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[Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_tr.lang, 1.2

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_tr.lang, 1.2
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 07:47:33 +0100

Update of /phpgwapi/setup
Added Files:

date: 2004/12/30 06:47:33;  author: skwashd;  state: Exp;  lines: +539 -0

Log Message:
new HEAD
about %1        common  tr      %1 hakkýnda
access  common  tr      eriþim
access not permitted    common  tr      Eriþim engellendi
account has been created        common  tr      Hesap oluþturuldu
account has been deleted        common  tr      Hesap silindi
account has been updated        common  tr      Hesap güncellendi
acl     common  tr      ACL
action  common  tr      Ýþlemi yap
active  common  tr      Aktif
add     common  tr      Ekle
add %1 category for     common  tr      %1 i kategorisine ekle
add category    common  tr      Kategori ekle
add sub common  tr      Rutin ekle
addressbook     common  tr      Adres defteri
admin   common  tr      Yönetici
administration  common  tr      Yönetim
afghanistan     common  tr      AFGANÝSTAN
albania common  tr      ALBANIA
algeria common  tr      CEZAYÝR
all     common  tr      Hepsi
american samoa  common  tr      AMERÝKAN SAMOA
andorra common  tr      ANDORA
angola  common  tr      ANGOLA
anguilla        common  tr      ANGUILA
antarctica      common  tr      ANTARTÝKA
antigua and barbuda     common  tr      ANTIGUA VE BARBUDA
apply   common  tr      Uygula
april   common  tr      Nisan
are you sure you want to delete this entry ?    common  tr      Bu girdiyi 
silmek istediðinden emin misin ?
argentina       common  tr      ARJANTÝN
armenia common  tr      ERMENÝTAN
aruba   common  tr      ARUBA
august  common  tr      Aðustos
australia       common  tr      AUSTRALYA
austria common  tr      AVUSTURYA
author  common  tr      Yetkili
autosave default category       common  tr      Varsayýlan kategoriyi otomatik 
azerbaijan      common  tr      AZERBAYCAN
back    common  tr      Geri
bad login or password   common  tr      Geçersiz þifre veya kullanýcý adý
bahamas common  tr      BAHAMA ADALARI
bahrain common  tr      BAHREYN
bangladesh      common  tr      BANGLADEÞ
barbados        common  tr      BARBADOS
belarus common  tr      BEYAZ RUSYA
belgium common  tr      BELÇÝKA
belize  common  tr      BELIZE
benin   common  tr      BENIN
bermuda common  tr      BERMUDA
bhutan  common  tr      BUTAN
blocked, too many attempts      common  tr      Bloklandý çok fazla teþebbüs var
bolivia common  tr      BOLÝVYA
bosnia and herzegovina  common  tr      BOSNA - HERSEK
botswana        common  tr      BOTSWANA
bouvet island   common  tr      BOUVET ADASI
brazil  common  tr      BRAZÝLYA
british indian ocean territory  common  tr      ÝNGÝLÝZ HÝNT KARASAL OKYANUSU
brunei darussalam       common  tr      BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
bulgaria        common  tr      BULGARÝSTAN
burkina faso    common  tr      BURKINA FASO
burundi common  tr      BURUNDI
cambodia        common  tr      KAMBOÇYA
cameroon        common  tr      KAMERUN
canada  common  tr      KANADA
cancel  common  tr      Ýptal
cape verde      common  tr      CAPE VERDE
categories      common  tr      Kategoriler
categories for  common  tr      için kategori
category        common  tr      Kategori
category %1 has been added !    common  tr      Kategori %1 eklendi !
category %1 has been updated !  common  tr      Kategori %1 güncellendi !
