPtr(gh_car(list), &ai, 0);
-    i = ai->Player->Player;
-    DebugCheck(i < 0 || i > PlayerMax);
-    Players[i].Ai = ai;
+       i = ai->Player->Player;
+       DebugCheck(i < 0 || i > PlayerMax);
+       Players[i].Ai = ai;
-    return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-**     Register CCL features for unit-type.
+**  Register CCL features for unit-type.
 global void AiCclRegister(void)
 #if defined(USE_GUILE) || defined(USE_SIOD)
-    // FIXME: Need to save memory here.
-    // Loading all into memory isn't necessary.
+       // FIXME: Need to save memory here.
+       // Loading all into memory isn't necessary.
-    gh_new_procedureN("define-ai-helper", CclDefineAiHelper);
-    gh_new_procedureN("define-ai", CclDefineAi);
+       gh_new_procedureN("define-ai-helper", CclDefineAiHelper);
+       gh_new_procedureN("define-ai", CclDefineAi);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("quotient", CclQuotient);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("output", CclOutput);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("quotient", CclQuotient);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("output", CclOutput);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("define-ai-action", CclDefineAiAction);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("define-ai-action", CclDefineAiAction);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:get-race", CclAiGetRace);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:get-sleep-cycles", CclAiGetSleepCycles);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:get-race", CclAiGetRace);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:get-sleep-cycles", CclAiGetSleepCycles);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:debug", CclAiDebug);
-    gh_new_procedureN("ai:debug-player", CclAiDebugPlayer);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:need", CclAiNeed);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:set", CclAiSet);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:wait", CclAiWait);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:debug", CclAiDebug);
+       gh_new_procedureN("ai:debug-player", CclAiDebugPlayer);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:need", CclAiNeed);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:set", CclAiSet);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:wait", CclAiWait);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:own-force", CclAiOwnForce);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:own-force", CclAiOwnForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:get-force", CclAiGetForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:get-force", CclAiGetForce);
-    gh_new_procedureN("ai:force", CclAiForce);
+       gh_new_procedureN("ai:force", CclAiForce);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:adhoc-force", CclAiAdHocForce);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:adhoc-force", CclAiAdHocForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-empty", CclAiForceEmpty);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-active", CclAiForceActive);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-list", CclAiForce);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:force-transfer", CclAiForceTransfer);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-complete", CclAiForceComplete);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:force-role", CclAiForceRole);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:is-force-defending", CclAiIsForceDefending);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:check-force", CclAiCheckForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:group-force", CclAiGroupForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:wait-force", CclAiWaitForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:clear-force", CclAiClearForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:evaluate-force-cost", CclAiEvaluateForceCost);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-empty", CclAiForceEmpty);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-active", CclAiForceActive);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-list", CclAiForce);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:force-transfer", CclAiForceTransfer);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-complete", CclAiForceComplete);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:force-role", CclAiForceRole);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:is-force-defending", CclAiIsForceDefending);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:check-force", CclAiCheckForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:group-force", CclAiGroupForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:wait-force", CclAiWaitForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:clear-force", CclAiClearForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:evaluate-force-cost", CclAiEvaluateForceCost);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:can-reach-hotspot", CclAiCanReachHotSpot);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:can-reach-hotspot", CclAiCanReachHotSpot);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-hotspot-ray", CclAiSetHotSpotRay);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:compute-gauges", CclAiComputeGauges);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:debug-gauges", CclAiDebugGauges);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:get-gauge", CclAiGetGauge);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:get-unittype-force", CclAiGetUnitTypeForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-hotspot-ray", CclAiSetHotSpotRay);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:compute-gauges", CclAiComputeGauges);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:debug-gauges", CclAiDebugGauges);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:get-gauge", CclAiGetGauge);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:get-unittype-force", CclAiGetUnitTypeForce);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:idle", CclAiIdle);
-    gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:timed-wait-force", CclAiTimedWaitForce);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:hotspot-attack-with-force", 
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-go-home", CclAiForceHome);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:sleep", CclAiSleep);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:research", CclAiResearch);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:upgrade-to", CclAiUpgradeTo);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:script", CclAiScript);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:goto", CclAiSwitchTo);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:idle", CclAiIdle);
+       gh_new_procedure2_0("ai:timed-wait-force", CclAiTimedWaitForce);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:hotspot-attack-with-force", 
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:force-go-home", CclAiForceHome);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:sleep", CclAiSleep);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:research", CclAiResearch);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:upgrade-to", CclAiUpgradeTo);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:script", CclAiScript);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:goto", CclAiSwitchTo);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:restart", CclAiRestart);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:restart", CclAiRestart);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:player", CclAiPlayer);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-reserve!", CclAiSetReserve);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-collect!", CclAiSetCollect);
-    gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-auto-attack", CclAiSetAutoAttack);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:player", CclAiPlayer);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-reserve!", CclAiSetReserve);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-collect!", CclAiSetCollect);
+       gh_new_procedure1_0("ai:set-auto-attack", CclAiSetAutoAttack);
-    gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:dump", CclAiDump);
+       gh_new_procedure0_0("ai:dump", CclAiDump);
-    gh_new_procedureN("define-ai-wc-names", CclDefineAiWcNames);
+       gh_new_procedureN("define-ai-wc-names", CclDefineAiWcNames);
-    gh_new_procedureN("define-ai-player", CclDefineAiPlayer);
+       gh_new_procedureN("define-ai-player", CclDefineAiPlayer);
 #elif defined(USE_LUA)
-    // FIXME: Need to save memory here.
