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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] about file Selection

From: Jim Tittsler
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] about file Selection
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 15:20:35 +0900
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Sat, May 01, 2004 at 11:35:01AM +0900, Takeshi Nishioka wrote:
> Thank you for your reply!! I found my mistake in the last mail.
> Files to be included(Remote Host)
> /etc
> /usr/local/etc
> /www
> /var
> Files to be excluded(Remote Host)
> /etc/passwd
> /var/log
> Directory where all files are preserved(Local Host)
> /.backup
> I want to backup remote file system to local file system.

I would still do it with four rdiff-backup commands, each
referencing one of the remote directories to be backed up (and
two of them would have exclude lines).  It makes for easy to 
understand command lines without needing to use includes.

(And, while I haven't had the problems others are reporting,
it could save at least a partial backup if an error caused
rdiff-backup to fail in one of the trees.)

However, if you want to do it all in one command, maybe you could
try something like this:
  rdiff-backup --exclude /etc/passwd --exclude /var/log \
    --include /etc --include /www --include /var --include /usr/local/etc \ 
    --exclude / \
    address@hidden::/ /.backup
Exclude specific things, include desired directories, exclude everything

Jim Tittsler, Tokyo      http://www.OnJapan.net/       GPG: 0x01159DB6
Python Starship          http://Starship.Python.net/
Ringo MUG Tokyo          http://www.Ringo.net/rss.html

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