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Re: [RP] Starting something from .ratpoisonrc once X has settled in.

From: Rob Paisley
Subject: Re: [RP] Starting something from .ratpoisonrc once X has settled in.
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 09:57:07 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)


There's no sleep supported in .ratpoisonrc, so either you're speaking of .xinitrc or something similar.

My .ratpoisonrc seems to work correctly with xmodmap as follows:

exec xsetroot -solid blue -cursor_name left_ptr
exec xrdb -merge "$HOME"/.Xresources
exec xmodmap "$HOME"/.xmodmap
exec xset -dpms
exec xset s off

Hope this helps


address@hidden wrote:
Hello, all,

  There are a few things that don't run properly unless X has fully
started. e.g. I have an xmodmap script to change the Caps-Lock to Esc.
Right now, the bottom of my .ratpoisonrc says

sleep 15; /home/me/bin/escmap

but sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.  Is there some real
hook I can wait for in .ratpoisonrc?

 Sincerely yours,
   John B.

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