cayman islands  common  tr      CAYMAN ADALARI
central african republic        common  tr      MERKEZÝ AFRÝKA CUMHURÝYETÝ
chad    common  tr      ÇAD
change  common  tr      Deðiþtir
charset common  tr      iso-8859-9
chile   common  tr      ÞÝLÝ
china   common  tr      ÇÝN
choose the category     common  tr      Kategori seç
choose the parent category      common  tr      Parent kategoriyi seç
christmas island        common  tr      CHRISTMAS ADALARI
clear   common  tr      Temizle
clear form      common  tr      Formu temizle
close   common  tr      Kapat
cocos (keeling) islands common  tr      COCOS (KEELING) ADALARI
colombia        common  tr      KOLOMBÝYA
comoros common  tr      KOMOROS
congo   common  tr      KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the   common  tr      KONGO, DEMOKRATÝK 
cook islands    common  tr      COOK ADALARI
copy    common  tr      Kopyala
costa rica      common  tr      KOSTA RIKA
cote d ivoire   common  tr      COTE D IVOIRE
create  common  tr      Oluþtur
created by      common  tr      Oluþturan
croatia common  tr      HIRVATÝSTAN
cuba    common  tr      KÜBA
currency        common  tr      Para
current common  tr      Þuanki
current users   common  tr      Þuanki kullanýcýlar
cyprus  common  tr      KIBRIS
czech republic  common  tr      ÇEK CUMHURÝYETÝ
date    common  tr      Tarih
date due        common  tr      Direkt tarih
december        common  tr      Aralýk
default category        common  tr      Varsayýlan kategori
delete  common  tr      Sil
denmark common  tr      DANÝMARKA
description     common  tr      Açýklama
detail  common  tr      Detay
details common  tr      Detaylar
disabled        common  tr      Ýnaktif
display monday first    common  tr      Önce pazartesiyi göster
display sunday first    common  tr      Önce pazarý göster
djibouti        common  tr      DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ?  common  tr      Alt 
kategorilerin tümünü de silmek istermisin ?
domain  common  tr      Etki alaný
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1"  common  tr      mail adresi için domain 
adý, örneðin. "%1"
domestic        common  tr      Domestik
dominica        common  tr      DOMÝNÝK
dominican republic      common  tr      DOMÝNÝK CUMHURÝYETÝ
done    common  tr      Bitir
drag to move    common  tr      Taþýmak için sürükle
e-mail  common  tr      E-Posta
east timor      common  tr      DOÐU TIMOR
ecuador common  tr      EKVADOR
edit    common  tr      Düzenle
edit %1 category for    common  tr      %1 kategorisini düzenle
edit categories common  tr      Kategorileri düzenle
edit category   common  tr      Kategori düzenle
egypt   common  tr      MISIR
el salvador     common  tr      EL SALVADOR
email   common  tr      E-posta
email-address of the user, eg. "%1"     common  tr      kullanýcýlarýn e-posta 
adresi, örneðin. "%1"
enabled common  tr      Aktif
end date        common  tr      Baþlangýç tarihi
end time        common  tr      Bitiþ tarihi
entry has been deleted sucessfully      common  tr      Girdi baþarýyla silindi
entry updated sucessfully       common  tr      Girdi baþarýyla güncellendi
equatorial guinea       common  tr      EKVATORAL GÝNE
eritrea common  tr      ERITREA
error   common  tr      Hata
error creating %1 %2 directory  common  tr      %1 %2 Dizini oluþturmada hata
error deleting %1 %2 directory  common  tr      %1 %2 Dizini silmede hata
error renaming %1 %2 directory  common  tr      %1 %2 Dizini yeniden 
isimlendirmede hata
estonia common  tr      ESTONYA
ethiopia        common  tr      ETÝYOPYA
falkland islands (malvinas)     common  tr      FALKLAND ADALARI (MALVINAS)
faroe islands   common  tr      FAROE ADALARI
fax number      common  tr      faz numarasý
february        common  tr      Þubat
fields  common  tr      Alanlar
fiji    common  tr      FIJI
files   common  tr      Doysa
filter  common  tr      Filtre
finland common  tr      FÝNLANDÝYA
first name      common  tr      Ýsim
first name of the user, eg. "%1"        common  tr      kullanýcýnýn ismi, 
örneðin. "%1"
first page      common  tr      Ýlk sayfa
firstname       common  tr      Ýl ad
fixme!  common  tr      ONAR!
