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Re: [Sks-devel] new keyserver

From: Michael Gurski
Subject: Re: [Sks-devel] new keyserver
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 11:15:40 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060126

On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 10:22:01AM +0100, Botka Istvan wrote:
> What is the resource requirements a keyserver. As I see the db is now 
> ~5.5G. It is not problem up to ~10G permament and ~20G temporary.

$ du -shc /var/lib/sks/*
5.7G    /var/lib/sks/DB
94M     /var/lib/sks/PTree
24M     /var/lib/sks/core
2.9G    /var/lib/sks/dump
12K     /var/lib/sks/www
8.6G    total

> But I don't know anything about the CPU and bandwith requirements. I have 
> to know some data about before I start the server.

I was running on a dual PII-400 for the longest
time.  If you hardware's that modest, I suggest going with the fast
build option for the DB unless you have a LOT of time on your hands.
Network bandwidth never seemed to be much.

Michael A. Gurski (opt. [first].)address@hidden[last]
1024R/39B5BADD PGP: 34 93 A9 94 B1 59 48 B7  17 57 1E 4E 62 56 45 70
1024D/1166213E GPG: 628F 37A4 62AF 1475 45DB  AD81 ADC9 E606 1166 213E
4096R/C0B4F04B GPG: 5B3E 75D7 43CF CF34 4042  7788 1DCE B5EE C0B4 F04B
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  That women are just as intelligent and capable as men, but
  gunmaker's advertisements aimed at women are "preying on their

(excerpted from by
Michael Z. Williamson)

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