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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Willing to Assist with Bazaar

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Willing to Assist with Bazaar
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:36:43 -0400
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Hello Richard,

On 09/11/2014 10:37 AM, Richard Wilbur wrote:

Sounds to me like the location given to 'bzr branches' is a branch.
That is the exact behaviour I get when the location is not a
repository but rather a branch.

If the location is a branch, you should be able to confirm by running
'bzr info -vv <location>' which would respond with something along the
lines of:

Trying it on one of the problematic repositories:

    $ bzr info -vv bzr://
    Shared repository with trees (format: unnamed)
      shared repository: bzr://

            control: bzr remote bzrdir
        repository: Remote: Repository format 2a - rich roots, group 
compression and chk inventories

    Create working tree for new branches inside the repository.
       13175 revisions

Which does return some technical information but not something I can use in a 
script to further know what's in the repository.

Eli's previous comment is relevant, perhaps I'm asking the wrong question:
What I'm trying to do is get a commit log from a BZR URL listed on Savannah, 

If there's another way which does not involve listing branches, please let me 

 - Assaf.

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