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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Did the permissions on CVS lock files chan

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Did the permissions on CVS lock files change?
Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 23:04:07 GMT

Hi Therese,

    commits I attempted on May 8 and 9 (to the gnudos, gnutrition, leg
    and smalltalk repositories) failed with that sort of error:
    `/webcvs/leg/leg/,index.html,': Permission denied

As I recall, there is some ACL or other magic allowing members of group
www (like you) to commit to other repositories?  Unfortunately I'm not
able to find the information now.  It is certainly plausible that
such stuff was lost in the migration (not intentionally/knowingly).

.. bob? ... 

Without something like that, I see no reason why th_g should have been
able to commit to any project repository previously.  The web
directories are only writable to the group, as intended, and you are
only in a few groups:

vcs$ groups th_g
th_g : svusers www trans-coord www-fr


I see a lock directory owned by you there from earlier today:
vcs$ ls -l /var/lock/cvs/web/leg
drwxrwxrwx    2 th_g svusers    40 May 10 08:01 leg

But I'm not sure if deleting it is a good idea, and probably wouldn't
help anyway, so I didn't touch it.

Sorry ...

    co-coordinator ... and cleaning lady


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