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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] win32 error 126

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] win32 error 126
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 14:29:12 -0800

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:04:54 +1100
"David Kempe" <address@hidden> wrote:
> I have got rdiff-backup to work inside cygwin, no i am begining the
> (painful) process of seperating them so rdiff-backup can run by itself.
> I have hit a snag - could someone please tell me what libarary I am missing
> and where rdiff-backup expects it.
>     import zlib
> ImportError: dlopen: Win32 error 126

zlib is a python module (usually named zlibmodule.so, which is a wrapper
around the libz library.  rdiff-backup uses the higher level python
module gzip to produce gzipped increment files, which in turn imports
the zlib module.

Ben Escoto

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