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Re: [Savannah-users] Testing out Gnu

From: list
Subject: Re: [Savannah-users] Testing out Gnu
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:12:53 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Am Sonntag, dem 15. Nov 2009 schrieb Gunnar Kristiansen:

> Hi Savannah. 
> How are you? I would firstly say that you guys are doing a fantastic job on
> keeping the medical industry on Open source and your goal are amazing. I
> hope that you guys can make a change one day.
> But how and where can I get all the required files you test out the amazing
> software that you guys have created. 

Your mail to this list is a little puzzling.

Since you mention the "medical industry" I suppose you have a special
software project in mind. Savannah is a hosting service, which hosts
thousands of different software projects. So this is probably the wrong
mailing list and you would like to search for a mailing list for the
project you have in mind. At least you should mention, which software
you are talking about.

If you are interested in the GNU operating system, have a look at
There you can also find links to some GNU/Linux distributions that you 
can download to "test out the amazing software" :-)

And by the way the GNU people prefer the term "Free Software" instead of
"Open Source". These terms are closely related, but not identical.


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