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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH 06/18] armv7m: new NVIC utility functions

From: Michael Davidsaver
Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 06/18] armv7m: new NVIC utility functions
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2015 20:11:33 -0500

Internal functions for operations previously done
by GIC internals.

nvic_irq_update() recalculates highest pending/active

armv7m_nvic_set_pending() include exception escalation

armv7m_nvic_acknowledge_irq() and nvic_irq_update()
update ARMCPU fields.

Signed-off-by: Michael Davidsaver <address@hidden>
 hw/intc/armv7m_nvic.c | 250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 235 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/intc/armv7m_nvic.c b/hw/intc/armv7m_nvic.c
index 487a09a..ebb4d4e 100644
--- a/hw/intc/armv7m_nvic.c
+++ b/hw/intc/armv7m_nvic.c
@@ -140,36 +140,256 @@ static void systick_reset(nvic_state *s)
-/* The external routines use the hardware vector numbering, ie. the first
-   IRQ is #16.  The internal GIC routines use #32 as the first IRQ.  */
+/* caller must call nvic_irq_update() after this */
+void set_prio(nvic_state *s, unsigned irq, uint8_t prio)
+    unsigned submask = (1<<(s->prigroup+1))-1;
+    assert(irq > 3); /* only use for configurable prios */
+    assert(irq < NVIC_MAX_VECTORS);
+    s->vectors[irq].raw_prio = prio;
+    s->vectors[irq].prio_group = (prio>>(s->prigroup+1));
+    s->vectors[irq].prio_sub = irq + (prio&submask)*NVIC_MAX_VECTORS;
+    DPRINTF(0, "Set %u priority grp %d sub %u\n", irq,
+            s->vectors[irq].prio_group, s->vectors[irq].prio_sub);
+/* recompute highest pending */
+void nvic_irq_update(nvic_state *s, int update_active)
+    unsigned i;
+    int lvl;
+    CPUARMState *env = &s->cpu->env;
+    int16_t act_group = 0x100, pend_group = 0x100;
+    uint16_t act_sub = 0, pend_sub = 0;
+    uint16_t act_irq = 0, pend_irq = 0;
+    /* find highest priority */
+    for (i = 1; i < s->num_irq; i++) {
+        vec_info *I = &s->vectors[i];
+        DPRINTF(2, " VECT %d %d:%u\n", i, I->prio_group, I->prio_sub);
+        if (I->active && ((I->prio_group < act_group)
+                || (I->prio_group == act_group && I->prio_sub < act_sub)))
+        {
+            act_group = I->prio_group;
+            act_sub = I->prio_sub;
+            act_irq = i;
+        }
+        if (I->enabled && I->pending && ((I->prio_group < pend_group)
+                || (I->prio_group == pend_group && I->prio_sub < pend_sub)))
+        {
+            pend_group = I->prio_group;
+            pend_sub = I->prio_sub;
+            pend_irq = i;
+        }
+    }
+    env->v7m.pending = pend_irq;
+    env->v7m.pending_prio = pend_group;
+    if (update_active) {
+        env->v7m.exception = act_irq;
+        env->v7m.exception_prio = act_group;
+    }
+    /* Raise NVIC output even if pend_group is masked.
+     * This is necessary as we get no notification
+     * when PRIMASK et al. are changed.
+     * As long as our output is high cpu_exec() will call
+     * into arm_v7m_cpu_exec_interrupt() frequently, which
+     * then tests to see if the pending exception
+     * is permitted.
+     */
+    lvl = pend_irq > 0;
+    DPRINTF(1, "highest pending %d %d:%u\n", pend_irq, pend_group, pend_sub);
+    DPRINTF(1, "highest active  %d %d:%u\n", act_irq, act_group, act_sub);
+    DPRINTF(0, "IRQ %c highest act %d pend %d\n",
+            lvl ? 'X' : '_', act_irq, pend_irq);
+    qemu_set_irq(s->excpout, lvl);
+void armv7m_nvic_clear_pending(void *opaque, int irq)
+    nvic_state *s = (nvic_state *)opaque;
+    vec_info *I;
+    assert(irq >= 0);
+    assert(irq < NVIC_MAX_VECTORS);
+    I = &s->vectors[irq];
+    if (I->pending) {
+        I->pending = 0;
+        nvic_irq_update(s, 0);
+    }
 void armv7m_nvic_set_pending(void *opaque, int irq)
     nvic_state *s = (nvic_state *)opaque;
-    if (irq >= 16)
-        irq += 16;
-    gic_set_pending_private(&s->gic, 0, irq);
+    CPUARMState *env = &s->cpu->env;
+    vec_info *I;
+    int active = s->cpu->env.v7m.exception;
+    assert(irq > 0);
+    assert(irq < NVIC_MAX_VECTORS);
+    I = &s->vectors[irq];
+    if (irq < ARMV7M_EXCP_SYSTICK && irq != ARMV7M_EXCP_DEBUG) {
+        int runnable = armv7m_excp_unmasked(s->cpu);
+        /* test for exception escalation for vectors other than:
+         * Debug (12), SysTick (15), and all external IRQs (>=16)