force selectbox common  tr      Seçim kutusunu seç
france  common  tr      FRANSA
french guiana   common  tr      FRENCH GUIANA
french polynesia        common  tr      FRENCH POLYNESIA
french southern territories     common  tr      FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
friday  common  tr      Cuma
ftp     common  tr      FTP
fullname        common  tr      Ad-soyad
gabon   common  tr      GABON
gambia  common  tr      GAMBÝYA
general menu    common  tr      Genel menü
georgia common  tr      GEORGIA
germany common  tr      ALMANYA
ghana   common  tr      GANA
gibraltar       common  tr      GIBRALTAR
global  common  tr      Evrensel
global public   common  tr      Evrensel Halk
go today        common  tr      Bugüne git
grant access    common  tr      Eriþim hakký var
greece  common  tr      YUNANÝSTAN
greenland       common  tr      GREENLAND
grenada common  tr      GRENADA
group   common  tr      Grup
group access    common  tr      Grup eriþimi
group has been added    common  tr      Grup eklendi
group has been deleted  common  tr      Grup silindi
group has been updated  common  tr      Grup güncellendi
group name      common  tr      grup adý
group public    common  tr      Grup halký
groups  common  tr      Gruplar
groups with permission for %1   common  tr      %1 için grup izni
groups without permission for %1        common  tr      %1 için izinsiz grup
guadeloupe      common  tr      GUADELOUPE
guam    common  tr      GUAM
guatemala       common  tr      GUATEMALA
guinea  common  tr      GÝNE
guinea-bissau   common  tr      GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana  common  tr      GUYANA
haiti   common  tr      HAÝTÝ
heard island and mcdonald islands       common  tr      HEARD ADASI AND 
help    common  tr      Yardým
high    common  tr      Yüksek
highest common  tr      En yüksek
holy see (vatican city state)   common  tr      HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
home    common  tr      Ev
honduras        common  tr      HONDURAS
hong kong       common  tr      HONG KONG
hungary common  tr      MACARÝSTAN
iceland common  tr      ICELAND
india   common  tr      HÝNDÝSTAN
indonesia       common  tr      ENDONEZYA
international   common  tr      Uluslararasý
invalid ip address      common  tr      Geçersiz IP adresi
invalid password        common  tr      Geçersiz þifre
iran, islamic republic of       common  tr      ÝRAN, ÝSLAM CUMHURÝYETÝ
iraq    common  tr      IRAK
ireland common  tr      IRLANDA
israel  common  tr      ISRAÝL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password   common  tr      
Þifre deðiþikliðinden bu zaman kadar %1 gün geçti
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current 
version      common  tr      Tablolarýnýzý þuanki versiyona güncellemeniz 
tavsiye edilir.
