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[Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/inc/, 1.2

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/inc/, 1.2
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 07:47:30 +0100

Update of /phpgwapi/inc
Added Files:

date: 2004/12/30 06:47:30;  author: skwashd;  state: Exp;  lines: +590 -0

Log Message:
new HEAD
        * Logic for the javascript addressbook
        * @author Alex Borges <address@hidden>
        * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
        * @license GNU General Public 
        * @package gui
        * @subpackage utilities

        * Logic for the javascript addressbook
        * This class will handle all data. 
        * This means that the state of the abstraction we call the cool 
addressbook chooser 
        * is here.... THE STATE! Nothing webish about this file. This file will 
no receive ever variables 
        * from HTTP_POST or GET. That is for the UI class to handle. This class 
has methods that receive 
        * parameters so you  can use it from anyware.
        * @package phpgwapi
        * @subpackage gui
        class bojsaddressbook
                var $soaddressbook;
                * Private contacts object
                * @var object phpgwapi.contacts object
                * @access private
                var $contacts;
                * The state of the three possible destination boxes
                * @var array The state of the three possible destination boxes
                * This thing will have the title of the destination boxes and 
their content 
                * This class is session cache enabled. When you solicit the 
content of this boxes 
                * this class may get it from cache if it thinks its necesary 
the boxes are named 
                * toselectbox,ccselectbox  and bccselectbox. 
                * @access private
                var $destboxes;
                * Query for the contacts class
                * @var array Holds the parameters
                * The contact class takes as parameters: integers: 
                * The cols array that has the fields that should be returned.
                * The query string that returns whatever matches the given 
string for the fields provided
                * the filter string to match against non contact fields. The 
sort boolean and the extra sort_by parameter
                * to sort by a given field.
                * @access private
                var $contactquery;
                * Actual user data
                * @var array Actual user data that we have gotten from contacts
                * @access private
                var $queryresults;
                * Cache expire flag
                * @var string Cache expire flag
                * @access private
                var $cachestate="dirty";
                var $debug = False;
                * Results from querying the contacts backend
                * @var array Results from querying the contacts backend
                * @access private
                var $result;
                * Tells the backends which fields to get from the contacts 
backend for FULL QUERIES
                * @var array Tells the backends which fields to get from the 
contacts backend for FULL QUERIES
                * Full queries are made upon construction of this object. They 
are different from single 
                * queries in that full queries are supposed to get a list of 
contacts, each having their 
                * own fields given by this array.
                * @access private
                var $mass_query_cols = array (
                * Tells the backends which fields to get from the contacts 
backend for SINGLE QUERIES
                * @var array Tells the backends which fields to get from the 
contacts backend for SINGLE QUERIES
                * This queries happen when you call the get_userdata method to 
get the record of a single entry 
                * in the contacts backend. To add a field to fetch back from 
userdata you need to add the field 
                * you want here.
                * Also, in class.uijsaddressbook there is a translation array 
that has
                * the names of each field in english. Use it to decide what 
values to add here
                * @access private
                var $single_query_cols =  array (
                        'per_last_name' ,
                        'contact_id' ,
                var $commtypes= array(
                        'work email' => 'work email'
                * Not used at the moment
                * @var boolean Not used at the moment
                * @access private
                var $use_session=true;
                var $filters;

                * Constructor
                * @param array $contactquery Contains the following fields:
                * 'order' sort order ASC or DESC
                * 'categories' Categories string for categories class ,1,2 or 
1,2 are valid strings for category number 1 and 2
                * 'filter' Explained bellow in the parse_contactquery discussion
                * 'query' Freestyle query to match against any fields in a mass 
                * 'sort' The field to sort by "n_give" will sort by name
                * 'directory_uid' Owner User ID for search or empty
                * @param $queryresults Unused, might use it for caching state 
purposes later on
                * This function checks its cache. All parameters are optional. 
If called with no parameters
                * the class will assume all that it needs is in the cache and 
will get it from there
                * If a contactquery value is supplied, the class will desregard 
its cache and go fetch the whole
                * query again.
                * @internal To be truth, its actually quite stupid and we 
should be using more intelligence to decide
                * if the cache is stale.... for example, caching the result 
form parse_contactquery and
                * compare it with what results from parsing the incoming 
contactquery. If its the same,
                * we shouldnt refetch.
                function bojsaddressbook($contactquery="",$queryresults="")
                        $this->contactsobject = 
                        $this->boaddressbook = 

