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Re: [Ranger-users] Preview images on a Mac

From: Andy Maloney
Subject: Re: [Ranger-users] Preview images on a Mac
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 23:52:35 -0500

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 8:38 PM, niku <address@hidden> wrote:
> I tried urxvt and got an "Error [2] No such file or directory"
> (which is the same error on the Mac terminal) when I selected
> an image.
I did not understand this. Do you get this error when you hit Return
after selecting an image-file in ranger?

No, I get this error when the cursor is on an image file displayed at the bottom of the terminal window. When I hit enter or the right arrow key, I get the error "Method number 0 is undefined."

> Has anyone else gotten preview to work on a Mac?
In case noone has got image preview to work on a Mac, the linked page
would probably be useful. At any rate, do some sanity checks:

I did go to the linked url and added the two additions to img_display.py but, they didn't work for me. Python says in my os.environ that 'TERM' is 'xterm-256color' and subprocess.check_output(['tty']) is '/dev/ttys003'.

1) Is w3mimgdisplay installed properly? Does the following command
work? The `ext_image_viewer = off' option forces w3m to use
w3m -o 'ext_image_viewer=off' /path/to/image.jpg

Executing the above from a Mac terminal opens X11 and shows me the image in an ImageMagick window. It does the same for xterm and urxvt.

2) Open a terminal and type '/opt/local/libex/w3m/w3mimgdisplay'
(without the quotes), and then press Return. What happens? Does
w3mimgdisplay exit immediately?

Well, I get an error saying the command was not found but I'm not executing anything. Navigating to the w3m folder shows that w2mimgdisplay does exist there. 

(Try the above steps with all your terminals, but specially with


Thanks again for the help. I'd like to make ranger the only file manager I use but I interact with quicklook extensively (for image analysis) so having previews in the terminal is a must for me.


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