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Re: [Qemu-devel] New Year's starting over ... bsd-user

From: Sean Bruno
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] New Year's starting over ... bsd-user
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 10:11:41 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD amd64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.5.1

On 01/03/17 09:18, Sean Bruno wrote:
> I'm pondering where to start with getting FreeBSD's bsd-user code into
> shape so it could actually be reviewed and accepted now that its sort of
> working again (signal handling fixed finally).
> I almost feel like the existing code should be purged, except that it
> gives a good history (and this seems lazy to me).
> As a first pass, I guess, I'd like to at least make i386 user run on
> x86_64.  What would you folks like to see in a first pass?
> sean
> ref: https://github.com/seanbruno/qemu-bsd-user/tree/bsd-user

Primitive example of what I think I should base my patchset on.  Its
invasive and large.


That branch, is all the bsd-user changes that are pending in one large
"splat".  It excludes the new architectures (arm, aarch64, mips, mips64)
that we are actively using.  i386-bsd-user when compiled statically on
x86_64 will run a static (rescue) sh ... so, I think that's good.
x86_64 running on x86_64 just blows up.

As for sparc/sparc64 ... I'm tempted to delete them as nobody in freebsd
is actively maintaining them nor do we have any expectation that they
will work someday.


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