italy   common  tr      ÝTALYA
jamaica common  tr      JAMAÝKA
january common  tr      Ocak
japan   common  tr      JAPONYA
jordan  common  tr      JORDAN
july    common  tr      Temmmuz
june    common  tr      Haziran
kazakstan       common  tr      KAZAKÝSTAN
kenya   common  tr      KENYA
keywords        common  tr      Anahtar kelime
kiribati        common  tr      KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of   common  tr      KORE DEMOKRATÝK 
korea, republic of      common  tr      KORE CUMHURÝYETÝ
kuwait  common  tr      KUVAYT
kyrgyzstan      common  tr      KIRGIZÝSTAN
language        common  tr      Dil
lao peoples democratic republic common  tr      LAO PEOPLES DEMOKRATÝK 
last name       common  tr      Ýkinci ad
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common  tr      kullanýcýnýn ikinci adý, 
örneðin. "%1"
last page       common  tr      Son sayfa
lastname        common  tr      Ýkinci ad
latvia  common  tr      LETONYA
lebanon common  tr      LÜBNAN
lesotho common  tr      LESOTO
liberia common  tr      LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya  common  tr      LIBYA ARAP JAMAHIRIYA
license about   tr      Lisans
liechtenstein   common  tr      LIECHTENSTEIN
list    common  tr      Liste
lithuania       common  tr      LÝTVANYA
local   common  tr      yerel
login   common  tr      giriþ
loginid common  tr      GiriþID
logout  common  tr      Çýkýþ
low     common  tr      Düþük
lowest  common  tr      Endüþük
luxembourg      common  tr      LÜKSEMBURG
macau   common  tr      MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of      common  tr      MAKEDONIA, THE 
madagascar      common  tr      MADAGASKAR
mail domain, eg. "%1"   common  tr      mail domaini, örneðin. "%1"
main category   common  tr      Ana kategori
main screen     common  tr      Ana ekran
maintainer      about   tr      Bakýmý yapan
malawi  common  tr      MALAWI
malaysia        common  tr      MALEZYA
maldives        common  tr      MALDÝVLAR
mali    common  tr      MALI
malta   common  tr      MALTA
manual  common  tr      Manuel
march   common  tr      Mart
marshall islands        common  tr      MARSHALL ADALARI
martinique      common  tr      MARTINIK
mauritania      common  tr      MAURITANIA
mauritius       common  tr      MAURITIUS
may     common  tr      Mayýs
mayotte common  tr      MAYOTTE
medium  common  tr      Orta
menu    common  tr      Menü
message common  tr      Mesaj
mexico  common  tr      MEKSIKA
micronesia, federated states of common  tr      MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
moldova, republic of    common  tr      MOLDOVA, CUMHURÝYETÝ
monaco  common  tr      MONAKO
monday  common  tr      Pazartesi
mongolia        common  tr      MONGOLYA
montserrat      common  tr      MONTSERRAT
morocco common  tr      FAS
mozambique      common  tr      MOZAMBÝK
myanmar common  tr      MYANMAR
name    common  tr      Ýsim
name of the user, eg. "%1"      common  tr      kullanýcý ismi, örneðin. "%1"
namibia common  tr      NAMÝBYA
nauru   common  tr      NAURU
nepal   common  tr      NEPAL
netherlands     common  tr      HOLLANDA
netherlands antilles    common  tr      NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
never   common  tr      Asla
new caledonia   common  tr      YENÝ CALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully     common  tr      Yeni girdi baþarýyla eklendi
new main category       common  tr      Yeni ana kategori
new value       common  tr      Yeni deðer
new zealand     common  tr      YENÝ ZELANDA
next    common  tr      Sonraki
next month (hold for menu)      common  tr      sonraki ya (menü için saklanýr)
next page       common  tr      Sonraki sayfa
next year (hold for menu)       common  tr      Sonraki yýl (menü için saklar)
nicaragua       common  tr      NÝKARAGUA
niger   common  tr      NIGER
nigeria common  tr      NIJERYA
niue    common  tr      NIUE
no      common  tr      Hayýr
no entries found, try again ... common  tr      giriþ bulunamadý, tekrar 
deneyin ...
