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Qcow2 image issue about fixing leaked clusters

From: jinhao chen
Subject: Qcow2 image issue about fixing leaked clusters
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 22:49:47 +0800

Hi, everyone,

I create a qcow2 image on a logical volume several mouths ago and attach this image to my Qemu vm. It looks well at the beginning, but recently there are some leaked clusters reported by `qemu-img check`. The easiest way to repair these leaked clusters is run `qemu-img check -r leaks /dev/vg/lv`.

In fact, I am curious about how `qemu-img check -r leaks` works, so I read the code about this. And according to the docs, it's better shutdown the vm before running this cmd. Nevertheless, It seems only an extra update_refcount function is enough to fix all leaked clusters, which is also involved during clusters alloc and free. Hence, I am wondering if it is possible to run `qemu-img check -r leaks` when the Qemu vm is running? Is there any risk?

Best regards.

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