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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v5-resend 0/2] Basic ATI VGA emulation

From: BALATON Zoltan
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v5-resend 0/2] Basic ATI VGA emulation
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2019 14:55:17 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21.9999 (BSF 287 2018-06-16)


On Thu, 7 Mar 2019, Andrew Randrianasulu wrote:
Tried this with mac99 machine and lubuntu 16.04 ppc.

Thanks for testing it. Do you want to add a Tested-by: tag? You can reply to the patch (or series cover letter for all patches) with your Tested-by: to declare that.

After upgrading r128 driver to -hwe part to get past this bug

and disabling accel I can see some image and cursor!

Good. Accel is still not quite right, I now about that but couldn't fix it yet. I'd need more time for that which I don't have now. So for now only console and unaccelerated X is expected to work.

qemu command:

ppc64-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc64 -M mac99 -device ati-vga \
-cdrom /mnt/sdb1/ISO/lubuntu-16.04-desktop-powerpc.iso -m 1G -boot d -cpu g4 
-device usb-mouse -smp 1

The -cpu g4 is not needed as that's the default (it's also single core so -smp 1 is not needed either). You're probably also better off using -M mac99,via=pmu which is closer to real hardware and adds USB keyboard and mouse as well instead of ADB ones so you can omit the -device usb-mouse option with that as well.

model rv100 doesn't recognized by openfirmware, so no output from it.

rv100 is only supported for fulong2e console at the moment because drivers for it probably need more features of the GPU implemented (such as command FIFO) that aren't emulated yet. At first I only target rage128p as found in PowerMac3,1 without 3D for Linux, X, MorphOS and maybe MacOS.

Menus in wondows still at wrong place (not shown, even), but generally speaking 
some image is on screen.

I wonder if it's a bug in guest or due to Linux FB using some 2D ops that are not correct? Maybe this could be cross-checked with an Intel version of the same lubuntu version to make sure it's not a PPC specific xorg problem.


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