no history for this record      common  tr      Bu kaydýn geçmiþ bilgileri yok
no subject      common  tr      Baþlýk yok
none    common  tr      Yok
norfolk island  common  tr      NORFOLK ADASI
normal  common  tr      Normal
northern mariana islands        common  tr      NORTHERN MARIANA ADALARI
norway  common  tr      NORVEÇ
not assigned    common  tr      atanmamýþ
note    common  tr      Not
notes   common  tr      Notlar
notify window   common  tr      Uyarý penceresi
november        common  tr      Kasým
october common  tr      Ekim
ok      common  tr      Tamam
old value       common  tr      Eski deðer
oman    common  tr      OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common  tr      *nix sistemlerde tip: %1
only private    common  tr      sadece özel
only yours      common  tr      sadece sizinkiler
open notify window      common  tr      Açýk uyarý penceresi
open popup window       common  tr      Açýk popup penceresi
original        common  tr      Orjinal
other   common  tr      Diðer
overview        common  tr      Genel bakýþ
owner   common  tr      Sahip
pakistan        common  tr      PAKÝSTAN
palau   common  tr      PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common  tr      PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
panama  common  tr      PANAMA
papua new guinea        common  tr      PAUPA YENÝ GÝNE
paraguay        common  tr      PARAGUAY
parcel  common  tr      Parsel
parent category common  tr      Parent Kategori
password        common  tr      Þifre
password could not be changed   common  tr      Þifre deðiþtirilemedi
password has been updated       common  tr      Þifre deðiþtirildi
pattern for search in addressbook       common  tr      Adres defterinde arama 
yapmak için kriter
pattern for search in calendar  common  tr      Takvimde arama yapmak için 
pattern for search in projects  common  tr      Projelerde arama yapmak için 
permissions to the files/users directory        common  tr      kullanýcý/dosya 
personal        common  tr      Kiþisel
peru    common  tr      PERU
philippines     common  tr      FÝLÝPÝNLER
phone number    common  tr      tel numarasý
pitcairn        common  tr      PITCAIRN
please %1 by hand       common  tr      Lütfen %1 elle
please enter a name     common  tr      Lütfen ad girin !
please run setup to become current      common  tr      Lütfen güncel olmak 
için kurulum yapýn
please select   common  tr      Lütfen seçin
please set your global preferences      common  tr      Lütfen glabol 
tercihlerinizi düzenleyin !
please set your preferences for this application        common  tr      Lütfen 
bu uygulama için tercihlerinizi yapýn !
please wait...  common  tr      Lütfen bekleyin...
poland  common  tr      POLONYA
portugal        common  tr      PORTEKÝZ
postal  common  tr      Postakodu
powered by phpgroupware version %1      common  tr      <a 
href="";>phpGroupWare</a> tarafýndan 
geliþtirlmiþtir,versiyon %1
preferences     common  tr      Tercihler
prev. month (hold for menu)     common  tr      Önceki Ay (menü için saklanýr)
prev. year (hold for menu)      common  tr      Önceki Yýl (menü için saklanýr)
previous page   common  tr      Önceki sayfa
print   common  tr      Yazdýr
priority        common  tr      Öncelik
private common  tr      Özel
project common  tr      Proje
public  common  tr      halk
puerto rico     common  tr      PORTO RÝKO
qatar   common  tr      KATAR
read    common  tr      Oku
read this list of methods.      common  tr      Bu yöntem listesini okuyun.
register_globals = %1   common  tr      register_globals = %1
register_globals_off    common  tr      Bu uygulama  register_globals = off ile 
test edildi php.ini dosyasýnda.  Bu uygulama çoðunlukla PHP 4.1.0+ serverlarda 
çalýþýr.  Eðer bir sorun yaþarsanýz, lütfen bu adrese gönderin <a 
register_globals_on     common  tr      Bu uygulama register_globals = off ile 
test edilmemiþtir php.ini dosyasýnda.  Bu uygulama register_globals = on  
olmasýný gerektirir php.ini dosyasýnda.  Daha fazla bilgi için register_globals 
= on, bakýnýz <a 
target="_blank"></a>.  If you experience any problems, please report 
them on our bug tracker at <a 
reject  common  tr      Reddet
rename  common  tr      Yeniden adlandýr
returns a full list of accounts on the system.  warning: this is return can be 
quite large      common  tr      Sistemdeki hesaplarýn listesini döndürür.  