+         */
+        unsigned escalate = 0;
+        if (I->active) {
+            /* trying to pend an active fault (possibly nested).
+             * eg. UsageFault in UsageFault handler
+             */
+            escalate = 1;
+            DPRINTF(0, " Escalate, active\n");
+        } else if (!I->enabled) {
+            /* trying to pend a disabled fault
+             * eg. UsageFault while USGFAULTENA in SHCSR is clear.
+             */
+            escalate = 1;
+            DPRINTF(0, " Escalate, not enabled\n");
+        } else if (I->prio_group > runnable) {
+            /* trying to pend a fault which is not immediately
+             * runnable due to masking by PRIMASK, FAULTMASK, BASEPRI,
+             * or the priority of the active exception
+             */
+            DPRINTF(0, " Escalate, mask %d >= %d\n",
+                    I->prio_group, runnable);
+            escalate = 1;
+        }
+        if (escalate) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_NVIC
+            int oldirq = irq;
+            if (runnable < -1) {
+                /* TODO: actual unrecoverable exception actions */
+                cpu_abort(&s->cpu->parent_obj,
+                          "%d in %d escalates to unrecoverable exception\n",
+                          irq, active);
+            } else {
+                irq = ARMV7M_EXCP_HARD;
+            }
+            I = &s->vectors[irq];
+            DPRINTF(0, "Escalate %d to %d\n", oldirq, irq);
+        }
+    }
+    I->pending = 1;
+    if (I->enabled && (I->prio_group < env->v7m.pending_prio)) {
+        env->v7m.pending_prio = I->prio_group;
+        env->v7m.pending = irq;
+        qemu_set_irq(s->excpout, irq > 0);
+    }
+    DPRINTF(0, "Pending %d at %d%s runnable %d\n",
+            irq, I->prio_group,
+            env->v7m.pending == irq ? " (highest)" : "",
+            armv7m_excp_unmasked(s->cpu));
 /* Make pending IRQ active.  */
-int armv7m_nvic_acknowledge_irq(void *opaque)
+void armv7m_nvic_acknowledge_irq(void *opaque)
     nvic_state *s = (nvic_state *)opaque;
-    uint32_t irq;
+    CPUARMState *env = &s->cpu->env;
+    const int pending = env->v7m.pending;
+    const int runnable = armv7m_excp_unmasked(s->cpu);
+    vec_info *I;
-    irq = gic_acknowledge_irq(&s->gic, 0, MEMTXATTRS_UNSPECIFIED);
-    if (irq == 1023)
+    if (!pending) {
         hw_error("Interrupt but no vector\n");
-    if (irq >= 32)
-        irq -= 16;
-    return irq;
+    }
+    assert(pending < s->num_irq);
+    I = &s->vectors[pending];
+    assert(I->enabled);
+    assert(env->v7m.pending_prio == I->prio_group);
+    if (env->v7m.pending_prio > runnable) {
+        hw_error("Interrupt ack. while masked %d > %d",
+                 env->v7m.pending_prio, runnable);
+    }
+    DPRINTF(0, "ACT %d at %d\n", pending, I->prio_group);
+    assert(I->pending);
+    I->active = 1;
+    I->pending = 0;
+    env->v7m.exception = env->v7m.pending;
+    env->v7m.exception_prio = env->v7m.pending_prio;
+    nvic_irq_update(s, 0);
+    assert(env->v7m.exception > 0); /* spurious exception? */
 void armv7m_nvic_complete_irq(void *opaque, int irq)
     nvic_state *s = (nvic_state *)opaque;
-    if (irq >= 16)
-        irq += 16;
-    gic_complete_irq(&s->gic, 0, irq, MEMTXATTRS_UNSPECIFIED);
+    vec_info *I;
+    assert(irq > 0);
+    assert(irq < NVIC_MAX_VECTORS);
+    I = &s->vectors[irq];
+    I->active = 0;
+    I->pending = I->level;
+    assert(!I->level || irq >= 16);
+    nvic_irq_update(s, 1);
+    DPRINTF(0, "EOI %d\n", irq);
+/* Only called for external interrupt (vector>=16) */
+void set_irq_level(void *opaque, int n, int level)
+    nvic_state *s = opaque;
+    vec_info *I;
+    assert(n >= 0);
+    assert(n < NVIC_MAX_IRQ);
+    n += 16;
+    if (n >= s->num_irq) {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* The pending status of an external interrupt is
+     * latched on rising edge and exception handler return.
+     *
+     * Pulsing the IRQ will always run the handler
+     * once, and the handler will re-run until the
+     * level is low when the handler completes.
+     */
+    I = &s->vectors[n];
+    I->level = level;
+    if (level) {
+        DPRINTF(1, "assert IRQ %d\n", n-16);
+        armv7m_nvic_set_pending(s, n-16);
+    } else {
+        DPRINTF(2, "deassert IRQ %d\n", n-16);
+    }
 static uint32_t nvic_readl(nvic_state *s, uint32_t offset)

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