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Newbie: Mac 10.4.11 & Syntax

From: Lee
Subject: Newbie: Mac 10.4.11 & Syntax
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 23:16:08 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20071031)

Hello -

First, let me say I have NO idea what I'm talking about. I'm a complete, brand-new newbie, trying to figure this out. So, if this makes no sense, well ..... we all have to start somewhere.

That said, I have two questions: (at least I think I do)

#1) I'm having an impossible time getting PSPP loaded on a double-processor Mac Power PC (Gigabit ethernet model) running 10.4.11. I think I "understand" dependencies and variants, and am trying to load all the listed dependencies for PSPP onto the machine before the actual installation. (I think I understand that PSPP will load dependencies as needed while it installs, but that seemed to take about eight hours, and I thought it perhaps better to load them individually beforehand so I'd have more "control" over the process.) In any case, I get some error messages that are completely cryptic to me.

So, here's my question, if I want to ask the group for help, how much or little of the terminal log (is that right?) should I include with the message? Some of this goes on for pages, and I don't really know what the important parts are to pass along and show people to ask for help. Thanks

#2) I did get PSPP installed on a Windows XP machine, (piece of cake) and discovered the syntax "entry" screen, and I know about the user manual. What I don't know, and can't find anywhere, (including looking through about two dozen unix books to try to get some idea,) is what a syntax command should look like. Could someone send me, please, some very simple syntax text, with an explanation of what it does, so I can see how I should enter things?

I hope these two questions make sense. If they are "wrong" I welcome any 
correction, suggestion, or advice. I'm a newbie, but eager to learn.

Thanks -

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