                        //the idea is that here, right here, nowhere else, do 
we decide what to keep
                        //from the cache and what to go and query again
                                //Searching freely in all fields
                                        //print '<br /><strong>DIRECTORY 
QUERY</strong><br />';
                                        $data['result'] = 
$this->mass_query_cols,'','','','',array('contact_id' => 

                                        //print "<br 
/><strong>".print_r($this->mass_query_cols)." searcvhing".
                                        $precriteria = 
                                                $contactquery['query'], '');
                                        $data['result'] = 

                                if(count($data['result']) > 0)
                                        //print '<br><strong>Fed to 
comm_contact'.print_r($contacts).'</strong><br />';
                                        $entries_comm = 
                                        //print '<br /><strong>entries 
com'.var_export($entries_comm).'</strong><br />';
                                //print '<strong><br />DATA<BR></strong>';

                function merge_emails_to_results($result,$entries_comm)
                        foreach($result as $key => $data)
                                        $result[$key]['email'] = 
$entries_comm[$key]['work email'];
                        return $result;

                * Parses an incoming contactquery into what the contacts 
backend likes to see in a query
                * @param array $contactquery Contains the following fields:
                * 'order' sort order ASC or DESC
                * 'categories' Categories string for categories class ,1,2 or 
1,2 are valid strings for category number 1 and 2
                * 'filter' Explained bellow in the parse_contactquery discussion
                * 'query' Freestyle query to match against any fields in a mass 
                * 'sort' The field to sort by "n_give" will sort by name
                * 'directory_uid' Owner User ID for search or empty
                * This ignores the start and offset parameters as they are 
somehow obsolete in this version. 
                * Its strange, I know, but maybe we will want to optimize later 
what we want to fetch from 
                * the contacts backend by this parameters so all other 
functions respect and think that this
                * one builds the start and offset.
                function parse_contactquery($contactquery)
                        //print '<br /><strong>Contactyquery</strong><br />';
                        foreach ($contactquery as $k => $v)
                                case 'filter':
                                        case 'none':
                                                //$this->filters ['owner'] = 
                                        case 'user_only':
                                                //$this->filters['owner'] = 
                                        case 'directory':
                                        case 'private':
                                                //$this->filters['owner'] = 
                                                //$this->filter['access'] = 
                                case 'categories':
                                case 'query':
                                                $this->filters['query'] = $v;
                                case 'in':
                                        $this->filters['contact'] = 
                                }//end switch
                        }//end while
                        //print "<br /> built query";
                }//end function

                * Causes the class to forget its query cache. 
                * This does not forget the destination boxes, only the mass 
                function forget_query()

                * Gets the record info described by the single_query_cols array
                * @param integer $addy_id The record's id in the contacts 
                * @return array Field=>value pair that actually has the whole 
record for the given id. 
                * As you can see, the values it gets back are given by the 
single_query_cols attribute 
                * which you can change to get more data
                function recordinfo($addy_id)
                        //print "<br /><strong>CID".$addy_id."</strong><br />";
                        $entry = $this->contactsobject->get_persons(
$this->single_query_cols,"","","","",array("contact_id" => "$addy_id"));
                                return false;
                        return $entry[0];

                * This function saves the destboxes into the cache
                * @param array $destboxes Array of destbox arrays that we want 
save in the cache
                function save_destboxes($destboxes)

                * Get the destination boxes
                * @return array|boolean Destboxes or false
                function get_destboxes()
                        if(!is_array($this->destboxes) || 
(count($this->destboxes)<1) )
                                return $this->destboxes;
                        return false;

                * Will unset the live destbox corresponding to destboxname
                * @param $destboxname The name of the destbox which serves as 
key to the destboxes array
                * @return array|boolean Destboxes or false
                * Note that this method will not forget the destbox from the 
                * I thought it a bit unneded for the particular application 
since I wanted this function to 
                * iterate through the destboxes array and unset them one by 
one. This means that
                * this one only operates on real, already in memory (not in 
cache) destboxes.
                * For the cache to reflect this change, you need to 
                * after calling this.
                function forget_destbox($destboxname)
                                return $this->destboxes;
                        return false;

                * Will forget all the destboxes, then save the changes to the 
                function forget_destboxes()
                                foreach($destboxesnames as $name)