Dikkat: Bu dönüþ çok geniþ olabilir
returns an array of todo items  common  tr      Returns an array of todo items
returns struct of users application access      common  tr      Kullanýclarýn 
uygulama erþim yapýsýný döndürür
reunion common  tr      REUNION
romania common  tr      ROMANYA
russian federation      common  tr      RUSYA FEDERASYONU
rwanda  common  tr      RWANDA
saint helena    common  tr      SAINT HELENA
saint kitts and nevis   common  tr      SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
saint lucia     common  tr      SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon       common  tr      SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines        common  tr      SAINT VINCENT AND THE 
samoa   common  tr      SAMOA
san marino      common  tr      SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe   common  tr      SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
saturday        common  tr      Cumartesi
saudi arabia    common  tr      SUUDÝ ARABÝSTAN
save    common  tr      Kaydet
search  common  tr      Ara
section common  tr      Bölüm
select  common  tr      Seçim
select category common  tr      Kategori seçin
select date     common  tr      Seçim tarihi
select group    common  tr      Grup seçin
select one      common  tr      Bir tanesini seçin
select user     common  tr      Kullanýcý seçin
send    common  tr      Hönder
senegal common  tr      SENEGAL
september       common  tr      Eylül
server %1 has been added        common  tr      Server %1 eklendi
server name     common  tr      Server Adý
session has been killed common  tr      Oturum kapatýldý
setup   common  tr      Kur
seychelles      common  tr      SEYCHELLES
show all        common  tr      hepsini göster
showing %1      common  tr      %1 gösteriliyor
showing %1 - %2 of %3   common  tr      %1 - %2 / %3 gösteriliyor
sierra leone    common  tr      SIERRA LEONE
singapore       common  tr      SINGAPORE
slovakia        common  tr      SLOVAKYA
slovenia        common  tr      SLOVENYA
solomon islands common  tr      SOLOMON ADALARI
somalia common  tr      SOMALÝ
sorry, your login has expired   login   tr      Üzgünüm oturumunuz zaman 
aþýmýna uðeadý
south africa    common  tr      GÜNEY AFRÝKA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands    common  tr      SOUTH GEORGIA 
spain   common  tr      ÝSPANYA
sri lanka       common  tr      SRI LANKA
start date      common  tr      Baþlangýç tarihi
start time      common  tr      Baþlangýç süresi
status  common  tr      Durum
subject common  tr      Baþlýk
submit  common  tr      Gönder
substitutions and their meanings:       common  tr      Yerine koymalar ve 
sudan   common  tr      SUDAN
sunday  common  tr      Pazar
suriname        common  tr      SOYAD
svalbard and jan mayen  common  tr      SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
swaziland       common  tr      SWAZILAND
sweden  common  tr      ÝSVEÇ
switzerland     common  tr      ÝSVÝÇRE
syrian arab republic    common  tr      SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
taiwan, province of china       common  tr      TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA
tajikistan      common  tr      TACÝKÝSTAN
tanzania, united republic of    common  tr      TANZANYA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
thailand        common  tr      THAILAND
the api is current      common  tr      The API is current
the api requires an upgrade     common  tr      API'nin güncellenmesi gerekiyor
the following applications require upgrades     common  tr      Aþagýdaki 
uygulamalar güncellenmeli
the mail server returned        common  tr      Mail sunucu geri döndürdü
this application is current     common  tr      Bu uygulama güncel
this application requires an upgrade    common  tr      Bu uygulamanýn 
güncellenmesi gerekiyor 
this name has been used already common  tr      Bu isim tekrar kullanýlmýþ !
