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[Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_nl.lang, 1.14

From: nomail
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_nl.lang, 1.14
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 07:47:33 +0100

Update of /phpgwapi/setup
Added Files:

date: 2004/12/30 06:47:33;  author: skwashd;  state: Exp;  lines: +134 -135

Log Message:
new HEAD
access  common  nl      Toegang
access type     common  nl      Toegangstype
account has been created        common  nl      Account is aangemaakt
account has been deleted        common  nl      Account is verwijderd
account has been updated        common  nl      Account is bijgewerkt
account preferences     common  nl      Account voorkeuren
add     common  nl      Toevoegen
admin   common  nl      admin
administration  common  nl      Administratie
april   common  nl      April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ?    common  nl      Weet u zeker 
dat u dit item wilt verwijderen?
august  common  nl      Augustus
cancel  common  nl      Annuleren
change  common  nl      Veranderen
charset common  nl      iso-8859-1
clear   common  nl      Wissen
clear form      common  nl      Formulier wissen
comments        common  nl      Opmerkingen
copy    common  nl      Kopieren
create  common  nl      Maken
created by      common  nl      Gemaakt door
current users   common  nl      huidig aantal gebruikers
date    common  nl      datum
date hired      common  nl      Datum in dienst
december        common  nl      December
delete  common  nl      Verwijderen
done    common  nl      Gereed
e-mail  common  nl      E-mail
edit    common  nl      Bewerken
email   common  nl      E-mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully      common  nl      Item succesvol 
entry updated sucessfully       common  nl      Item succesvol bijgewerkt
error   common  nl      Fout
exit    common  nl      Einde
february        common  nl      Februari
files   common  nl      Bestands
filter  common  nl      Filter
first name      common  nl      Voornaam
friday  common  nl      Vrijdag
ftp     common  nl      FTP
global public   common  nl      Toegang Openbaar
group access    common  nl      Groepstoegang
group has been added    common  nl      Groep is toegevoegd
group has been deleted  common  nl      Groep is verwijderd
group has been updated  common  nl      Groep is bijgewerkt
group public    common  nl      Toegang voor groep
groups  common  nl      Groepen
help    common  nl      Help
high    common  nl      Hoog
home    common  nl      Start
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password   common  nl      
Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd
january common  nl      Januari
july    common  nl      Juli
june    common  nl      Juni
last name       common  nl      Achternaam
last page       common  nl      laaste pagina
location        common  nl      Locatie
login   common  nl      Aanmelden
logout  common  nl      Afmelden
low     common  nl      Laag
march   common  nl      Maart
may     common  nl      Mei
medium  common  nl      Gemiddeld
mobile  common  nl      Mobiel
monday  common  nl      Maandag
name    common  nl      Naam
new entry added sucessfully     common  nl      Nieuw item succesvol toegevoegd
new phrase has been added       common  nl      Nieuwe zin is toegevoegd
next page       common  nl      volgende pagina
no      common  nl      Nee
none    common  nl      Geen
normal  common  nl      Normaal
november        common  nl      November
october common  nl      Oktober
ok      common  nl      OK
on *nix systems please type: %1 common  nl      Op *nix systemen typt u: %1
only yours      common  nl      alleen eigen weergeven
original        common  nl      Origineel
pager   common  nl      Buzzer
password        common  nl      Wachtwoord
password has been updated       common  nl      Wachtwoord is gewijzigd
permissions to the files/users directory        common  nl      privileges aan 
de bestanden/gebruikers toekennen
phone   common  nl      Telefoon
please %1 by hand       common  nl      Gelieve %1 handmatig uit te voeren
powered by phpgroupware version %1      common  nl      Deze site werkt met <a 
href="";>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences     common  nl      Voorkeuren
previous page   common  nl      Vorige pagina
print   common  nl      Afdrukken
priority        common  nl      Prioriteit
private common  nl      Privé
rename  common  nl      Hernoemen
saturday        common  nl      Zaterdag
save    common  nl      Opslaan
search  common  nl      Zoeken
september       common  nl      September
session has been killed common  nl      Sessie is beëindigd
show all        common  nl      laat alles zien
showing %1      common  nl      weergegeven: %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3   common  nl      weergegeven: %1 - %2 van %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request.     common  nl      Sorry, 
er is een probleem opgetreden met het verwerken van uw verzoek.
status  common  nl      status
submit  common  nl      Verzenden
sunday  common  nl      Zondag
thursday        common  nl      Donderdag
time    common  nl      tijd
time tracking   common  nl      Tijdregistratie
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the  common  
nl      Om deze fout te in de toekomst te voorkomen moet u de juiste
total   common  nl      Totaal
tuesday common  nl      Dinsdag
updated common  nl      Bijgewerkt
users   common  nl      gebruikers
vacation hours per year common  nl      Jaarlijks aantal verlofuren
vacation hours used     common  nl      Gebruikte verlofuren
view    common  nl      Bekijken
wednesday       common  nl      Woensdag
which groups    common  nl      welke groepen
yes     common  nl      Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login        common  
nl      U moet na de eerste keer inlogggen uw eerste sessie uw wachtwoord 
you have 1 new message! common  nl      U hebt 1 nieuw bericht!
you have %1 new messages!       common  nl      U hebt %1 nieuwe berichten!
your message has been sent      common  nl      Uw bericht is verzonden
your search returned 1 match    common  nl      Uw zoekopdracht leverde 1 item 
your search returned %1 matchs  common  nl      Uw zoekopdracht leverde %1 
items op
your settings have been updated common  nl      Uw instellingen zijn gewijzigd
powered by phpgroupware version %1      all     nl      Deze site werkt met <a 
href=>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
bad login or password   common  nl      Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord
login   login   nl      Aanmelden
password        login   nl      Wachtwoord
phpgroupware login      login   nl      pgpGroupWare aanmelding
sorry, your login has expired   login   nl      Sorry, uw sessie is verlopen
use cookies     login   nl      gebruik koekjes
username        login   nl      gebruikersnaam
you have been successfully logged out   login   nl      U bent succesvol 
your session could not be verified.     login   nl      Uw sessie kon niet 
geverifieerd worden

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