-    // Loading all into memory isn't necessary.
+       // FIXME: Need to save memory here.
+       // Loading all into memory isn't necessary.
-    lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiHelper", CclDefineAiHelper);
-    lua_register(Lua, "DefineAi", CclDefineAi);
+       lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiHelper", CclDefineAiHelper);
+       lua_register(Lua, "DefineAi", CclDefineAi);
-    lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiAction", CclDefineAiAction);
+       lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiAction", CclDefineAiAction);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiGetRace", CclAiGetRace);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiGetSleepCycles", CclAiGetSleepCycles);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGetRace", CclAiGetRace);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGetSleepCycles", CclAiGetSleepCycles);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiDebug", CclAiDebug);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiDebugPlayer", CclAiDebugPlayer);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiNeed", CclAiNeed);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiSet", CclAiSet);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiWait", CclAiWait);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiDebug", CclAiDebug);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiDebugPlayer", CclAiDebugPlayer);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiNeed", CclAiNeed);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiSet", CclAiSet);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiWait", CclAiWait);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiOwnForce", CclAiOwnForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiOwnForce", CclAiOwnForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiGetForce", CclAiGetForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGetForce", CclAiGetForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForce", CclAiForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForce", CclAiForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiAdHocForce", CclAiAdHocForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiAdHocForce", CclAiAdHocForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceEmpty", CclAiForceEmpty);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceActive", CclAiForceActive);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceList", CclAiForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceTransfer", CclAiForceTransfer);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceComplete", CclAiForceComplete);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceRole", CclAiForceRole);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiIsForceDefending", CclAiIsForceDefending);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiCheckForce", CclAiCheckForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiGroupForce", CclAiGroupForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiWaitForce", CclAiWaitForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiClearForce", CclAiClearForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiEvaluateForceCost", CclAiEvaluateForceCost);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceEmpty", CclAiForceEmpty);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceActive", CclAiForceActive);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceList", CclAiForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceTransfer", CclAiForceTransfer);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceComplete", CclAiForceComplete);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceRole", CclAiForceRole);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiIsForceDefending", CclAiIsForceDefending);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiCheckForce", CclAiCheckForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGroupForce", CclAiGroupForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiWaitForce", CclAiWaitForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiClearForce", CclAiClearForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiEvaluateForceCost", CclAiEvaluateForceCost);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiCanReachHotSpot", CclAiCanReachHotSpot);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiCanReachHotSpot", CclAiCanReachHotSpot);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiSetHotSpotRay", CclAiSetHotSpotRay);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiComputeGauges", CclAiComputeGauges);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiDebugGauges", CclAiDebugGauges);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiGetGauge", CclAiGetGauge);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiGetUnitTypeForce", CclAiGetUnitTypeForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiSetHotSpotRay", CclAiSetHotSpotRay);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiComputeGauges", CclAiComputeGauges);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiDebugGauges", CclAiDebugGauges);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGetGauge", CclAiGetGauge);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGetUnitTypeForce", CclAiGetUnitTypeForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiIdle", CclAiIdle);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiTimedWaitForce", CclAiTimedWaitForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiHotspotAttackWithForce", CclAiHotSpotAttackWithForce);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiForceGoHome", CclAiForceHome);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiSleep", CclAiSleep);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiResearch", CclAiResearch);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiUpgradeTo", CclAiUpgradeTo);
-//    lua_register(Lua, "AiScript", CclAiScript);
-//    lua_register(Lua, "AiGoto", CclAiSwitchTo);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiIdle", CclAiIdle);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiTimedWaitForce", CclAiTimedWaitForce);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiHotspotAttackWithForce", 
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiForceGoHome", CclAiForceHome);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiSleep", CclAiSleep);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiResearch", CclAiResearch);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiUpgradeTo", CclAiUpgradeTo);
+#if 0
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiScript", CclAiScript);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiGoto", CclAiSwitchTo);
-//    lua_register(Lua, "AiRestart", CclAiRestart);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiRestart", CclAiRestart);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiPlayer", CclAiPlayer);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiSetReserve", CclAiSetReserve);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiSetCollect", CclAiSetCollect);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiSetAutoAttack", CclAiSetAutoAttack);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiPlayer", CclAiPlayer);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiSetReserve", CclAiSetReserve);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiSetCollect", CclAiSetCollect);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiSetAutoAttack", CclAiSetAutoAttack);
-    lua_register(Lua, "AiDump", CclAiDump);
+       lua_register(Lua, "AiDump", CclAiDump);
-    lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiWcNames", CclDefineAiWcNames);
+       lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiWcNames", CclDefineAiWcNames);
-//    lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiPlayer", CclDefineAiPlayer);
+#if 0
+       lua_register(Lua, "DefineAiPlayer", CclDefineAiPlayer);

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