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[Qemu-devel] how could I analysis the trace log?

From: Wei Yang
Subject: [Qemu-devel] how could I analysis the trace log?
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 12:32:26 +0800


I enable the trace function with --enable-trace-backend=simple and I
create the event file like this

Then I start the qemu with following command.
./i386-softmmu/qemu-system-i386 -enable-kvm -drive
file=../../kvm/ubuntu.img -boot dc -m 512 -usb
 -monitor stdio -trace events=qemu_trace_events,file=qemu_trace.log

After some run time, I run the script like:
./scripts/simpletrace.py qemu_trace_events_parse qemu_trace.log

The qemu_trace_events_parse is :

The output looks like:
g_malloc 1.831 addr=0xb945d1f0
g_malloc 2.498 addr=0xb945d1f0
g_realloc 4.715 addr=0x10
g_realloc 1.520 addr=0xc
g_realloc 1.505 addr=0xc

The steps I used is correct?
I just guess the format of input events file of the simpletrace.py.
For so many available events, how could I specify the format of all
those events?

Richard Yang
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