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[Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/doc/ldap/UPDATE, 1.2

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/doc/ldap/UPDATE, 1.2
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 07:47:29 +0100

Update of /phpgwapi/doc/ldap
Added Files:

date: 2004/12/30 06:47:29;  author: skwashd;  state: Exp;  lines: +71 -0

Log Message:
new HEAD
/* $Id: */

These update instructions ONLY are valid if you want to update
the phpgroupware.schema file (Version 1.0) from 0.9.16-RC2
to the phpgroupware.schema file (Version 1.1)
See the phpgroupware.schema file to get your current version.

        1. Make a backup copy of your LDAP database.
                In most cases you just have to backup the directory
        2. Export all existing phpgw-accounts to a file:
                ldapsearch -x -W -h <ldap host> -D <binddn> -b <basedn> 
objectclass=phpgwAccount > /tmp/export.ldif

                Replace <ldap host> (for example: localhost)
                Replace <binddn> (for example: cn=admin,dc=probusiness,dc=de)
                Replace <basedn> (for example: ou=people,dc=probusiness,dc=de)
                You will find all your phpgw accounts in the file 
        3. Delete all phpgw-accounts:
                To get a complete list of all DNs we have to delete, type in
                following command:
                cat /tmp/export.ldif | grep dn:
                Following command will delete ONE LDAP entry:
                ldapdelete -h <ldap host> -D <binddn> -x -W "<dn>"
                Replace <dn> with one DN of the list.
                Repeat the ldapdelete command for all DNs of your list.
        4. Alter your export.ldif file:
                Edit the export.ldif file and
                search for: accountStatus
                replace it with: phpgwAccountStatus
                search for: accountExpires
                replace it with: phpgwAccountExpires

                search for: lastLogin
                replace it with: phpgwLastLogin

                search for: lastLoginFrom
                replace it with: phpgwLastLoginFrom

                search for: lastPasswordChange
                replace it with: phpgwLastPasswordChange
                Save the export.ldif file.
        5. Replace schema file:
                Stop your LDAP server:
                /etc/init.d/slapd stop (debian)
                /etc/init.d/ldap stop (suse)
                Replace the phpgroupware.schema file with the actual version.
                Start you LDAP server again:
                /etc/init.d/slapd start
                /etc/init.d/ldap start
        6. Import the export.ldif file:
                ldapadd -h <ldap host> -D <binddn> -x -W -f /tmp/export.ldif

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