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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Version 0.11.3 released

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Version 0.11.3 released
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 16:27:26 -0800

>>>>> "OM" == Olivier M <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Tue, 4 Mar 2003 22:52:15 +0100

  OM> But the second one "creashed" again, with:
  OM> rdiff_backup.rpath.SkipFileException: Socket error: AF_UNIX path
  OM> too long

  OM> I will try do the backup again starting from scratch this night:
  OM> I'll report the result this morning (15 GB of data to be
  OM> mirrored...). Maybe it is too much ? Do you think it would be
  OM> better to segment my backup ? (separate /usr, /var, /home etc.).

Nah, my nightly backup is about 30GB.  The problem this time was that
for some reason often sockets cannot be made with as long names as
ordinary files.  I think you got particularly unlucky because your
socket name was short enough to make it onto the mirror directory, but
long enough that adding the rdiff-backup-data/increment/...<time>
stuff pushed it over the edge.

Anyway, I committed what I think is a fix to cvs.  If I can bother you
to do more testing, please apply the patch at


and tell me what goes wrong the next time :)

Ben Escoto

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