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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC] New Migration Protocol using Visitor Interface

From: Anthony Liguori
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC] New Migration Protocol using Visitor Interface
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 10:44:45 -0500
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On 10/03/2011 10:29 AM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 09:42:02AM -0500, Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 10/03/2011 09:11 AM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 08:43:54AM -0500, Anthony Liguori wrote:
visit_start_array(v, "entries", errp);
for (int i = 0; i<    s->size; i++) {
     visit_type_int(v, NULL,&s->entry[i], errp);
visit_end_array(v, errp);

Sequences can encode structures not just arrays.
How would you encode this for example:


visit_start_array(v, "vqs", errp);
for (i = 0; i<   s->n_vqs; i++) {
     // Array elements never have a name, hence NULL name
     visit_start_struct(v, "VirtQueue", NULL, errp);
     visit_type_int(v,&s->vq[i].num, "vqn", errp);

     // Given this sub-struct an arbitrary name.  It could also be anonymous.
     visit_start_struct(v, "MsixInfo", "msix_info", errp);
     if (s->vq[i].msix_enabled) {
         visit_type_int(v,&s->vq[i].vector, "vector", errp);

Why is this a pointer to vector, btw?

So you can write a single visit function that works for input or output.

Think of the simple case like:

void visit_simple_type(Visitor *v, SimpleType *t, const char *name, Error 
    visit_start_struct(v, "SimpleType", name, errp);
    visit_type_int(v,&t->a, "a", errp);
    visit_type_int(v,&t->b, "b", errp);
    visit_end_struct(v, errp);

Okay, so this actually stores the pointer to the integer somewhere?
So what is the lifetime requirement for this memory?

typedef struct SimpleType
   int a;
   int b;
} SimpleType;

So the Input visitor (reading off of the wire), essentially is:

type_int(Visitor *v, int *value, Error **errp)
   *value = read_int_off_wire;

The Output visitor (writing to the wire), is:

type_int(Visitor *v, int *value, Error **errp)

For how long must it stay around?

There are two interest cases where life cycle matters: pointers to structs and lists.

Right now, Visitors model all structures as pointers to structs. I've been thinking of having two separate interfaces, but for now, it takes:

start_struct(Visitor *v, void **value, size_t size, const char *name, Error 

The output visitor ignores size, but the input visitor essentially does:

   *value = g_malloc0(size);

For QAPI, we actually provide automatic free functions that can free structures that were allocated by a Visitor.

For complex types like Virtio, you need to do a bit more.  You
wouldn't do a simple for () {} loop but instead use the Visitor list
mechanism.  That would eliminate the need to have to marshal n_vqs.


For a list, you need to make your list type compatible with GenericList. Once you've done that, you can do:

    GenericList *i;

    visit_start_list(m, name, errp);

    for (i = visit_next_list(m, (GenericList **)obj, errp);
         i = visit_next_list(m, &i, errp)) {
        TestStructList *native_i = (TestStructList *)i;
        visit_type_TestStruct(m, &native_i->value, NULL, errp);

    visit_end_list(m, errp);

I won't rewrite the virtio code, but hopefully it's clear how you would modify it to work this way.

     visit_end_struct(v, errp);

     visit_end_struct(v, errp);
visit_end_array(v, errp);

This would also generate JSON of:

'vqs': [ { 'vqn': 2, 'msix_info': { 'vector': 3 } } ]

How would optional fields be handled?

As far as the Visitor goes, if something is optional you just don't
encode it. If you need to key off the presence of a field,
presumably you could just check to see whether it succeeded or
failed to visit that field.

It would typically depend on the value.

I'm not 100% sure if you can do a
single input/output visitor when you have optional fields.

My rough thinking is that each device would have a input/output
visitor callback that took the same signature.  That gives the
flexibility of having two separate interfaces but in the common
case, you just pass the same function for both.

the case where first field in a sequence tells
you the meaning of the following ones?

Can you give me the example in ASN.1?


Anthony Liguori

That would be a selection from CHOICE.
Note that CHOICE doesn't affect encoding on the wire:
BER just uses the underlying type.

Ah, so that's a union value. I think we would have to decide how we wanted to model unions. Presumably, the selected CHOICE is indicated by some other field? I would think it's a good idea to use the type information to identify which selection of a CHOICE was chosen.

I had implemented a union type in the old glib branch but that was based on a struct with an enum element and then the appropriate value element.


Anthony Liguori

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