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[RP] [PATCH] limit memory consumption on snprintf errors.

From: Bernhard R. Link
Subject: [RP] [PATCH] limit memory consumption on snprintf errors.
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 21:31:31 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

* Bernhard R. Link <address@hidden> [070814 10:35]:
> 1) I'd guess it is better to saveguard this and add some maximum number
>    of characters to test for (at least with negative return values).
>    This would help against other possible future problems causing -1
>    returns.

Attached is a patch that limits memory consumption to at most 200K is
such sitations and returns "<FAILURE>" then. Downside is that it will
limit strings effectively to something between 100K annd 200K on old
(Which should be reasonable large, I guess the largest things will
be fdump and windows, and with those reaching 10K is already not that easy).
Where "old systems" means glibc from before 1999 or something similary

> 2) It might be some problem with giving invalid utf-8 characters into
>    this function. While searching for the reason of this bug I found
>    some problems when both ratpoison and the clients use a UTF-8
>    locale (though that causes only misdisplays for me).

That is indeed the case. The reason for the -1 is the input string not
being valid UTF-8. And that is already fixed.

> 3) finally vsnprinf might indeed the wrong function for that. I've not
>    yet looked into that. But looking at the manpage I'd guess that that
>    should only generate displaying problems (as the number means bytes
>    and not characters). I guess this needs someone knowing this issues
>    to look into it.

>From what I've found out, the only problem with vsnprintf in
format_string is it's counting bytes and not characters, so %<num>t will
have a cosmetical problem with multi-byte sequences. Otherwise it works
well (at least glibc2.3.6 I tested with takes care not to split multi-
byte sequences).

        Bernhard R. Link

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