thursday        common  tr      Perþembe
time    common  tr      Süre
time zone       common  tr      Zamandilimi
time zone offset        common  tr      Zaman dilimi baskýsý
title   common  tr      Baþlýk
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the  common  
tr      Gelecekte bu hatayý görmemek için özellikle düzenlemeye ihtiyacýnýz 
olduðu þey
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common  tr      Mesaj 
listesine geri dönmek için, <a href="%1">buraya</a> týklayýn
today   common  tr      Bugün
todays date, eg. "%1"   common  tr      bugünün tarihi, örneðin. "%1"
toggle first day of week        common  tr      Haftanýn ilk gününü iþaretle
togo    common  tr      TOGO
tokelau common  tr      TOKELAU
tonga   common  tr      TONGA
total   common  tr      Toplam
trinidad and tobago     common  tr      TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
tuesday common  tr      Salý
tunisia common  tr      TUNUS
turkey  common  tr      TÜRKÝYE
turkmenistan    common  tr      TÜRKMENÝSTAN
turks and caicos islands        common  tr      TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
tuvalu  common  tr      TUVALU
uganda  common  tr      UGANDA
ukraine common  tr      UKRAYNA
united arab emirates    common  tr      BÝRLEÞÝK ARAP EMÝRLÝKLERÝ
united kingdom  common  tr      ÝNGÝLTERE
united states   common  tr      BÝRLEÞÝK DEVLETLER
united states minor outlying islands    common  tr      UNITED STATES MINOR 
unknown common  tr      Bilinmeyen
update  common  tr      Güncelle
url     common  tr      URL
uruguay common  tr      URUGUAY
use button to search for        common  tr      Bir þey aram için butonu 
use button to search for address        common  tr      Adres aramak için 
butonu kullanýn
use button to search for calendarevent  common  tr      Tarih olayý aramak için 
butonu kullanýn
use button to search for project        common  tr      Proje arama için butonu 
user    common  tr      Kullanýcý
user accounts   common  tr      kullanýcý hesaplarý
user groups     common  tr      kullanýcý gruplarý
username        common  tr      Kullanýcýadý
users   common  tr      kullanýcýlar
users choice    common  tr      Kullanýcý seçimi
uzbekistan      common  tr      ÖZBEKÝSTAN
vanuatu common  tr      VANUATU
venezuela       common  tr      VENEZUELA
version common  tr      Versiyon
viet nam        common  tr      VÝETNAM
view    common  tr      Gör
virgin islands, british common  tr      VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
virgin islands, u.s.    common  tr      VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
wallis and futuna       common  tr      WALLIS AND FUTUNA
wednesday       common  tr      Çarþamba
welcome common  tr      Hoþgeldiniz
western sahara  common  tr      WESTERN SAHARA
which groups    common  tr      Hangi grup
wk      common  tr      wk
written by:     common  tr      Yazan:
year    common  tr      Yýl
yemen   common  tr      YEMEN
yes     common  tr      Evet
you are required to change your password during your first login        common  
tr      Ýlk girþinizde þifrenizi deðiþtirmeniz gerekiyor
you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for 
common  tr      Veritanýnýzýn kurulumundaki phpGroupWare den daha yeni bir 
phpGroupWare sürümü kullanýyorsunuz.
you have been successfully logged out   login   tr      Çýkýþ iþleminiz baþarýlý
you have not entered a title    common  tr      Bir baþlýk girmediniz
you have not entered a valid date       common  tr      Geçerli bir tarih 
you have not entered a valid time of day        common  tr      Geçerli bir 
saat girmediniz
you have not entered participants       common  tr      Katýlýmcý girmediniz
you have selected an invalid date       common  tr      Geçersiz bir tarih 
seçtiniz !
you have selected an invalid main category      common  tr      Geçersiz bir 
ana kategori seçtiniz !
you have successfully logged out        common  tr      Çýkýþ iþleminiz baþarýlý
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br>      common  tr      Mesajýnýz 
your message has been sent      common  tr      Mesajýnýz gönderildi
your search returned %1 matchs  common  tr      arama sonuçlarý %1 adet
your search returned 1 match    common  tr      arama sonucu 1 adet
your session could not be verified.     login   tr      Oturumunuz 
your settings have been updated common  tr      Ayarlarýnýz güncellendi
yugoslavia      common  tr      YUGOSLAVYA
zambia  common  tr      ZAMBÝYA
zimbabwe        common  tr      ZÝMBABWE

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