                * This functions saves in cache the destination boxes values
                * @param array $aryboxes The new destboxes array
                * @param array $deleted An array of booleans with keys similar 
to the destboxes array
                * If a given destination box has a true entry here, it will be 
removed in the cache
                * @return array We return what we couldn't find in cache so the 
caller can evaluate if he needs to refresh his info
                * Note that this function can be mistaken by the save_destboxes 
                * Different things completely. This one takes an array of 
destboxes. The keys to this array
                * are the destboxes names. Inside each array, there are uid => 
name pairs. Note the absence
                * of an email field. The incoming aryboxes have NO email field 
                * What we do here, is try and find the corresponding email 
fields either in cache or directly
                * in our mass query cache and set that field correctly to save 
it in cache
                * @internal This function is redundant, inneficient and dead 
slow. Not to say complex and unreadable
                * Please change this please please please.
                * Previous disclaimer said, it works now, and will release this 
                function set_destboxes($aryboxes,$deleted='')
                        //print "<br />SAVed DESTBOXES<br />";
                        //We get our own destboxes from the cache
                        //We iterate into each box
                                //print $ak." ".$li."<br />";
                                //print "<br />";
                                //We make shure this box has an array in it
                                        //We iterate into the incoming box to 
                                        //for its values in the cache
                                                //print "<br /> Iterating 
aryboxes $numary";    
                                                //Look for this record in the 
cached destboxes
                                                        //Well, we found that 
we have this destboxed cached so
                                                        //now we will iterate 
through that
                                                                //We will try 
and get each addressbook key
                                                                //out of the 
cached destbox
                                                                //print "<br /> 
Iterating destboxes $id -> $name / $sid $sname";        
                                                                //So we can 
compare it and set the email field in it
"<br /> found $id in $ak";
"<br /> seting mail to $arysave[email]";

                                                //couldnt find it in saved 
destboxes, lookfor ir in result
                                                //This redundant POSH makes me 
                                                //Now we look into our names not shure why, if i 
                                                //try and evade this search 
when i find it in the cache, 
                                                //it all goes borken
                                                //We iterate into the query 
                                                if(strpos($id, 'id_')!==false)
$categoryobject->app_name = 'addressbook';

                                                        $cat_id = substr($id,3);
                                                        //$cat_name = 
                                                        //$cat_email = 
                                                        $cat_email = 
$retboxes[$ak][$id]['email']= $ary['email'];
$retboxes[$ak][$id]['name']= $name;
                                                                //print "<br> 
Iterating results $id   ---> $name <br>$record[id]---> $record[email]";
                                                                //Found what we 
are looking for
                                                                if($id == 
the mail record to what it should be
"<br> seting mail to $record[email] <br>";
$ary['email']=($record["email"] ? $record["email"] : $record["home_email"]);
$retboxes[$ak][$id]['email']= $ary['email'];
$retboxes[$ak][$id]['name']= $name;
                                        //print "<br />Saving $ak from 
destination data $deleted[$ak]<br />";
                                        //Delete the destboxes that need 
                        //print "<br />modified<br />";
                        //Save the resulting destboxes
                        //print("<br />Set destboxes in ". 
($GLOBALS['debug_timer_stop'] - $GLOBALS['debug_timer_start']) . " seconds.");
                        //We return what we couldnt find in cache so the caller 
can evaluate
                        //if he needs to refresh his info...
                        return $retboxes; 

                * Saves the data into the app session cache
                * @param string $data The data to be saved
                * @param string $location Data locations, when no location is 
given, it will save into jsbook_data otherwise in jsbook_data_location
                * This is important cause we sometimes only need the destboxes 
and not the whole queries so we only get what we need
                function save_sessiondata($data,$location="")
                        if ($this->use_session)
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data',"jsbook_".($location ? 
'_'.$location :""),$data);
                                echo '<br>Saving: ';

                * Gets data out of the appsesion cache
                * @param string $location Data locations, when no location is 
given, it will save into jsbook_data otherwise in jsbook_data_location
                * This is important cause we sometimes only need the destboxes 
and not the whole queries so we only get what we need
                * @return array Appsession data for jsbook
                function read_sessiondata($location="")
                        $data = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','jsbook_'.($location ? 
'_'.$location :""));
                                echo '<br>Read: ';
                        return $data;

                * Changes a false addressbook field into the correct string in 
the current language
                * @param string $fieldname Addressbook field name
                function display_name($fieldname)

                function get_persons_by_list($list)
                                $criteria = 
                                $new = sql_criteria::token_and($criteria, 
$this->contactsobject->search_comm_descr('work email')));
                                $persons = 
$this->contactsobject->get_persons(array('per_full_name', 'comm_data'), '', '', 
'', '', '', $new);
                                        $persons = array();
                                foreach($persons as $data)
                                        $persons_list[] = array('name' => 
                        return $persons_list;

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